diff --git a/mira/dkg/resources/unit_names.tsv b/mira/dkg/resources/unit_names.tsv index e03780cc9..54b9577c4 100644 --- a/mira/dkg/resources/unit_names.tsv +++ b/mira/dkg/resources/unit_names.tsv @@ -1,1016 +1,1016 @@ -1 I;unit;+1;unity;one;①;Ⅰ;₁;¹;١;১;๑;1 (number);ⅰ;multiplicative identity;number 1;number one -1593_english_statute_mile British Imperial mile;English statute mile;1593 English statute mile -acre ac;acres -ampere A;amp -ampere_hour Ah;A h;A⋅h;amp hour;ampere-hour;ampere hour -ampere_minute ampere minute -ampere_second ampere-second;ampere second -ampere_second_metre ampere second meter;ampere second metre -apothecaries_drachm dram;drachm;apothecaries' dram;apothecaries' drachm -apothecaries_ounce apothecaries' ounce -apothecaries_pound apothecaries' pound -apothecaries_scruple scruple;apothecary scruple;apothecaries' scruple -arbitrary_unit arb. unit;p.d.u.;procedure defined unit;arbitrary unit -arcminute ′;MOA;arc minute;arcmin;minute;minute of arc;minuit;minuits;min.;mins.;minutes of arc -arcsecond second;″;arc second;arc-sec;arcsec;second of arc -are -astronomical_unit AU;astronomic unit;ua;astronomical unit -atto a -attoampere aA -attobecquerel aBq -attocandela -attocoulomb -attodegree_celsius a°C;attodegree Celsius -attoelectronvolt aeV -attofarad aF -attogram ag -attogray aGy -attohenry aH -attohertz -attojoule -attokatal -attokelvin -attoliter attoliter -attolumen -attolux -attometer am;attometer -attomole amol -attonewton aN -attoohm aΩ -attoparsec apc -attopascal -attoradian -attosecond as -attosiemens -attosievert -attosteradian -attotesla aT -attovolt -attowatt -attoweber -bar bar (pressure) -barn -baud Bd -becquerel Bq -bel B -bel_10_nanovolt bel 10 nanovolt -bel_kilowatt bel kilowatt -bel_microvolt bel microvolt -bel_millivolt bel millivolt -bel_sound_pressure_level SPL;B SPL;B(SPL);dBSPL;bel sound pressure level -bel_volt bel volt -bel_watt bel watt -bethesda_unit BU;Bethesda unit -biot -bit b -board_foot board-foot;Mfbm;Mmfbm;Super foot;Superficial foot;board foot -bodansky_unit Bodansky unit -boltzmann_constant Boltzmann constant -british_imperial_fathom fathom;fathom (UK);imperial fathom;British Imperial fathom -british_imperial_foot foot (British Imperial);foot (UK);British Imperial foot -british_imperial_inch British inch;inch (UK);UK inch;British Imperial inch -british_imperial_nautical_mile British Imperial nautical mile -british_imperial_rod rod (UK);British Imperial rod -british_imperial_yard British Imperial yard -byte B;octet;8-bit byte;eight-bit byte;u8 -candela cd -candela_metre candela metre -candela_steradian candela steradian -candela_steradian_second candela steradian second -carat CD;ct;karat;metric carat -carat K;karat;kt -centi c -centiampere -centibecquerel cBq -centicandela -centicoulomb cC -centidegree_celsius c°C;centidegree Celsius -centielectronvolt ceV -centifarad cF -centigram cg -centigray cGy -centihenry cH -centihertz cHz -centijoule -centikatal -centikelvin cK -centiliter centiliter;cL -centilumen clm -centilux clx -centimeter cm;centimeter;㎝ -centimetre_of_mercury centimetre of mercury -centimetre_of_water centimeter of water;centimetre of water -centimole cmol -centinewton cN -centinewton_metre centinewton metre -centiohm cΩ -centipascal -centipoise cP -centiradian crad -centisecond 1 E-2 s -centisiemens cS -centisievert cSv -centisteradian csr -centistokes cSt -centitesla cT -centivolt -centiwatt -centiweber cWb -chain ch;Gunter's chain;surveyor's chain;chains -cicero -circle ⭕;⚪;round shape -circular_mil circular thou;circular mil -cord -coulomb -coulomb_meter C m;C·m;coulomb-meter;coulomb meter -curie Ci -dalton u;Da;amu;atomic mass unit;unified atomic mass unit -day d;Earth day;days -deca da -decaampere -decabecquerel daBq -decacandela -decacoulomb daC -decadegree_celsius da°C;decadegree Celsius -decaelectronvolt daeV;dekaelectronvolt -decafarad daF -decagram dag -decagray daGy -decahenry daH -decahertz daHz -decajoule -decakatal -decakelvin daK;dekakelvin -decaliter dal;decaliter -decalumen dalm -decalux dalx -decameter dam;decameter;dekameter -decamole damol;dekamole -decanewton daN -decaohm daΩ;dekaohm -decapascal daPa -decaradian darad -decare daa -decasecond 1 E1 s -decasiemens daS -decasievert daSv -decasteradian dasr -decatesla daT -decavolt -decawatt -decaweber daWb -deci d -deciampere -deciare -decibar -decibecquerel dBq -decibel dB -decicandela -decicoulomb dC -decidegree_celsius d°C;decidegree Celsius -decielectronvolt deV -decifarad dF -decigram dg -decigray dGy -decihenry dH -decihertz dHz -decijoule -decikatal -decikelvin dK -deciliter dL;deciliter -decilumen dlm -decilux dlx -decimeter decimeter;dm -decimole -decinewton dN -decinewton_meter decinewton meter -deciohm dΩ -decipascal -deciradian drad -decisecond ds;1 E-1 s -decisiemens dS -decisievert dSv -decisteradian dsr -decitesla dT -decitonne -decivolt -deciwatt -deciweber dWb -degree °;angular degree;arcdegree;degree of arc -degree_celsius °C;℃;Celsius;centigrade;degree centigrade;degrees Celsius;degrees centigrade;degree Celsius -degree_celsius_difference Celsius degree difference;degree Celsius difference -degree_fahrenheit Fahrenheit;°F;degree Fahrenheit -degree_rankine degrees Rankine;degree Rankine -degree_réaumur degree Réaumur -denier -didot_point Didot point -dimensionless_unit dimensionless unit -dioptre diopter -drop metric drop -dry_quart quart (US dry);US dry quart;dry quart -dye_unit Dye unit -dyne -e_cm ecm;e cm -ehrlich_unit Ehrlich unit -electron_mass electron rest mass;electron mass -electronvolt electron volt;eV -electronvolt_second electronvolt-second;electronvolt second -elementary_charge elementary electric charge;elementary positive charge;elementary charge -elisa_unit ELISA unit -erg -exa E -exaampere -exabecquerel EBq -exabit Eb;Ebit -exabyte EB -exacandela -exacoulomb EC -exadegree_celsius E°C;exadegree Celsius -exaelectronvolt EeV -exafarad EF -exagram Eg -exagray EGy -exahenry EH -exahertz -exajoule -exakatal -exakelvin EK -exaliter exaliter -exalumen Elm -exalux Elx -exameter Em;exameter -examole -exanewton EN -exaohm EΩ -exapascal -exaradian Erad -exasecond 1 E18 s -exasiemens ES -exasievert ESv -exasteradian Esr -exatesla ET -exavolt -exawatt -exaweber EWb -farad F -fathom U.S. survey fathom;US survey fathom -femto f -femtoampere -femtobecquerel fBq -femtocandela -femtocoulomb fC -femtodegree_celsius f°C;femtodegree Celsius -femtoelectronvolt feV -femtofarad fF -femtogram fg -femtogray fGy -femtohenry fH -femtohertz -femtojoule fJ -femtokatal -femtokelvin fK -femtoliter fl;femtoliter;fL -femtolumen flm -femtolux flx -femtometer fm;femtometer;fermi -femtomole fmol -femtonewton fN -femtoohm fΩ -femtopascal -femtoradian frad -femtosecond fs;1 E-15 s -femtosiemens fS -femtosievert fSv -femtosteradian fsr -femtotesla fT -femtovolt -femtowatt -femtoweber fWb -fluid_ounce Imp.fl.oz.;imperial fluid ounce;UK fluid ounce;fluid ounce -french_gauge Charrière;French gauge -gal galileo -gauss Gs -gibi Gi -gibibit Gib;Gibit -gibibyte GiB -giga G;giga- -gigaampere -gigabecquerel GBq -gigabit Gib;Gb;Gbit -gigabyte G;GB;Gbyte -gigacandela -gigacoulomb GC -gigadegree_celsius G°C;gigadegree Celsius -gigaelectronvolt GeV -gigafarad GF -gigagram Gg;kiloton -gigagray GGy -gigahenry GH -gigahertz GHz;㎓ -gigajoule -gigakatal -gigakelvin GK -gigaliter gigaliter -gigalumen Glm -gigalux Glx -gigameter Gm;gigameter -gigamole Gmol -giganewton GN -gigaohm GΩ -gigaparsec Gpc -gigapascal GPa -gigaradian Grad -gigasecond 1 E9 s -gigasiemens GS -gigasievert GSv -gigasteradian Gsr -gigatesla GT -gigatonne gigaton -gigavolt GV -gigawatt GW -gigawatt_hour gigawatt-hour;GWh;gigawatt hour -gigaweber GWb -gilbert Gb -gill US gill -gill imperial gill -grade gradient;pitch;incline;rise;slope -gradian gon;grad;grade -grain wheat grain -gram g;gm;gramme;grams -gram_force gram-force -gram_percent gram percent -gravitational_constant G;Newton's gravitational constant;Newtonian constant of gravitation;gravitational constant -gray Gy -gregorian_year average Gregorian year;mean Gregorian year;Gregorian year -hand -hectare ha;㏊ -hecto h -hectoampere -hectobar -hectobecquerel hBq -hectocandela -hectocoulomb hC -hectodegree_celsius h°C;hectodegree Celsius -hectoelectronvolt heV -hectofarad hF -hectogram hg -hectogray hGy -hectohenry hH -hectohertz hHz -hectojoule -hectokatal -hectokelvin hK -hectoliter hl;hectoliter -hectolumen hlm -hectolux hlx -hectometer hm;hectometer -hectomole hmol -hectonewton hN -hectoohm hΩ -hectopascal hPa -hectoradian hrad -hectosecond 1 E2 s -hectosiemens hS -hectosievert hSv -hectosteradian hsr -hectotesla hT -hectovolt -hectowatt -hectoweber hWb -henry H -hertz Hz -high_power_field HPF;high power field;high-power field -hounsfield_unit Hounsfield unit -hour hr;h;60 minutes;hours;hrs;sixty minutes -imperial_horsepower bhp;British horsepower;Horse-power;horsepower;mechanical horsepower;imperial horsepower -inch U.S. survey inch;US survey inch -inch_of_mercury ″Hg;inch of mercury column;inches of mercury;inHg;inch of mercury -inch_of_water Aq;wc;in H20;inAq;inch of water column;inch of water gauge;inch water column;inches of water;inch of water -international_fathom fathom;international fathom -international_foot ′;foot;ft;feet;imperial feet;imperial foot;international feet;international foot -international_inch in;″;imperial inch;imperial inches;inch;inches;international inches;international inch -international_mil mil;international mil -international_mile statute mile;imperial mile;imperial miles;international miles;mile;miles;international mile -international_nautical_mile international nautical mile -international_unit IU;international unit -international_yard yard;imperial yard;imperial yards;international yards;yards;yd;international yard -joule J -joule_second joule-second;Js;joule second -julian_year year;a;mean Julian year;Julian year -katal -kayser rydberg -kelvin K;Kelvin degrees -kelvin_difference kelvin difference -kibi Ki -kibibit Kib -kibibyte kilobyte;KiB -kilo k;kilo- -kiloampere kA;kiloamp -kiloannum ka;kiloyear;kyr;thousand years ago -kilobar -kilobecquerel kBq -kilobit kb;kbit;Kbit;Kilobit -kilobyte kB -kilocalorie calorie;food calorie;kilogram calorie;large calorie;thermochemical kilocalorie -kilocandela kcd -kilocoulomb kC -kilocurie -kilodegree_celsius k°C;kilodegree Celsius -kiloelectronvolt keV -kilofarad kF -kilogram