An Erlang library that implements a block service for resource handling, implementing a Chord P2P system. Using as an underlying layer the following Erlang library:
$ rebar3 compile
The library allows to handle the resources and the communication of a Chord node.
An example of an application using this library can be seen here:, which is a distributed file system.
The full list of methods complete with a brief explanation can be seen in the gen_dfs.erl file.
- block_filter: it will handle the communication with the underlying level (application manager) and receives calls from the upper level;
- block_message_handler: it will handle the communication coming from the application manager, (used for receive_command, add_many_resources, get_local_resources, drop_many_resources);
- block_naming_hnd: it will handle all naming operations;
- block_naming_mng: it will handle the naming table when naming_handler doesn't exist or is restarting;
- block_request: it will handle the communication with the upper level, responding to the function call;
- block_resource_handler: it will handle all the operation on the resources that are stored locally;
Eblock_rd can be configured using
$ application:set_env(eblock_rd, #VAR#, #VAL#).
The following table shows the possible configurations (in square brackets default values):
#VAR# | #VAL# | Meaning |
nbits | NUMBER | Set the number of bits for the Chord network |
nbits | [undefined] | Number of bits equals to 8 for the Chord network |
starting_port | NUMBER ([6490]) | Set the starting port from which create new nodes (useful for multiple parallel execution) |
num_of_ports | NUMBER ([10]) | Set the range of ports in which create new nodes (useful for multiple parallel execution) |