This article demonstrates multiple ways of using WhatsApp on Firestick and Fire Tablet. Read until the end to master the tips and tricks
So you want to make some projects for fun in python but do not know where to start. Well you can start from these libraries, which are very easy and very fun.
You probably have programs that you run repetitively each time you turn on your Linux system. In this article, we still learn to automate these scripts on boot.
The Parameters type is a utility type in TypeScript that lets us take the arguments of a function, and turn it into a new type. Let's look at how it works.
The only reason why I've written this post because I've seen many people get confused with compiler languages and interpreter languages. Hope this helps for basic understanding.
Best programming languages to learn as a beginner
OOP languages, like JavaScript and Python, organize software design around data that is formatted in objects, rather than function or logic.
Here I have tried to list some guided steps one can take to get familiar with any new codebase they come across.
Learn how to proxy sites and API in a few examples, automate getting certificates and even add some middleware (to add headers for example). YAML tutorial.
This is a quick update of an article on how to build a notifications system with Rails and Redis, now using Hotwire
What is Git and how do you use it? Learn about Git in this intro to programming article.
In layman's terms, API is a messenger. API sets the rules for communication.
Many of us have various doubts like how to start a career in Programming?? I too had the same doubt .I had know one to guide for me. So, first I started to learn HTML and CSS which led the way for web development.
With increased attack surfaces caused by businesses migrating to the cloud and remote workers, Zero Trust has become cybersecurity's most valuable thing.
Malloy is a new experimental language for describing data relationships and transformations created by the developer of Looker.
Well, this is my first ever published content. I am a writer; I write academic content, sometimes technical articles. I can say this is more of a personal opinion than a statistically analyzed interpretation.
In this article, we’ll discuss in-depth, how to move all negative elements to end. We’ll also discuss 2 approaches to solve the below problem.
In this tutorial, you will learn about the basics of NPM for beginners, with everything you need to know about package.json, npm ci & audit.
The react hooks are regular functions.
In this article, you are going to learn what HTTP is, What Sessions are, and their usage, The Request-Response cycle and another fundamental concepts.
Learn the basics of Git and GitHub.
With every year, more technology is developed, meaning that there are new ways to code websites. This is how to start web development in 2022 in a simple way.
There are some unofficial rules and guidelines developers should strive to follow as closely as possible when making an open source contribution.
In this article, we will learn to remove commas from strings using the python program. We will create a program using different methods and using different func
Learn how to set up a mini async Object Relational Mapper with migrations for your next FastAPI project using the SQLAlchemy toolkit with this guide.
Adding a new script tag and directly appending it to the element of the page is the easiest way to add <script> tags in the React app.
This article provides a roadmap and list of great online resources to help you attain the necessary skills to become a great web developer.
I've read dozen of articles on how to become a better developer in the past year. So, to share what I've learned, here are 7 ways to become a better developer.
How to Build a 32-Core Raspberry Pi Cluster From Scratch
Here are 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners.
Learn machine learning fast in 2022.
This is not the same average blog post you have seen on many sites. This is something new and amazing.
Need help learning about Linux's pacman? Look no further. Here's everything you need to know.
Learn how to vertically center text and HTML elements with CSS.
5 Programming Languages To Learn In 2022. Python is in the boom, mainly due to Data Science and Machine Learning.
To become a good frontend developer, you must be aware of the importance of frontend development and its role in creating websites and web applications.
Functions are key elements of programming. In the first half of this post, we will explain what Python functions are, how to define them, and how to call them.
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
Here are 12 VS code shortcuts to help code faster.
I can’t believe not many people are talking about this AWS feature. It’s a game changer!
Tutorial on how to easily replace 1 line of code placeholder in any text with value of an object.
In this tutorial, we would successfully develop a Solana wallet-generating web application with basic capabilities.
Creating effective content is a big challenge for many businesses. Discover how you can create an effective content marketing strategy.
Arrays are one of the most used Data Structures in JavaScript and pretty much any language.
Further advancements in blockchain technology drive the rise of decentralized financial technology (DFT).
A guide on how to protect yourself and your projects while on Github.
You don't need an interpreter anymore!
How to get around in your first Rails projects
A quick demonstration of using JavaScript to download ad hoc data.