kg;kilo;kilogramme;kilograms -kilogram_force kg force;kg-f;kg-force;kg-w;kgf;kilogram force;kilogram weight;kilogram-weight;kilopond;kp;kilogram-force -kilogram_force_meter kilogram-force meter -kilogray kGy -kilohenry kH -kilohertz kHz;㎑ -kilojoule J;kJ -kilokatal -kilokelvin kK -kiloliter kiloliter;kL -kilolumen -kilolux klx -kilometer kilometer;km -kilomole -kilonewton kN -kilonewton_meter kilonewton meter -kiloohm kΩ;kilohm -kiloparsec kpc -kilopascal kPa -kiloradian krad -kiloroentgen kiloröntgen -kilosecond 1 E3 s -kilosiemens kS -kilosievert kSv -kilosteradian ksr -kilotesla kT -kilotonne metric kilotonne -kilovolt kV -kilovolt_ampere kilovolt-ampere;kVA;kilovolt ampere -kilovolt_ampere_hour kilovolt ampere hour;kilovolt-ampere hour -kilowatt kW -kilowatt_hour kilowatt-hour;kilowatthour;kWh;kilowatt hour -kiloweber kWb -knot kn;kt;node;international knot;kts -kunkel_unit Kunkel unit -lambert L -light_year l.y.;light year;light years;light-years;lightyear;lightyears;ly;light-year -ligne line;Paris line -line -link link for Gunter's chain;Gunter's link -link_for_ramsdens_chain link for Ramden's chain;link for Ramsden's chain -liquid_quart quart (US);US liquid quart;liquid quart -liter l;L;liter;liters;litres -liter_atmosphere liter atmosphere;liter atmosphere -long_hundredweight cwt;British hundredweight;cwt long;hundred weight (UK);hundredweight (British);hundredweight (UK);imperial hundredweight;long hunderdweight;long hundredweights;long hundredweight -long_ton ton;displacement ton;gross ton;imperial ton;long tons;long tons (UK);UK t;weight ton;long ton -low_power_field LPF;low power field;low-power field -lumen lm -lumen_hour lumen hour -lumen_second lumen second -lux lx -lux_hour lux hour -lux_second lux second -mac_lagan_unit Mac Lagan unit -magnetic_constant permeability of free space;permeability of vacuum;vacuum permeability;magnetic constant -maxwell Mx -mean_calorie calorie;calorie (mean);mean calorie -mean_gregorian_month mean Gregorian month -mean_julian_month Julian month;mean Julian month -mebi Mi -mebibit Mib;Mibit -mebibyte MiB -mega M;mega- -megaampere mA;mega amp -megabecquerel MBq -megabit Mb;Mbit -megabyte MB;Mbyte -megacandela -megacoulomb MC -megadegree_celsius M°C;megadegree Celsius -megaelectronvolt MeV -megaerg -megafarad MF -megagram Mg;ton -megagray MGy -megahenry MH -megahertz MHz;㎒ -megajoule MJ -megakatal -megakelvin MK -megaliter megaliter -megalumen Mlm -megalux Mlx -megameter megameter;Mm -megamole Mmol -meganewton MN -meganewton_meter meganewton meter -megaohm MΩ;megohm -megaparsec Mpc -megapascal MPa;㎫;N/mm²;Mega Pascal;Newton per millimeter squared -megaradian Mrad -megasecond 1 E6 s -megasiemens MS -megasievert MSv -megasteradian Msr -megatesla MT -megatonne -megavolt MV -megavolt_ampere MVA;megavolt-ampere;megavolt ampere -megawatt MW -megawatt_hour megawatt-hour;megawatthour;MWh;megawatt hour -megaweber MWb -mesh -metabolic_equivalent MET;Metabolic Equivalent of Task;metabolic equivalent -meter m;meter;meters;mètre;metres -metre_kelvin m.K;meter kelvin;meter-kelvin;metre kelvin -metre_of_mercury meter of mercury;meter of mercury column;metre of mercury column;metre of mercury -metre_of_water conventional metre of water;meter of water;meter of water column;metre of water column;metre of water -metre_second meter second;metre second -metre_to_the_fourth_power m⁴;metre to the power four;metre to the power of four;quartic meter;metre to the fourth power -metre_to_the_power_of_six m⁶;metre to the power of six -metric_ounce metric ounce -metric_ton t;metric ton;ton;metric ton -mho -micro 10^-6;µ -microampere µA;㎂ -microarcsecond microarcsec -microbar -microbecquerel µBq -microcandela -microcoulomb µC -microcurie -microdegree_celsius µ°C;microdegree Celsius -microelectronvolt µeV -microfarad μF;microfarads;uf -microgram mcg;microgramme;micrograms;µg -microgray µGy -microhenry µH -microhertz µHz -microjoule µJ -microkatal -microkelvin µK -microliter microliter;µL -microlumen µlm -microlux µlx -micrometer micrometer;micron;um;µm -micromho -micromole umol;μmol -micronewton µN -micronewton_meter micronewton meter -microohm µΩ -micropascal μPa -micropascal_second μPa·s;micropascal second -microradian µrad -microsecond 1 E-6 s;μs -microsiemens µS -microsievert µSv -microsteradian µsr -microtesla µT -microvolt -microwatt µW -microwatt_hour microwatt hour;µWh;microwatt-hour -microweber -milli m -milliampere mA;㎃;milliamperes -milliampere_hour mA h;mA⋅h;mAh;milliamp hour;milliampere-hour;milliampere hour -milliampere_second milliampere-second;milliampere second -milliarcsecond mas -millibar mbar -millibarn -millibecquerel mBq -millicandela mcd -millicoulomb mC -millicurie -millidegree_celsius m°C;millidegree Celsius -millielectronvolt meV -millifarad mF -milligram mg;milligramme -milligray mGy -millihenry mH -millihertz mHz -millijoule -millikatal -millikelvin mK -milliliter milliliter;mL -millilumen mlm -millilux mlx -millimeter mil;mm;millimeter -millimeter_of_mercury millimeter of mercury;mm Hg;mmHg;millimeter of mercury -millimetre_of_water millimeter of water;millimeters of water;millimetres of water;mm h20;mm H2O;mm wc;mm wg;mmH2O;mmwc;mmwg;millimetre of water -millimole