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The most hated language powering web servers since PHP.

In this post I'm going to show you how to potentially triple your Node application's performance by managing multiple threads.

🔨 A more engineered, highly customizable, standard output format commitizen adapter.

These six productivity tips will supercharge your productivity as a Node developer. You'll save hours of time which you can then invest in other activities.

TypeScript provides you with multiple ways to define type definitions for object properties. We'll look at a couple of them throughout this post.

In this 5th instalment of my “Node JS Performance Optimizations” series, I show you how to increase Node JS performance with thread pool management. We achieve this by understanding how Libuv works, how the thread pool works and how to configure the number of threads based on your machine specs.

Play-to-Earn or GameFi protocols became mainstream in Q3-Q4, 2021 - and euphoria around them still gains steam.

One of the hardest parts of designing a monitoring system is predicting everything that “might” go wrong. That only comes from experience, not just over time, b

Learn how to automate your desktop but with a fun example.

Deno a pristine method to compose worker side JavaScript. It solves many of the problems as Node.

Prototype Pollution is a JavaScript related vulnerability. This article explains how it works and how to exploit it bypassing security checks of the app.

Introducing the newest innovation from HarperDB: HarperDB Custom Functions. With the release of HarperDB 3.1 users are able to define their own API endpoints within HarperDB. What does that mean for you? HarperDB grows from a distributed database to a distributed application development platform with integrated persistence - one that can serve as a single solution for all of your backend needs. We’re collapsing the stack!

Do you have an innovative idea that’s going to turn your web app into the next big thing? That’s great - but remember that software development is a process that has to be well-thought-out, and the most critical decision of what backend environment are you going to choose has to be made at the early beginning. 

In this article, I'm going to introduce you to a NodeJS module that allows you to create and deploy server-side processes by using a visual, drag n drop style.

A collection of my youtube videos on creating bots for trading, creating smart contracts, building dApps, and integrating with Facebook, Amazon, and eBay APIs

Quickly get up and running with an advanced Node-RED Server.

A useful guide on how to use Nodemailer to send emails.

Worried that dinosaur or sock shaped "deno" is going to kill our favorite Node? Let me help you to get out of this dilemma.

Learn how to scrape the web using scripts written in node.js to automate scraping data off of the website and using it for whatever purpose.

While there are a few different libraries for scraping the web with Node.js, in this tutorial, i'll be using the puppeteer library.

Using private biometric technology, Humanode will be the first crypto-biometric network where one human equals one node.

This post introduces a deep dive video tutorial where I teach you the fundamentals of Node-RED and at the same time, show you how to build a Weather dash

If you’ve gotten started programming with HTML and JavaScript (JS), you know how easy JS is to use. The interface is right at your fingertips. You can easily access your entire web page with simple commands.

TLDR (30s)

The founding team at HarperDB built the first and only database written in Node.js. Here's the story of this (what some called crazy) endeavor.

Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.

🤠 Introduction

Data extraction has many forms and can be complicated. From Preventing your IP from getting banned to bypassing the captchas, to parsing the source correctly, headerless chrome for javascript rendering, data cleaning, and then generating the data in a usable format, there is a lot of effort that goes in. I have been scraping data from the web for over 8 years. We used web scraping for tracking the prices of other hotel booking vendors. So, when our competitor lowers his prices we get a notification to lower our prices to from our cron web scrapers.

This article tells you the quickest approach to running a blockchain node. You can save yourself a lot of time reading it!

Note: these directions come without much conversation, let the hacking begin!

You've probably heard about Heroku by now, but do you really know how Heroku works and when it should be a consideration?

ES6 came with many new features, but one of the best features was the official introduction of Promises. Promises allow you to write clean non-callback-centric code without ever having to worry about callback hell. Even if you never write your own promise, knowing how they work is incredibly important, since many newer parts of the JavaScript API use promises instead of callbacks. The core idea behind promises is that a promise represents the result of an asynchronous operation.

I've been using Handlebars in Node.js apps for a long time now and while it always gets the job done, sometimes I find it awkward to use.  In particular I miss being able to use expressions and flexible logic flow directly in the templates.I know there's an argument for keeping logic and views separate and that views should be "logicless", but sometimes you just want a bit more control.  The existence of libraries like Swag, suggests that I'm not alone here so I got to thinking...

