CallMeBot Library for ESP
- Whatsapp Message
- Facebook Message
- Telegram Call
- Telegram Call Mp3 play
- Telegram Message
- Telegram Group Message
- NodeMCU ESP8266
- NodeMCU ESP32
#include <Callmebot_ESP_Client.h>
Send Whatapps message
To get apiKey follow the instruction on
param :
- phoneNumber : Indonesia +62, Example: "+62897461238"
- apiKey : "apiKey".
- message : "textmessage"
Callmebot.whatsappMessage("phoneNumber", "apiKey", "message");
Send Facebook message
To get apiKey follow the instruction on
param :
- apiKey : "apiKey"
- message : "textmessage"
Callmebot.facebookMessage("apiKey", "message");
Send Facebook message
To get apiKey follow the instruction on
param :
- apiKey : "apiKey"
- imglink : "image link"
Callmebot.facebookMessageImg("apiKey", "imglink");
You need to authorize CallMeBot to contact you using this link. Or alternatively, you can start the bot sending /start to @CallMeBot_txtbot.
param :
- username : username/phone.
username : @username, exmaple : "@rambo"
phone : Indonesia +62, Example : "+62897461238" - message : "textmessage".
- language : default = en-US-Neural2-J.
if you want to change the voice, you can get voice name on - repeat : default = 2.
- textcarbon : default "yes".
yes: To always send a copy of the text message together with the call (default).
no: To do not send a copy of the message as a Text Message.
missed: To only send a Text Message if the call is missed or rejected.
only: To only send a text message (only available on dedicated bots). - timeout : default = 30.
Callmebot.telegramCall("@username", "message");
You need to authorize CallMeBot to contact you using this link. Or alternatively, you can start the bot sending /start to @CallMeBot_txtbot.
param :
- username : username/phone.
username : @username, exmaple : "@rambo"
phone : Indonesia +62, Example : "+62897461238" - mp3link : mp3 file link. Example : ""
Callmebot.telegramCall("@username", "mp3link");
You need to authorize CallMeBot to contact you using this link. Or alternatively, you can start the bot sending /start to @CallMeBot_txtbot.
param :
- username : username/phone.
username : @username, exmaple : "@rambo"
phone : Indonesia +62, Example : "+62897461238" - message : "textmessage"
Callmebot.telegramMessage("@username", "message");
String username = "@username1"+"|"+"@username2";
Callmebot.telegramMessage(username, "messsage");
To get apiKey follow the instruction on
param :
- apiKey : "apiKey".
- message "textmessage".
- html_format : bold text.
default = false.
true if you want bold text.
Callmebot.telegramGroup("apiKey", "message");
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.
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