is a social media app that utilizes the MERN stack and is hosted on Heroku.
Users can create an account to share their goals with others. A goal is broken down into tasks and users can give kudos to others when a task is completed or shared. The application helps track goals and utilizes an API to display motivational quotes while connecting others with like-minded people.
- Sign Up at
- React
- Express
- Node
- MongoDB
- CSS: Material UI
- Javascript
- JSON Web Token (JWT)
- Node Packages: serve-favicon, morgan, mongoose, dotenv, bcrypt, react-router-dom, react-helmet, gridfs, multer, react-filepond
- They Said So - Quotes API
- Coming Soon!
- Users can create an account.
- Users can login or logout.
- Users can see a motivational quote.
- Users can view an account page.
- Users can add a goal.
- Users can complete or remove tasks.
- Users can edit goal descriptions.
- Users can view loading screens.
- Users can update their bio.
- Users can be frustrated by features that look implemented but do not yet function (ex. search).
- Integrate other social media services - ex. Share to LinkedIn
- Job currency
- Direct messaging
- Mobile app integration with API
- Mentors and task sharing
- Integrate stats API
- Integrate graphing API
- Optimize code readability (eliminate redundancies)
- Most deletions in one day: 721
- Most insertions in one day: 990
- Most tired: Me