In this quick article, you'll see how to prevent one of the OWASP Top 10 security issues for websites: authentication that hasn't been implemented correctly.

Have you ever desired to watch your code running, instead of just imagining it?

Taskz is a library for Node.js, a simple sequential and parallel task list runner for terminal.

Today, I would like to show you how to execute custom JS code in another Node.js process and to get a proper result. These are relatively simple code examples, which demonstrate basic ideas of native code calls with the help of Frida framework.

Deno 1.0 is launched on 13th May 2020 by Ryan Dahl — the original creator of Node.js

Having a contact form always works better than just displaying an email address on our website. A contact form gives our visitors an easy way to get in touch with us.

In part 1, we learned how to create a simple Twitter bot with Node.js. In this article, we will go over how to deploy the bot and schedule tweets

Microservices are very popular today, even in traditional corporate IT shops. Often though they are implemented using languages, such as Java, born in the early ’90s and designed for a world of monolithic applications. Do you remember the big old Application Servers? 

  1. Definition

Express is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building backend APIs and Postgres is a really popular relational database. How do we connect them?

As an application developer, how often we sense the need of a service that would send e-mails to specified or subscribed email ids? Even if there is no real need, we still fantasize about it while developing a pet-project or an app for fun, don't we 😁?

In this 2nd part of our tutorial, we are going to continue our journey of creating reset password functionality. In the 1st part, we completed the back-end with Node.js Express and Node mailer, created an API which will use in this part in Angular. Let’s get started.

Hi folks!

Most of us have gone through tough times where you have a large scale application which has a bunch of features, API integrations, database connections, etc. New features and updates get released, and of course you need to fix the bugs and maintain the code.

How would we build an experience like the one above?

Demo Repo

Some applications need to limit users to a single client or browser instance. This post covers how to build, improve, and scale this feature. We begin with a simple web app with two API endpoints:

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

Node and Express are great for building dynamic websites but often you'll also have some static content too. While its reasonably easy to author these pages in straight HTML a better option for this kind of content is often Markdown.

JavaScript is single-threaded, so how does it handle asynchronous code without blocking the main thread while it waits for an action to complete?

The appearance of Node.js became the new era for JavaScript because of the opportunity to synchronize frontend and backend. All JavaScript programs with help of

Learn how to build a course management REST API with Node.js, HarperDB and FastifyJS.

Top easiest ways to make an eCommerce store with Node.js. Shopify vs. buit-for-you solution.

Note that under open source projects we assume the following:

My primary goal is to find a solution that allows my limited time to be focused on providing business solutions instead of getting up to speed with DevOps processes.

(Photo by Bench Accounting on Unsplash)

The node provider market is crowded. New players have few opportunities: support long tailed assets, better UX, lower price.

Browsers handle cookie expiry so they don’t pass the cookie’s expiry value to the server.

In this article you'll learn more about the NoSQL Graph database - NEO4J.

Deploy your Express Node.js application to Heroku in just a few steps. This is a step-by-step guide on how to deploy your app to Heroku.

Want to know what is NodeJS and Why You Should Use It? Here is detailed blog covering every minute detail of NodeJS.

Swell is a cross-platform compatible (Mac, Linux, & Windows) desktop application and the leading API dev tool for testing and visualizing steaming TCP connections (i.e., WebSockets, SSEs, GraphQL subscriptions). Swell functions similarly to Postman, but with the added perks of full streaming and GraphQL support. Being an Open Source project, Swell is 100% free and open to outside contributions. For details on how it works, see our previous article here.

Celebrating 20% gains in about a day, we're preparing to launch our first-ever marketing collabroation with the team and friends over at CryptoCatBot where we might even feature in their products section and/or get an email blast - for a marginal trade of referral commission, tbd - stay tuned for our glorious launch celebration in Telegram :)

Read on to find the detailed info on such Blockchain API methods as JSON-RPC, REST and WebSockets, the main use of API and how it's related to cryptocurrency.

Building upon his last publication, John Vester dives even deeper into Web3 by leveraging new tech by Coinbase Cloud to create a more functional dapp.

In hindsight, it seems like mongoose was doing the sensible thing by simply ensuring that the document existed in the database.