A few tricks to quickly craft reliable E2E tests with Playwright and Puppeteer
In this article, I will introduce the React Context API for state management and create a similar solution as Redux without using a third-party library.
Python’s popularity is growing the quickest among programming languages. This means more and more employers are looking for developers, data scientists and analysts that know how to program Python and take advantage of its many open source libraries. If you just started learning Python or are aiming to start anytime soon, then you most probably benefit from checking out the three tips listed in this article. They will speed up your learning process and will help you become a savvy Python developer.
For engineers that are used to imperative languages like Javascript or Python, Rego can look a bit foreign. Here's a few tips for getting started.
Sapling is a new source control system developed by Meta. Working with stacked PRs in sapling is a pleasure. And it works well with GitHub's Review UI.
In this project, we are going to build GitHub user Search App using Github API. We will design the UI of the app using Tailwind CSS with Next.js as a framework.
A definitive guide on when you should use the Pressable component and when you should (or shouldn't) use the Touchable components.
Fundamental building blocks that one must give emphasized first who is just getting started on learning how to code.
If you are looking for the best Free Python courses that you can use to expand your Python knowledge, you have come to the right place! If you aren’t sure that you are ready to step into the world of Python, be sure to check out the 6 Things To Know Before You Start Learning Python to make sure that you are starting in the right place.
The splice Javascript Array method changes the content of an array by deleting or replacing an existing element or adding a new element in place.
This guide explains the basic fundamentals of ReactJS such as how it works with JavaScript which many beginners may find helpful as they learn the language.
In this article, I'll cover HTTP terms, tools, and the structure of HTTP messages.
A memory error occurs when an operation runs out of memory. It’s most likely because you’re using a 32-bit Python version.
Getting started with Foundry by developing, testing, deploying, and verifying your smart contracts with Foundry
8 CSS Properties to know if you are a beginner.
There are many good arguments for getting used to the command line interface (CLI).
Self-host your own website analytics with Umami.
This is a complete guide for those who play Axie infinity and know it well BUT also for complete beginners with no previous knowledge of staking and Axie Tokens
Shaun an 18-year adult who just got Internet-connected at his home. Having enthusiasm about the engineering of electronic devices and how the technology works. Exploring the vast Internet universe he quickly discovered the person who develops a program for a computer and machines is a software engineer. Perhaps, the boy didn’t have an idea, software engineering was just a leaf in a tree of technology. Having too few options to study technology he start studying Computer Engineering in his nearby college denying the fact that the field contains a majority of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry where Shaun was always lacking behind at his school days.
Working with images is more and more popularized; we are going to take dive into this field, first with the basics and starting with an open CV library.
How to make a simple professional portfolio for beginner developers. Perfect for finding a tech job to help you stand out from other applicants.
In this tutorial, you will learn about SfNav, a web component, which allows you to architect HTML applications in a modular fashion.
Taking the first step towards something new is never easy.
Now, you can easily update your commit messages by simply adding --amend to your git command.
So, in the basic scenario when there are no needs in the redux, I will only use the hook itself without heavy libraries just for the small feature.
React.js, typescript tutorial showing how to add facial recognition to a website using FaceIO.
The first step is obvious: go to Reddit and make sure that you’re logged into the account you want to be deleted.
Excel is not only an accounting tool, but also an amazing personal finance tool.
Git commits are immutable—meaning you can create new ones, but what’s already inside will never be changed.
New to API testing? This tutorial will show you everything you need to start, from understanding what an API is to using popular tools to make testing easier.
A complete lists of resources to help you get started in the Web3 and crypto world.
In this article, I will tell you how to install Node Version Manager (NVM) on your computer step by step in a more optimal way.
Learn how to use the updated discord.js library and make your own Discord bot.
Algorithms are a fundamental part of software and coding. Algorithm is this fun buzzword that makes something sound really complicated and cool. I’d like to point out that an “algorithm” literally is just a way of doing something; it’s just a process. Nonetheless Algorithms and Data-Structures are a core part of software because at the end of the day you are just working with data. Data needs to be organized for it to be meaningful just like the letters on this page. Atwh and whAt have the same letters but the latter has meaning because of the organization.
This article is about removing single line comments from text.
