The most significant change in Upwork history that no one knows anything about!
The “pillars” of our freelance industry have collapsed spectacularly!
3/20/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
So, my story goes, one day I decided that enough is enough and it’s about time for me to part ways with Upwork. Once my beloved platform has rubbed me the wrong way more than once. I was free to opt in. So, I’m free to opt out. Right? You are free to join and you are free to say goodbye. This is what freelancing is supposed to be all about — freedom. Right again? Well, it turns out that there’s a catch — an Upwork legal catch.
The Most Shocking Things About Upwork That Turned Out to Be True
Do you want to sell or buy a freelance account?
Hiring freelancers or independent contractors is a great way to get specific tasks done without having to hire more full-time employees. This can save you time and money; you won’t have to go through a lengthy interview and hiring process or provide benefits like health insurance.
9/29/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
The excellent proposal is what makes a difference between successful and struggling freelancers.
I left Upwork after seven years...for good.
The future of work is remote. But, now that you know who holds the keys to your freelance future, how do you feel about it?
"We are contacting you to let you know we have suspended your access to Upwork indefinitely."
All great empires fall from within, including the digital ones.
Instead of high-fiving Upwork, I will give you five reasons why this naming is controversial.
My name is Eduard and I’m the CTO at Polecat. Sometimes I help my friends to find developers on Upwork. Below, I describe how I recently searched for a React developer on Upwork.
It takes more than one bad review to shake a good freelancer’s self-confidence.
9/28/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
If you can't beat them, don't join them - copy them!
Today is the day when you have to PAY-TO-PLAY on Upwork!
Are you trying to earn a living online?
Freelancing is all about - the trust. And, trust is all about - the reviews.
It has been almost a month since I asked a question on Hacker Noon: Is Upwork Posting Fake Jobs To Keep Freelancers Bidding?
Hey freelancers, I have a million dollar question for you:
You have probably heard and read about the “Golden Billion” conspiracy theory.
If history has taught us something that has to be this - all great empires have fallen from within.
What's the best way to analyze a public company's financial report for the second quarter? Well, I think you should keep it simple.
The best things in freelance life are supposed to be FREE! Right?
Wait! Something isn’t right here.
I will give you a handful of reasons why I think Upwork isn’t a writer-friendly place.
This article introduces 5 Upwork alternative websites for freelancers looking for work in niche fields or people looking for entry-level micro work. With struggling economies in many countries, more and more people are turning to online freelancing as an additional source of income. Upwork is one of the most popular websites for freelancers. However, if you aren’t really getting many leads from that site, there are tons of upwork alternative sites you can try.
What do Upwork and Wework have in common?
Photo by on Unsplash
If you think that a small story can't make a big splash, then, good luck with that!
Financial reports are lengthy, confusing, and boring. I promise that I will keep it simple, brief, and straight to the point. I will let Upwork’s numbers do all the talking.
You read about Upwork's "fake review farms" here on Hacker Noon. How do you feel about "fake job farms?" Are you shocked, disappointed, or furious? I guess, it depends on whether you are an Upwork's freelancer or investor.
I played a prediction game in 2019, and I dare to say, I played it pretty well.
As this year's nominee for the Most Controversial Writer of the Year Hacker Noon Award, I couldn't possibly wish for better circumstances and time to write this story.