#Help Tickets for Hacked
A system to allow attendees to raise tickets for help during the event
- Go to '/groups' URL and set up the groups (e.g. THUNDER, HEROES, HERALD etc...)
- For each group, on the same URL, click the dropdown button and add members, along with their mobile number.
- That's it. Now when a ticket is raised by an attendee, all members of the appropriate group will receive an SMS containing details of attendee ticket number, name, seat and a URL link for further details of the problem.
####Attendee form
- Currently, there is a stub at /get-help.
- The form is currently being submitted via AJAX. If the ticket form is to be on a separate domain, then a new solution will be required.
- The group to receive the SMS is determined by a set of radio buttons on the bottom of the form which will be selected by the attendee (e.g. software issue, hardware issue, misc.).
- The "value" of each radio button should represent the group that deals with that kind of issue... e.g. "THUNDER", "HEROES" etc...
- NOTE: the above point is important as a ticket will not be created unless a correct group name is sent through. Make sure that the group exists before setting a radio button value as the name of that group.
####Viewing all tickets
- Go to /tickets to view all tickets.
- Click the "waiting" tab to see all tickets that are waiting to be resolved.
- Click the "resolved" tab to view all old tickets that have already been resolved.
###Environment Variables:
The environment variables needed for this app to work are as follows:
- TWILIO_HACKED_NO (the twilio phone number used to send the messages)
- HACKED_HELP_TICKET_URL (root URL that this will be hosted on, e.g. http://hackedhelptickets.com)