Learn BFS and DFS, powerful algorithms to traverse and search data structures. Examples and step-by-step JavaScript code included.
Are you a beginner starting a new full-stack project? Let's go through the basic terms such as user interface, API, storage, and database and how they work.
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
In the previous article, we talked about the basic concepts of Git every developer should know. In this article, I will be explaining to you what Git is, and the basic commands to get you up and running. Let’s get started!
In a world where websites need to be fast and everyone shouts to optimize everything, there is one thing which is always mentioned: "cache".
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" is serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
APIs are less like USB ports or fire hoses than they are as a person at a help desk in a foreign country. An API will not give you all of a program’s information or code (like a fire hose), because what would stop you from replicating the entire code base? Instead, an API provides you with data its programmers have made available to outside users. Even so, you have to know the language and ask the right questions to do anything with this data.
Sometimes, when we are making changes to a project in git, we realize we suddenly need to revert back to the last clean working directory version of our project
Here we will leave JS challenges for later, and we will focus on integrating the visual part of the frontend in a simple project.
The workforce is different from anything in education. Of all the differences here are five lessons learned after half a decade since the author's graduation.
What I wanted to be able to do is just mass upload and display some of these images in an easy-to-use fashion...
In C# we have access to Tasks, Threads, or BackgroundWorkers. In this article, we will explore how each one operates at a high level.
Infold is a scaffold code generator for CRUD applications, such as an Admin panel with Rails7. This article explains how to use Gem in a tutorial format.
Flexboxes gives web developers control over the location of elements, and their alignment inside the container. This allows you to align the elements vertically and horizontally; change the order of their appearance; set the direction in which all the elements are laid out, and much more.
Different types of programming languages based on their levels and type security alongside syntax, generally reserved keywords, statements, etc.
In this article, we will look at the process of building a diagram with the help of Elkjs and React Flow libraries.
Wargames sites offer hacking challenges on different categories like cryptographic, cracking, steganography, programming, Linux and Windows knowledge, logic, math and science. The difficulty of the challenges vary as well.
In this part of the series, I'll demonstrate generating HTTP responses from a simple Node.js Express server.
In short, the Javascript sort() method is an incredibly useful way to organize an array, whether you’re sorting numbers, strings, or objects.
Understanding what Benchmarks, Baselines & Golden images are as well as how they work together is an important concept.
If you want to learn how to do Chrome Extensions, then one under-appreciated way of learning is to poke your nose into other people's extensions!
If you are new to the AI and ML world, this guide is for you to clear the doubts between both domains.
Here are my 5 tips and trick I use to code 3 times faster. Find out how you can start earning more money and save your precious time.
Starting out as a developer is hard. In this article, I share 5 beginner tips with you that will help make your life easier when you're first starting out.
When you start programming, you’ll immediately hear that you should learn Git.
A useful guide on how to use Nodemailer to send emails.
Building an AI system is a complex process of reverse engineering human traits and capabilities in a machine and then leveraging its computing strength...
Some helpful tips that can help you effectively ask questions to members of an online coding community.
a16z Crypto explains ZK Rollups.
Terraform is an agentless infrastructure tool used mainly by DevOps for infrastructure management. Find out why you should use Terraform for infrastructure.
As a newbie coder, using a text editor is preferable because when we use a text editor, we learn many things. On the other hand, an IDE makes it easy to code.
Nullish Coalescing operator ( ?? )
Technological evolution has changed the landscape, everything which we feel and hear today is revolving around some of the modern technology. This technology involves Artificial Intelligence, big data, cloud computing, data science, and much more, which has changed the landscape to a great extent. To integrate this technology, many of the IT professionals are finding and implementing the trajectory of today's modern technologies.
Understand OOPs concepts in an easy way.
The iDRAC is a Dell remote access controller. This controller allows for remote power cycling, and a virutal console with keyboard, video, and mouse. It also provides a number of ways to roll out an operating system or vmware.
Blockchain Development is a profitable technique for software development firms. The technology of stored data in the form of blocks is the blockchain.
are you a freelancer or a remote employee or contractor working on a remote basis? if you’re any of this then this guide is for you.
In this series, we learn about getting input from others before beginning to code our application.
You hear it all the time. AI Is exciting, AI will change our lives, but also Terminators are coming.
