- global namespace
renamed toh4kuna\Format
- add new namespace
, other files move to namespaceh4kuna\Format\Number
- behavior is same like v5.0 but namespaces are different
- add support for php native NumberFormatter
- I don't keep back compatibility, because v5.0 is not widespread, but here are aliases. You can add to your project and will work.
back compatibility with v5
use h4kuna;
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Formats::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Utils\Formats');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\NumberFormat::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Format');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Discount::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Percent');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Round::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Utils\Round');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Vat::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Tax');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\UnitValue::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Utils\UnitValue');
// parameters
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Parameters\ZeroClear::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Parameters\Format\ZeroClear');
// formatters
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Formatters\NumberFormatter::class, 'h4kuna\Number\NumberFormat');
// namespace Unit
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Units\Byte::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Units\Byte');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Units\Unit::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Units\Unit');
class_alias(h4kuna\Format\Number\Units\UnitFormat::class, 'h4kuna\Number\Units\UnitFormat');
- support php 8.0+
- add new static class Format, you can format numbers without instance of class
- add new static class NumberFormat, you can format numbers without instance of class
- class NumberFormat is immutable
- BC break removed parameters like unit and decimals in method NumberFormat::format()
- let's use method modify()
- class Parameters removed, because php 8.0 has native support
- BC break NumberFormat support for int numbers removed, like a parameter intOnly
- BC break NumberFormat removed method enableExtendFormat() all options move to constructor
- add new class Round
- class NumberFormatFactory removed
- parameter zeroClear is integer instead of bool
- support php 7.4+
- removed interface NumberFormat
- renamed class NumberFormatState -> NumberFormat
- removed class UnitFormatState, replace by
like$nf = new NumberFormat(); $nf->enableExtendFormat();
- removed class UnitPersistentFormatState, replace by
like$nf = new NumberFormat(); $nf->enableExtendFormat('1 MY_PERSISTENT_UNIT');
- method format has second parameter like decimals and third is dynamic defined unit
- char for unit in mask changed to
- added parameter nbsp to NumberFormat::__construct()
This version is same like v2.0 but support php7.1+.
New behavior is representing by one class is one type of format. Onetime create class and you can'nt change by life of object. Added new classes for number, unit and currency. Working with percent and taxes are better too.
Here is manual for older version 1.3.0.