mmol -millinewton mN -millinewton_meter millinewton meter -milliohm mΩ -millipascal -millipascal_second millipascal-second;mPa·s;millipascal second -milliradian mil;mils;mrad -millirem milliroentgen aequivalent men -milliroentgen milliröntgen -millisecond ms -millisiemens mS -millisievert mSv -millisteradian msr -millitesla mT -millivolt mV -millivolt_ampere millivolt-ampere -milliwatt mW -milliwatt_hour milliwatt hour;milliwatt-hour -milliweber mWb -minute min;minutes;mins;minuit;minuits;min.;mins. -molar_equivalent eq;equivalent;chemical equivalent;molar equivalent -mole mol -month months -nano n -nanoampere nA;nanoamp -nanobecquerel nBq -nanocandela -nanocoulomb nC -nanodegree_celsius n°C;nanodegree Celsius -nanoelectronvolt neV -nanofarad nF -nanogram ng -nanogray nGy -nanohenry nH -nanohertz -nanojoule -nanokatal -nanokelvin nK -nanoliter nanoliter;nL -nanolumen nlm -nanolux nlx -nanometer nm;nanometer -nanomole nmol -nanonewton nN -nanoohm nΩ -nanopascal -nanoradian nrad -nanosecond ns -nanosiemens nS -nanosievert nSv -nanosteradian nsr -nanotesla nT -nanovolt -nanowatt -nanoweber nWb -neper Np -newton N -newton_centimetre newton centimetre -newton_meter newton meter;N m;N·m;newton-meter;newton-metre;Nm;newton meter -newton_metre_second newton metre second -newton_second N s;N·s;newton-second;newton second -oersted Oe -ohm Ω -ohm_centimeter ohm centimeter -ohm_meter ohm meter;ohm meter -osmole -ounce oz;℥;avoirdupois ounce;ounce (avoirdupois);ounces;oz. -pace -paris_foot pied;French foot;Parisian foot;Paris foot -paris_inch French inch;pouce;Paris inch -parsec pc;parallax of one second;parallax second -pascal Pa -pascal_second pascal second -peck -peck imperial peck -pennyweight dwt;pennyweights;Troy pennyweight -percent %;pct.;percentage -peripheral_vascular_resistance_unit PRU;P.R.U.;peripheral vascular resistance unit -permittivity_of_vacuum electric constant;permittivity of free space;vacuum electric permittivity;vacuum permittivity;permittivity of vacuum -peta P -petaampere -petabecquerel PBq -petabit Pb;Pbit -petabyte PB -petacandela -petacoulomb PC -petadegree_celsius P°C;petadegree Celsius -petaelectronvolt PeV -petafarad PF -petagram Pg -petagray -petahenry PH -petahertz -petajoule -petakatal -petakelvin PK -petaliter petaliter -petalumen Plm -petalux Plx -petameter Pm;petameter -petamole Pmol -petanewton PN -petaohm PΩ -petapascal -petaradian Prad -petasecond 1 E15 s -petasiemens PS -petasievert PSv -petasteradian Psr -petatesla PT -petavolt -petawatt -petawatt_hour petawatt hour -petaweber PWb -phot ph -pi π;Archimedes' constant;pi number;ratio of circumference to diameter;3.14... -pica -pico p -picoampere pA;picoamp -picobecquerel pBq -picocandela -picocoulomb pC -picodegree_celsius p°C;picodegree Celsius -picoelectronvolt peV -picofarad pF -picogram pg -picogray pGy -picohenry pH -picohertz -picojoule -picokatal -picokelvin pK -picoliter picoliter;pL -picolumen plm -picolux plx -picometer pm;picometer -picomole pmol -piconewton pN -picoohm pΩ -picopascal -picoradian prad -picosecond ps -picosiemens pS -picosievert pSv -picosteradian psr -picotesla pT -picovolt -picowatt -picoweber pWb -pint imperial pint -planck_constant h;𝒉;Planck's constant;Planck constant -plaque_forming_unit PFU;plaque-forming unit -point pt -poise -pound avoirdupois pound;lb;lbm;lbs;pound (avoirdupois);pound (mass);pound mass;pound-mass;pounds -pound_force lb;pound;lbf;pound (weight);pound force;pound of force;pound weight;pound-weight;poundforce;pound-force -power_of_10 power of ten;powers of ten;power of 10 -printers_pica Printer's pica -printers_point Printer's point -prism_dioptre prism diopter;prism dioptre -protein_nitrogen_unit protein nitrogen unit -proton_mass proton rest mass;proton mass -quart imperial quart -quarter_of_an_hour quarter of an hour -rad Radiation Absorbed Dose -radian rad -ramsden_chain engineer's chain;Ramden's chain;Ramsden chain -reciprocal_angstrom inverse angstrom;per angstrom;reciprocal angstrom -reciprocal_centimeter inverse centimetre;reciprocal centimeter -reciprocal_day inverse day;per day;reciprocal day -reciprocal_decimeter inverse decimetre;reciprocal decimeter -reciprocal_farad inverse farad;per farad;reciprocal farad -reciprocal_henry henry to the power minus one;inverse henry;per henry;yrneh;reciprocal henry -reciprocal_hour inverse hour;per hour;reciprocal hour -reciprocal_kelvin inverse kelvin;per kelvin;reciprocal kelvin -reciprocal_kelvin_difference inverse kelvin difference;kelvin difference to the power minus one;reciprocal kelvin difference -reciprocal_kilometer inverse kilometre;reciprocal kilometer -reciprocal_megaannum inverse megaannum;inverse megayear;per megaannum;per megayear;reciprocal megayear;reciprocal megaannum -reciprocal_megakelvin reciprocal megakelvin -reciprocal_meter 1/m;inverse meter;inverse metre;m^-1;m⁻¹;metre to the power minus one;per meter;per metre;permeter;permetre;reciprocal meter;reciprocal meter -reciprocal_millimeter inverse millimetre;reciprocal millimeter -reciprocal_minute inverse minute;per minute;reciprocal minute -reciprocal_mole per mole;inverse mole;reciprocal of mole;reciprocal mole -reciprocal_month inverse month;per