Every software has best practices. Git is not different. It has become the most used versioning system in the last years. Many companies adopted git because of its features. If you wonder why git is so powerful, here are some of the advantages over other versioning systems, like Subversion:
The 3 key decisions that makes Vite faster than Webpack.
When I started studying Web-Development in late 2019, I was overwhelmed by so much information, and without a technical background it is easy to get discouraged or confused, today I want to give my personal opinions with some examples that will be useful to people without a CS degree or other background in the IT field.
Gaining a basic understanding of this newer AI terminology is critical for any field that wants to capitalize on this significant opportunity, including product
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the NSA recently released new guidance for improving the security of VPN solutions.
Tips to passing the TCS mock test
In this tutorial, we will be scraping Google Finance, a data-rich website for traders and investors to get access to real-time financial data.
In this post, we will learn web scraping Google with Node JS using some of the in-demand web scraping and web parsing libraries present in Node JS.
How does defining something as simple as app.route handle HTTP Requests? How does create a server and maintain it?
The first exercise for my mentees was to draw on a piece of paper the interface that they see for this application.
Hi! This is a small interview about my path in tech and some advice to beginners.
What is this blockchain that everyone is talking about? And what does it have to do with cryptocurrency?
Design Global themes for a flutter app. Define a set of colors, font families, font sizes, font styles, button styles, styles for input text field, and more.
Anyone I asked for advice was against me quitting the stable job to explore completely uncharted territory, and that too with a child. But eventually, I quit.
A plain-talk explanation of crypto for people who just want to get it over with.
In this part of the series, I'll demonstrate generating HTTP requests from a simple React app using XHR, Fetch, and Axios.
A very Beginner-friendly Guide to Understanding the Blockchain (Part 1: Introduction to Blockchain Technology)
Web scraping - A Complete Guide: In this blog, we will learn everything about web scraping, its methods and uses, the correct way of doing it.
Businesses are depending more than ever on networked devices to execute routine activities. As a result, they frequently require network engineers' assistance in the design, construction, setup, and maintenance of their computer networks. Learning how to start a network engineering profession might allow you to determine if this is the best path for you. In this post, we will cover what network engineering comprises and how to become a network engineer.
When most people fantasize about the idea of starting a web development hobby (or career) they get eventually frustrated. Hard.
Software development is a challenging and lucrative career option. Our daily utility items — light bulbs, televisions, cars, banking, shopping — everything is driven by intelligent pieces of codes.
Multi-part series that will take you from beginner to expert in Delta Lake
This is an article that expresses a few major learnings I would like to take away and mistakes I wouldn’t want to commit again from my journey
In this article, we are going to discuss a step-by-step guide on how you can learn C++.
In this blog post we will explain how the Jenkins webhook plugin vulnerability works, how to avoid it, and what we do at Svix to protect our customers.
Want to make your own classic arcade game?
The birth of Bitcoin (BTC) over a decade ago has opened doors to many other cryptocurrencies. Although it still reigns as the most popular and largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, Ethereum is trailing behind steadily while Dai is also rising in popularity. In this simple guide to Ethereum and Dai, we’ll take a closer look to understand both cryptocurrencies better.
Choosing which stock to invest in can be hard for a beginner. To make it easier for you, we did some research on which are the best stocks to buy in 2022.
Build your own mini AI application in just 15 minutes! Understand fundamental AI concepts and discover a variety of AI APIs that could speed up your AI solution
Three of the most important learnings I had in my career so far going from Junior to Senior Software Engineer.
Rainforest API is an alternative to the Amazon Product API provided to Amazon Associates. If you are thiking of building shopping comparisson sites with Amazon links and you don’t have an API key, or if you want to build a lot of pages very quickly without limitation, using Rainforest API is the answer. If you are serious about earning money as an Amazon Affiliate and want to make thousands of pages, do yourself a favor and start the project off right.
Data Science, which is also known as the sexiest job of the century, has become a dream job for many of us. But for some, it looks like a challenging maze and they don’t know where to start. If you are one of them, then continue reading.
So, you’ve chosen the programming language to learn and decided to start browsing all over the Internet looking for a course that will satisfy your requirements. That’s where you may encounter a problem because there are tons of great resources on the web to help newbies learn coding from nothing. The question is: which one to choose?
