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couchcash file readme

tjgillies edited this page Nov 14, 2010 · 5 revisions

Warning: This is outdated

First you need to generate some keys:

make a folder inside your current folder called keys:
mkdir keys && cd keys

then generate your private key:
openssl genrsa -out key.priv 1024

then generate your public key:
openssl rsa -in key.priv -out -pubout

then cd back to main folder:
cd ..

You also need to edit and rename your address book.
vi address-example.yaml

To add someone to your address book ask them to send you their public key PEM ( and enter it in the appropriate place:
Rename address book: mv address-example.yaml address.yaml

After you have added keys to your address book, and renamed it, run the script to owe someone:
ruby owe.rb max 20

Example Output

tyler@hosting:~/social$ ruby owe.rb max 10

This will create a document on your couchdb instance that will keep track of your debt.
Edit the database.yaml file to select a different couchdb host and/or database.
You can replicate to other people and share debt information.
Check out CouchDB: The Definitive Guide for more info on setting up couchdb.
You can also get free hosting from CouchOne.

To check and see how much you owe, or how much other people owe you, issue this command:
ruby account.rb

Example Output

tyler@hosting:~/social$ ruby account.rb
You owe max ( 25
test () owes you 15

That will check all the documents on the network for your records signed with your public id

Any questions email
-- Love tyler

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