month;reciprocal month -reciprocal_pascal inverse pascal;pascal to the power minus one;per pascal;reciprocal pascal -reciprocal_pascal_second reciprocal pascal second -reciprocal_second 1 per second;1/s;inverse second;per second;s^-1;s⁻¹;second to the power minus one;reciprocal second -reciprocal_steradian inverse steradian;sr⁻¹;steradian to the power minus one;reciprocal steradian -reciprocal_week inverse week;per week;reciprocal week -reciprocal_year inverse year;per year;reciprocal year -rod rod (US survey);rods;U.S. survey rod;U.S. survey rods;United States survey rod;United States survey rods;US survey rod;US survey rods -roentgen R;röntgen -roentgen_equivalent_man rem;Roentgen equivalent man -second s;sec;sec.;seconds -section survey section;township section -short_hundredweight cental;cwt;hundredweight (US);sh cwt;short hundredweights;short hundredweight -short_ton ton;U.S. ton;US t;US ton;short ton -siemens S -sievert Sv -small_calorie cal;calorie (thermochemical);gram calorie;thermochemical calorie;small calorie -smoot -somogyi_unit Somogyi unit -speed_of_light_in_vacuum speed of light;light speed;lightspeed;Planck speed;speed of electromagnetic waves in vacuum;speed of light in a vacuum;vacuum speed of light;velocity of light;luminal speed;light speed in vacuum;speed of light in vacuum -sphere 2-sphere -standard_acceleration_of_free_fall g;g-force;acceleration due to gravity on Earth;g_0;g_n;g's;gee;gravities;standard acceleration of gravity;standard gravity;standard acceleration of free fall -standard_atmosphere atmosphere;atm;standard atmosphere -steradian sr;square radian -stere st;stère -stilb candela per square centimeter;candela per square centimetre;sb -stokes St;stoke -stone st;stone (UK);stones -survey_township township;congressional township;survey township -svedberg S;Sv -synodic_month synodal month;synodic month -teaspoon metric teaspoon;teaspoonful -tebi Ti -tebibyte TB;TiB -technical_atmosphere at;technical atmosphere -tera T;tera- -teraampere -terabecquerel TBq -terabit Tb -terabyte TB;TByte -teracandela -teracoulomb TC -teradegree_celsius T°C;teradegree Celsius -teraelectronvolt teraelectron volt;TeV -terafarad TF -teragram Tg;megaton -teragray TGy -terahenry TH -terahertz THz -terajoule -terakatal -terakelvin TK -teraliter teraliter -teralumen Tlm -teralux Tlx -terameter Tm;terameter -teramole Tmol -teranewton TN -teraohm TΩ -terapascal -teraradian Trad -terasecond 1 E12 s -terasiemens TS -terasievert TSv -terasteradian Tsr -teratesla TT -teravolt -terawatt TW -terawatt_hour terawatt-hour;terawatthour;TWh;terawatt hour -teraweber TWb -tesla T -tex -todd_unit Todd unit -township -tropical_year solar year;tropical year -troy_ounce oz t;t oz;troy ounce -troy_pound t lb;troy pounds;troy pound -united_states_pharmacopeia_unit United States Pharmacopeia unit -united_states_survey_link link;link for Gunter's chain;links;U.S. survey link;U.S. survey links;United States survey links;US survey link;US survey links;United States survey link -us_customary_cup cup;US cup;customary cup;US customary cup -us_legal_cup cup;legal cup;US cup;US legal cup -us_survey_acre acre (US survey);U.S. survey acre;US survey acre -us_survey_furlong U.S. survey furlong;US survey furlong -us_survey_mil U.S. survey mil;US survey mil -us_survey_yards 1893 Mendenhall yard;Mendenhall yard;Mendenhall yards;statue yard;statue yards;U.S. survey yard;U.S. survey yards;United States survey yard;United States survey yards;US survey yard;US survey yards -volt V;KV -volt_ampere VA;V·A;volt-ampere;voltampere;volt ampere -volt_ampere_hour volt-ampere hour -volt_ampere_second volt-ampere second -volt_meter volt meter;volt meter -volt_second volt second -watt W -watt_hour Wh;watt-hour;watt hour -watt_second W s;W·s;watt-second;watt second -weber Wb -weber_meter weber meter;weber meter -week weekly;week duration;weeks -white_blood_cell_count WBC;leucocyte;leucocyte count;leucocyte number;Leukocyte Count;white blood cell;white blood cell number;white blood cell count -winchester_gallon historical Winchester gallon;Winchester gallon -wine_gallon gallon;Queen Anne's gallon;Queen Anne's wine gallon;wine gallon -wood_unit Wood U.;Wood unit -year a;anno;annum -yocto y -yoctoampere -yoctobecquerel yBq -yoctocandela -yoctocoulomb yC -yoctodegree_celsius y°C;yoctodegree Celsius -yoctofarad yF -yoctogram yg -yoctogray yGy -yoctohenry yH -yoctohertz -yoctojoule -yoctokatal -yoctokelvin yK -yoctoliter yoctoliter -yoctolumen ylm -yoctolux ylx -yoctometer ym;yoctometer -yoctomole ymol -yoctonewton yN -yoctoohm yΩ -yoctopascal -yoctoradian yrad -yoctosecond ys -yoctosiemens yS -yoctosievert ySv -yoctosteradian ysr -yoctotesla yT -yoctovolt -yoctowatt -yoctoweber yWb -yotta Y -yottaampere -yottabecquerel YBq -yottabit Yb;Ybit -yottabyte YB -yottacandela -yottacoulomb YC -yottadegree_celsius Y°C;yottadegree Celsius -yottaelectronvolt YeV -yottafarad YF -yottagram Yg -yottagray YGy -yottahenry YH -yottahertz -yottajoule YJ -yottakatal -yottakelvin YK -yottaliter yottaliter -yottalumen Ylm -yottalux Ylx -yottameter Ym;yottameter -yottamole -yottanewton YN -yottaohm YΩ -yottapascal -yottaradian Yrad -yottasecond -yottasiemens YS -yottasievert YSv -yottasteradian ysr -yottatesla YT -yottavolt -yottawatt -yottaweber YWb -zepto z -zeptoampere -zeptobecquerel zBq -zeptocandela -zeptocoulomb -zeptodegree_celsius zeptodegree Celsius -zeptofarad -zeptogram zg -zeptogray zGy -zeptohenry zH -zeptohertz -zeptojoule -zeptokatal -zeptokelvin -zeptoliter zeptoliter;zL -zeptolumen -zeptolux -zeptometer zm;zeptometer -zeptomole zmol -zeptonewton zN -zeptoohm zΩ -zeptopascal -zeptoradian -zeptosecond -zeptosiemens zS -zeptosievert zSv -zeptosteradian -zeptotesla -zeptovolt -zeptowatt -zeptoweber -zetta Z -zettaampere -zettabecquerel -zettabit Zb;Zbit -zettabyte ZB -zettacandela -zettacoulomb -zettadegree_celsius Z°C;zettadegree Celsius -zettaelectronvolt ZeV -zettafarad ZF -zettagram Zg -zettagray -zettahenry -zettahertz -zettajoule ZJ -zettakatal -zettakelvin -zettaliter zettaliter -zettalumen Zlm -zettalux -zettameter zettameter;Zm -zettamole -zettanewton ZN -zettaohm ZΩ -zettapascal -zettaradian Zrad -zettasecond -zettasiemens ZS -zettasievert ZSv -zettasteradian Zsr -zettatesla ZT -zettavolt -zettawatt -zettaweber ZWb -ångström angstrom \ No newline at end of file +1 +1593_english_statute_mile +acre +ampere +ampere_hour +ampere_minute +ampere_second +ampere_second_metre +apothecaries_drachm +apothecaries_ounce +apothecaries_pound +apothecaries_scruple +arbitrary_unit +arcminute +arcsecond +are +astronomical_unit +atto +attoampere +attobecquerel +attocandela +attocoulomb +attodegree_celsius +attoelectronvolt +attofarad +attogram +attogray +attohenry +attohertz +attojoule +attokatal +attokelvin +attoliter +attolumen +attolux +attometer +attomole +attonewton +attoohm +attoparsec +attopascal +attoradian +attosecond +attosiemens +attosievert +attosteradian +attotesla +attovolt +attowatt +attoweber +bar +barn +baud +becquerel +bel +bel_10_nanovolt +bel_kilowatt +bel_microvolt +bel_millivolt +bel_sound_pressure_level +bel_volt +bel_watt +bethesda_unit +biot +bit +board_foot +bodansky_unit +boltzmann_constant +british_imperial_fathom +british_imperial_foot +british_imperial_inch +british_imperial_nautical_mile +british_imperial_rod +british_imperial_yard +byte +candela +candela_metre +candela_steradian +candela_steradian_second +carat +carat +centi +centiampere +centibecquerel +centicandela +centicoulomb +centidegree_celsius +centielectronvolt +centifarad +centigram +centigray +centihenry +centihertz +centijoule +centikatal +centikelvin +centiliter +centilumen +centilux +centimeter +centimetre_of_mercury +centimetre_of_water +centimole +centinewton +centinewton_metre +centiohm +centipascal +centipoise +centiradian +centisecond +centisiemens +centisievert +centisteradian +centistokes +centitesla +centivolt +centiwatt +centiweber +chain +cicero +circle +circular_mil +cord +coulomb +coulomb_meter +curie +dalton +day +deca +decaampere +decabecquerel +decacandela +decacoulomb +decadegree_celsius +decaelectronvolt +decafarad +decagram +decagray +decahenry +decahertz +decajoule +decakatal +decakelvin +decaliter +decalumen +decalux +decameter +decamole +decanewton +decaohm +decapascal +decaradian +decare +decasecond +decasiemens +decasievert +decasteradian +decatesla +decavolt +decawatt +decaweber +deci +deciampere +deciare +decibar +decibecquerel +decibel +decicandela +decicoulomb +decidegree_celsius +decielectronvolt +decifarad +decigram +decigray +decihenry +decihertz +decijoule +decikatal +decikelvin +deciliter +decilumen +decilux +decimeter +decimole +decinewton +decinewton_meter +deciohm +decipascal +deciradian +decisecond +decisiemens +decisievert +decisteradian +decitesla +decitonne +decivolt +deciwatt +deciweber +degree +degree_celsius +degree_celsius_difference +degree_fahrenheit +degree_rankine +degree_réaumur +denier +didot_point +dimensionless_unit +dioptre +drop +dry_quart +dye_unit +dyne +e_cm +ehrlich_unit +electron_mass +electronvolt +electronvolt_second +elementary_charge +elisa_unit +erg +exa +exaampere +exabecquerel +exabit +exabyte +exacandela +exacoulomb +exadegree_celsius +exaelectronvolt +exafarad +exagram +exagray +exahenry +exahertz +exajoule +exakatal +exakelvin +exaliter +exalumen +exalux +exameter +examole +exanewton +exaohm +exapascal +exaradian +exasecond +exasiemens +exasievert +exasteradian +exatesla +exavolt +exawatt +exaweber +farad +fathom +femto +femtoampere +femtobecquerel +femtocandela +femtocoulomb +femtodegree_celsius +femtoelectronvolt +femtofarad +femtogram +femtogray +femtohenry +femtohertz +femtojoule +femtokatal +femtokelvin +femtoliter +femtolumen +femtolux +femtometer +femtomole +femtonewton +femtoohm +femtopascal +femtoradian +femtosecond +femtosiemens +femtosievert +femtosteradian +femtotesla +femtovolt +femtowatt +femtoweber +fluid_ounce +french_gauge +gal +gauss +gibi +gibibit +gibibyte +giga +gigaampere +gigabecquerel +gigabit +gigabyte +gigacandela +gigacoulomb +gigadegree_celsius +gigaelectronvolt +gigafarad +gigagram +gigagray +gigahenry +gigahertz +gigajoule +gigakatal +gigakelvin +gigaliter +gigalumen +gigalux +gigameter +gigamole +giganewton +gigaohm +gigaparsec +gigapascal +gigaradian +gigasecond +gigasiemens +gigasievert +gigasteradian +gigatesla +gigatonne +gigavolt +gigawatt +gigawatt_hour +gigaweber +gilbert +gill +gill +grade +gradian +grain +gram +gram_force +gram_percent +gravitational_constant +gray +gregorian_year +hand +hectare +hecto +hectoampere +hectobar +hectobecquerel +hectocandela +hectocoulomb +hectodegree_celsius +hectoelectronvolt +hectofarad +hectogram +hectogray +hectohenry +hectohertz +hectojoule +hectokatal +hectokelvin +hectoliter +hectolumen +hectolux +hectometer +hectomole +hectonewton +hectoohm +hectopascal +hectoradian +hectosecond +hectosiemens +hectosievert +hectosteradian +hectotesla +hectovolt +hectowatt +hectoweber +henry +hertz +high_power_field +hounsfield_unit +hour +imperial_horsepower +inch +inch_of_mercury +inch_of_water +international_fathom +international_foot +international_inch +international_mil +international_mile +international_nautical_mile +international_unit +international_yard +joule +joule_second +julian_year +katal +kayser +kelvin +kelvin_difference +kibi +kibibit +kibibyte +kilo +kiloampere +kiloannum +kilobar +kilobecquerel +kilobit +kilobyte +kilocalorie +kilocandela +kilocoulomb +kilocurie +kilodegree_celsius +kiloelectronvolt +kilofarad +kilogram +kilogram_force +kilogram_force_meter +kilogray +kilohenry +kilohertz +kilojoule +kilokatal +kilokelvin +kiloliter +kilolumen +kilolux +kilometer +kilomole +kilonewton +kilonewton_meter +kiloohm +kiloparsec +kilopascal +kiloradian +kiloroentgen +kilosecond +kilosiemens +kilosievert +kilosteradian +kilotesla +kilotonne +kilovolt +kilovolt_ampere +kilovolt_ampere_hour +kilowatt +kilowatt_hour +kiloweber +knot +kunkel_unit +lambert +light_year +ligne +line +link +link_for_ramsdens_chain +liquid_quart +liter +liter_atmosphere +long_hundredweight +long_ton +low_power_field +lumen +lumen_hour +lumen_second +lux +lux_hour +lux_second +mac_lagan_unit +magnetic_constant +maxwell +mean_calorie +mean_gregorian_month +mean_julian_month +mebi +mebibit +mebibyte +mega +megaampere +megabecquerel +megabit +megabyte +megacandela +megacoulomb +megadegree_celsius +megaelectronvolt +megaerg +megafarad +megagram +megagray +megahenry +megahertz +megajoule +megakatal +megakelvin +megaliter +megalumen +megalux +megameter +megamole +meganewton +meganewton_meter +megaohm +megaparsec +megapascal +megaradian +megasecond +megasiemens +megasievert +megasteradian +megatesla +megatonne +megavolt +megavolt_ampere +megawatt +megawatt_hour +megaweber +mesh +metabolic_equivalent +meter +metre_kelvin +metre_of_mercury +metre_of_water +metre_second +metre_to_the_fourth_power +metre_to_the_power_of_six +metric_ounce +metric_ton +mho +micro +microampere +microarcsecond +microbar +microbecquerel +microcandela +microcoulomb +microcurie +microdegree_celsius +microelectronvolt +microfarad +microgram +microgray +microhenry +microhertz +microjoule +microkatal +microkelvin +microliter +microlumen +microlux +micrometer +micromho +micromole +micronewton +micronewton_meter +microohm +micropascal +micropascal_second +microradian +microsecond +microsiemens +microsievert +microsteradian +microtesla +microvolt +microwatt +microwatt_hour +microweber +milli +milliampere +milliampere_hour +milliampere_second +milliarcsecond +millibar +millibarn +millibecquerel +millicandela +millicoulomb +millicurie +millidegree_celsius +millielectronvolt +millifarad +milligram +milligray +millihenry +millihertz +millijoule +millikatal +millikelvin +milliliter +millilumen +millilux +millimeter +millimeter_of_mercury +millimetre_of_water +millimole +millinewton +millinewton_meter +milliohm +millipascal +millipascal_second +milliradian +millirem +milliroentgen +millisecond +millisiemens +millisievert +millisteradian +millitesla +millivolt +millivolt_ampere +milliwatt +milliwatt_hour +milliweber +minute +molar_equivalent +mole +month +nano +nanoampere +nanobecquerel +nanocandela +nanocoulomb +nanodegree_celsius +nanoelectronvolt +nanofarad +nanogram +nanogray +nanohenry +nanohertz +nanojoule +nanokatal +nanokelvin +nanoliter +nanolumen +nanolux +nanometer +nanomole +nanonewton +nanoohm +nanopascal +nanoradian +nanosecond +nanosiemens +nanosievert +nanosteradian +nanotesla +nanovolt +nanowatt +nanoweber +neper +newton +newton_centimetre +newton_meter +newton_metre_second +newton_second +oersted +ohm +ohm_centimeter +ohm_meter +osmole +ounce +pace +paris_foot +paris_inch +parsec +pascal +pascal_second +peck +peck +pennyweight +percent +peripheral_vascular_resistance_unit +permittivity_of_vacuum +peta +petaampere +petabecquerel +petabit +petabyte +petacandela +petacoulomb +petadegree_celsius +petaelectronvolt +petafarad +petagram +petagray +petahenry +petahertz +petajoule +petakatal +petakelvin +petaliter +petalumen +petalux +petameter +petamole +petanewton +petaohm +petapascal +petaradian +petasecond +petasiemens +petasievert +petasteradian +petatesla +petavolt +petawatt +petawatt_hour +petaweber +phot +pi +pica +pico +picoampere +picobecquerel +picocandela +picocoulomb +picodegree_celsius +picoelectronvolt +picofarad +picogram +picogray +picohenry +picohertz +picojoule +picokatal +picokelvin +picoliter +picolumen +picolux +picometer +picomole +piconewton +picoohm +picopascal +picoradian +picosecond +picosiemens +picosievert +picosteradian +picotesla +picovolt +picowatt +picoweber +pint +planck_constant +plaque_forming_unit +point +poise +pound +pound_force +power_of_10 +printers_pica +printers_point +prism_dioptre +protein_nitrogen_unit +proton_mass +quart +quarter_of_an_hour +rad +radian +ramsden_chain +reciprocal_angstrom +reciprocal_centimeter +reciprocal_day +reciprocal_decimeter +reciprocal_farad +reciprocal_henry +reciprocal_hour +reciprocal_kelvin +reciprocal_kelvin_difference +reciprocal_kilometer +reciprocal_megaannum +reciprocal_megakelvin +reciprocal_meter +reciprocal_millimeter +reciprocal_minute +reciprocal_mole +reciprocal_month +reciprocal_pascal +reciprocal_pascal_second +reciprocal_second +reciprocal_steradian +reciprocal_week +reciprocal_year +rod +roentgen +roentgen_equivalent_man +second +section +short_hundredweight +short_ton +siemens +sievert +small_calorie +smoot +somogyi_unit +speed_of_light_in_vacuum +sphere +standard_acceleration_of_free_fall +standard_atmosphere +steradian +stere +stilb +stokes +stone +survey_township +svedberg +synodic_month +teaspoon +tebi +tebibyte +technical_atmosphere +tera +teraampere +terabecquerel +terabit +terabyte +teracandela +teracoulomb +teradegree_celsius +teraelectronvolt +terafarad +teragram +teragray +terahenry +terahertz +terajoule +terakatal +terakelvin +teraliter +teralumen +teralux +terameter +teramole +teranewton +teraohm +terapascal +teraradian +terasecond +terasiemens +terasievert +terasteradian +teratesla +teravolt +terawatt +terawatt_hour +teraweber +tesla +tex +todd_unit +township +tropical_year +troy_ounce +troy_pound +united_states_pharmacopeia_unit +united_states_survey_link +us_customary_cup +us_legal_cup +us_survey_acre +us_survey_furlong +us_survey_mil +us_survey_yards +volt +volt_ampere +volt_ampere_hour +volt_ampere_second +volt_meter +volt_second +watt +watt_hour +watt_second +weber +weber_meter +week +white_blood_cell_count +winchester_gallon +wine_gallon +wood_unit +year +yocto +yoctoampere +yoctobecquerel +yoctocandela +yoctocoulomb +yoctodegree_celsius +yoctofarad +yoctogram +yoctogray +yoctohenry +yoctohertz +yoctojoule +yoctokatal +yoctokelvin +yoctoliter +yoctolumen +yoctolux +yoctometer +yoctomole +yoctonewton +yoctoohm +yoctopascal +yoctoradian +yoctosecond +yoctosiemens +yoctosievert +yoctosteradian +yoctotesla +yoctovolt +yoctowatt +yoctoweber +yotta +yottaampere +yottabecquerel +yottabit +yottabyte +yottacandela +yottacoulomb +yottadegree_celsius +yottaelectronvolt +yottafarad +yottagram +yottagray +yottahenry +yottahertz +yottajoule +yottakatal +yottakelvin +yottaliter +yottalumen +yottalux +yottameter +yottamole +yottanewton +yottaohm +yottapascal +yottaradian +yottasecond +yottasiemens +yottasievert +yottasteradian +yottatesla +yottavolt +yottawatt +yottaweber +zepto +zeptoampere +zeptobecquerel +zeptocandela +zeptocoulomb +zeptodegree_celsius +zeptofarad +zeptogram +zeptogray +zeptohenry +zeptohertz +zeptojoule +zeptokatal +zeptokelvin +zeptoliter +zeptolumen +zeptolux +zeptometer +zeptomole +zeptonewton +zeptoohm +zeptopascal +zeptoradian +zeptosecond +zeptosiemens +zeptosievert +zeptosteradian +zeptotesla +zeptovolt +zeptowatt +zeptoweber +zetta +zettaampere +zettabecquerel +zettabit +zettabyte +zettacandela +zettacoulomb +zettadegree_celsius +zettaelectronvolt +zettafarad +zettagram +zettagray +zettahenry +zettahertz +zettajoule +zettakatal +zettakelvin +zettaliter +zettalumen +zettalux +zettameter +zettamole +zettanewton +zettaohm +zettapascal +zettaradian +zettasecond +zettasiemens +zettasievert +zettasteradian +zettatesla +zettavolt +zettawatt +zettaweber +ångström \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/mira/dkg/units.py b/mira/dkg/units.py index 314e32e8e..bdf5becc5 100644 --- a/mira/dkg/units.py +++ b/mira/dkg/units.py @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ def get_unit_terms(): def update_unit_names_resource(): """Update a resource file with all unit names.""" path = get_resource_path("unit_names.tsv") - unit_names = sorted([unit_row[1] + "\t" + ";".join(unit_row[3]) for unit_row in get_unit_terms()]) + unit_names = sorted([unit_row[1] for unit_row in get_unit_terms()]) with open(path, "w") as file: file.write("\n".join(unit_names)) diff --git a/tests/test_sbml.py b/tests/test_sbml.py index a2c4b1e0e..42bd9b813 100644 --- a/tests/test_sbml.py +++ b/tests/test_sbml.py @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -from mira.sources.sbml.processor import parse_assignment_rule +from mira.sources.sbml.processor import parse_assignment_rule, \ + process_unit_definition def test_parse_expr(): @@ -11,3 +12,21 @@ def test_parse_expr(): # TODO: transform the piecewise/and/gt/lt functions to be valid # in formulas so the expression can be parsed assert rule is None + + +def test_unit_processing(): + class MockUnit: + def __init__(self, kind, multiplier, exponent, scale): + self.kind = kind + self.multiplier = multiplier + self.exponent = exponent + self.scale = scale + + class MockUnitDefinition: + def __init__(self, units): + self.units = units + + day = MockUnit(28, 86400, -1, 0) + person = MockUnit(12, 1, -1, 0) + res = process_unit_definition(MockUnitDefinition([day, person])) + print(res) \ No newline at end of file