If you’re the one who’s stuck asking yourself “What should I learn to stand out as a Java developer?”, this blog post can help you figure things out.
In all my discussions and brainstorming sessions about crypto with others, I keep going back and forth on one particular aspect – reliable reading resources on various topics. Whenever something new comes up, the first thing on my mind is where to learn all about it.
People aren’t clear about React-Bootstrap vs Reactstrap. If you want to know, here are some helpful explanations.
Never stop learning! Accumulating knowledge is the natural state of a good developer.
React Native Animation is an interesting topic56 where a dull application could be converted into an interactive and beautiful app. When you first login into an application, the thing which impresses us the most is interface and its interactivity. Working with animations could look a bit overwhelming at first but it is essentially a process of just 3 steps.
Skills like coding scares a lot of people. The media has made it seem like writing computer code is a genius-level activity, as weird symbols race across the screen and techno music blares in the background.But the truth is that, coding is actually pretty easy.I’m not saying this to dismiss the work of brilliant programmers. A skill can simultaneously be fairly easy to get the basics in, while also being really difficult to master. Everyone learns to write, few people learn to write well. There’s no contradiction, therefore, in saying that basic literacy is an “easy” skill to acquire (in that the vast majority of us are able to do it), without dismissing the efforts of talented writers.Nor am I saying this to mock people who are trying to learn programming and find it frustrating.Rather, I say coding is easy because I believe that almost all people, even if they don’t see themselves as particularly smart, have the ability to learn to write simple programs. That they don’t is mostly due to some structural barriers than any intrinsic difficulty with the skill itself.My Experience CodingI started learning how to write code since I was 14. I’ve read a couple of O’Rielly books on programming, took even free courses on Coursera and Udemy. Watch thousands of hours on programming related videos on YouTube. I remember even working through the content of a Computer Science Degree online (which is totally unnecessary if you want to learn to code,by the way).If you take a closer look, in some ways... my background may seem to disqualify me about making statements on the ease of coding. However, I can say without a single doubt, that subjects like Accounting, Physics, Engineering and even Law are more difficult than programming.Most math you learn in high-school is more difficult too, believe it; although you usually get wayyyyy more practice with algebra than writing code, which leads to a misperception as to which is more difficult.Why Coding Feels HardLearning to code is hard for a couple reasons:Installing new languages can be super frustrating. This is the first activity for a wanna-be programmer. This can create the misperception that programming is really hard because newbies extrapolate the difficulty of getting set up to how it weill be every moment after.Also, there are waayyyyyyyy too many languages, frameworks tools, libraries and plug-ins. Starting programming is super overwhelming because there are a stadezillion things to learn and you have no idea where to start.The first moments of programming are the hardest. Getting set up is annoyingly difficult and often requires learning a new way of working with computers even before you write a single line of code.Consider the instructions for installing most languages:“Open the terminal or command prompt. Type in a case-sensitive exact set of instructions to download and install the language. Use GitHub. Homebrew. Versions matter too. Are you running 32 or 64 bit? ‘Cause if you’re not sure it will crash with a cryptic error message and you’ll feel like an idiot.”These tools are learnable, like everything else, but they reinforce the impression given by the media that coding is mostly using elite tools with weird, unfriendly user interfaces. When people see coding they imagine parsing the green-streaming letters on computer screens like the movie, The Matrix; whereas the truth is a lot more like following a recipe along step-by-step.How Do You Get Over the Initial Difficulties?There’s a few ways you can do this. My favorite is to just go to the language or technology official documentation, that will tell you exactly how to set up step-by-step.Alternatively, you can dive into internet tutorials (why do you think platforms like YouTube, Quora exists?), but recognize that sometimes they are aimed at already-proficient programmers, who know what OOP and GitHub are, and are fluent with writing commands into Terminal.If you get one of these, you can try to follow it, but don’t feel bad if you screw it up. It’s frustrating and it doesn’t mean all coding will be like this.Another option is to avoid setup at all. Just use some coding tutorial website that teach you to code without needing any installation. I like this too, but sometimes you can’t actually build the thing you want to build with these apps. However, if you hate the setup, that’s where I’d start.Most important, however, is to remember that I told you this. When you try to learn to code, it will be frustrating to get set up, and just accept that this is a small price to pay. Soon it will be easier and you’ll do stuff that is cool. Don’t feel dumb because you get stuck here, I still do and I’ve been writing code for years.What Language/Framework/Library Should I Start With?This seems like a good question to ask, but, I’d argue, it’s actually the wrong way to think about learning programming.First, despite the fact that programmers often boast about how many languages they know, recognize that most languages are only superficially different. Yes, I know all about language design, so don’t tell me about the importance of scripting versus compiling, or whether a language is strongly or weakly typed. Those things matter, but they’re details.The basics of nearly all languages and tools are the same. Variables. Loops. Functions. Pointers. Data Types. OOP. Modules. These concepts exist in almost all programming languages. If you pick a mainstream language, you’ll learn these in mostly the same way, so it doesn’t matter if you pick Python, JavaScript, C++, Java or even PHP.The place languages do matter is what you want to use them for.Want to write iPhone apps? Swift or Objective C are the languages of choice. Need to create web pages? JavaScript is going to come in handy. Yes, you can use almost any language for any task if you tinker with it and get the right plug-ins. However, some languages are easier to get started with certain types of projects than others.Therefore, the first question to ask is not: which language should I learn, but, which project should I start with?What Should Be Your First Project?I recommend starting your programming adventure, even before you write a single line of code, with a decision about a concrete programming project you’d like to create.This serves a couple purposes:It narrows down the language/framework choices considerably. Once you know you’re building a website, you’re already leaning towards tools that were designed with that goal in mind.Everything you learn is connected to a destination. Transfer of learning is notoriously difficult. Learning directly by building, works better than learning something and just hoping it will help you later.You can work on something you think is cool. If you think it would be cool to make an interactive website, do that. If you’d prefer a game, do that. If you’d prefer to automate some tedious work, do that instead. Do what you feel is cool and you’ll be motivated to stick to it.In general, smaller is better when it comes to projects. Deciding to start with making the next Google is ambitious, but probably will get you stuck in the weeds before you make much progress.If your true ambitious are huge, it’s often best to work on a toy project first. Many experienced programmers still do this when they are entering a new territory of programming. Toy projects take the essential ideas of programming, but turn it into something you can do in a few days or weeks, instead of years.Examples of good projects include:A basic terminal text-adventure game. No graphics, but still requires learning concepts like loops, variables, input-output processing.A simple website. Start with just displaying a static page. Maybe add in comments, users, photos or interactive elements as you learn more.A simple app. What’s something dead-simple you’d like to have on your phone? It can be stupid to start, don’t worry.A script for automating a tedious task.In general, programs are easier when they involve no multimedia content (websites are a bit of an exception), so if you’re making a game, for instance, a text game tends to be easier than one with graphics, if only because making all the graphics can take time.Similarly, different core activities have different difficulties. Arithmetic and simple calculations done repeatedly are easiest. Processing text for exact patterns is a bit harder. Processing text for vague patterns is harder still. Processing, speech, photos and video is even harder.If you do end up picking an initial project that turns out to be super difficult, it’s okay to scale back. “Make an application that calculates my mortgage payments” is much, much easier than “Make an application that can tell you what someone’s hairstyle is from a photo.” It’s often not obvious that this is the case in the beginning, so don’t worry if you accidentally pick a “hard” problem to start with, you can adjust it later to something easier.Which Resources Should You Use?Once you’ve picked a project, the next step is to get some resources to help. This is a step many people worry over endlessly, but like the language choice, it’s a lot less important (and depends more on your goals) than you think.I won’t list specific resources, because there are so many good ones that my suggestions are going to leave out some of the best. Instead, here’s three strategies for finding good resources:Get a book that teaches you the language + project you want. There should be a computer section in your city’s bookstore or library, you can just pick any of those. I personally like O’Reilly (they publish the best software development books), but there are lots of good ones. (If you haven’t figured out which language yet, just DuckDuckGo your type of project and look for suggestions.) I read the Self-taught programmer by Cory Altoff, the first time I wanted to learn Python.Attend a MOOC. Coursera, edX, MIT, Harvard, FreeCodeCamp and others all teach computer programming online. Once again, the thing that matters most isn’t the exact class, but whether it teaches the language/project domain you care about.Stressing over which book or course to pick is the wrong thing to worry about. The main thing to do is to use the book or course to learn enough to start tinkering on your project, not to master programming on its own. Starting your project before your ready is definitely the way you should feel about it.Do What Real Programmers Do and Ask DuckDuckGo/StackOverflow/GoogleOnce you actually get started writing code, you’re going to encounter many, many situations where you either don’t know how to do something, or you learned how to do it before and you’ve forgotten.In these situations, you should do what real programmers do: ask DuckDuckGo/Google/StackOverflow. This isn’t a shameful activity, but a part of real programming. I’ve been coding for years, but I always forget silly syntactical things and so I find myself duckduckgoing regular expressions over and over again. It’s not bad, it’s just part of the process.Once you’ve gotten yourself installed, you’ve learned a bit with your book to know the basics and have started working on your first project, you’ll learn the rest by googling and adding to your library of programming knowledge. Computer science theories, detailed understandings of the language you’re working with or advanced design patterns can wait until you’ve finished a few real projects and feel like you can code something.Notice #1: Don’t Copy-and-PasteA first piece of advice when it comes to this step is to never copy-and-paste. Copy-and-pasting is bad because you don’t try to understand the code you’re copying. If you have to transcribe, in contrast, you naturally ask yourself, “why this? why not something else?” Even if you don’t have a great answer immediately, typing things for yourself will open your mind up to the answer whereas copy-and-pasting shuts down thinking.Notice #2: Try it Yourself Before Looking for a SolutionA second piece of advice is to always try to solve something yourself before looking up how someone else does it. Most problems have many, many ways they can be solved. The challenge is that expert programmers often know a particularly concise, clever way, but that often isn’t the “obvious” way.This can lead to a trap where you see a clever solution that employs tricky syntax, think that there was no way you would have guessed that solution, and believe you couldn’t have solved it on your own. That’s usually not true, yet it’s an unfortunate side effect of looking up solutions before trying to find your own.Summary of AdvThisisting up is frustrating.
Wanna try out Deathloop, but feel intimidated? Have no fear. Here are the best starting strategies for shooter noobs so you'll feel like a master in no time.
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
As an absolute beginner, which programming language should I learn first?
When we go about understanding Machine Learning models, one of the first things we generally come across is Simple Linear Regression. It’s the first step into Machine Learning and this post will help you understand all you need to know about it. Let’s start with understanding what Regression is.
In this tutorial, you'll learn the most common and useful commands that you can run in almost any UNIX-like environment, including Linux and Mac OS X.
There are many great resources for learning data science and machine learning out there, but the one thing that might be missing is a live accounting of a non-technical individual learning these skills. I use the term “outsider” in the title because I don’t feel like I have the typical background that most people do on Kaggle. I am not a machine learning expert, mathematician, or expert computer programmer. I have experience in finance and law, not computer science or statistics.
I asked 10 Web3 technical writers how they started in Web3, their core skills, the challenges they face and how they can help newbies navigate this path.
The dictionary meaning of LIST is a number of connected items or names written or printed consecutively, typically one below the other.
Do you want to start earning money as a Web3 community manager? I have gathered the thoughts of 10 Web3 community managers to help you navigate this path.
Interested in learning React Native? Let’s build your first React Native, a simple app displaying a list of countries, fetched from a REST API with a network request. This React Native tutorial is aimed at introducing React Native, giving you the basis of what you need to know before building a real React Native application. After that, we proceed to helping you build your first real React Native app. By the end of this article you will build a React Native app that can run on both iOS and Android devices.
InVideo, Clipchamp, and HippoVideo are some of the best online video editors on the market today.
A huge number of new businesses and startups used to rely on the Internet and mobile application as their entire marketplace or a major part of their growth strategies. Thus, the mobile industry is lucrative in this respect and delivers best results. So, if you are having a promising business idea in mind, then the next best step could be to develop the app instantly. Going with the number of smartphone users Android users overpower iOS therefore, hire Android developers to easily establish your business in the market.
HTML, Hypertext Markup Language, is the standard markup language used mainly for creating pages to display on World Wide Web (WWW). It is very simple, easy to learn, and allows you to create amazing websites. So, today we will be checking out the 11 most asked questions about HTML.