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Docker Compose

⬅️ Back to Docker overview

  • Docker Compose is a tool that was developed to help define and share multi-container applications. With Compose, we can create a YAML file to define the services and with a single command, can spin everything up or tear it all down.
  • Docker compose itself is one binary file. If your are using Docker Desktop it should be installed via Settings => General and Enables the docker-compose command to use Docker Compose V2. For other purposes the installation manual can be found here:

Start with some examples

Start the .NET Microservices Sample Reference Application

git clone
cd eShopOnContainers/src
docker-compose build
# up  Create and start containers
docker-compose up -d

# Stop services
docker-compose stop
# Stop and remove containers, networks
docker-compose down

Visit http://host.docker.internal:5104/catalog to view the catalog.

  • 💡 Docker Compose commands are executed where the docker-compose.yml is located.
  • 💡 The first clone, build and application start can take a few minutes. If you are interested in that example, please try it after the course.
  • 💡 The docker-compose down command helps to stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes.

Let's do it manually

We start with an example to see where Docker Compose supports us. The example is a simple voting web app. The results are stored in a Redis in-memory data structure store.

# Clone the demo application
git clone
cd example-voting-app/vote

# Build the and start the webapp
docker build . -t voting-app
docker run -p 5000:80 voting-app
  • Now wen can open the application in our browser and start voting.
  • In the logs we should see that the redis is missing. redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to redis:6379. Name or service not known.
  • Next we can create a Redis database. Afterward we start the voting-app and link it to our container so that the webapp can access Redis.
docker run --name=redis -d redis:alpine
docker run -d --name=voting-app --link redis:redis -p 5000:80 voting-app


  • 📝 Explore the docker-compose.yml and figure out how services, images and port mappings are utilized.
  • 📝 Create a docker-compose.yml file in your working directory for the above mentioned voting app. The app consists of the voting app itself and Redis.
  • 📝 For Redis you can use the image redis:alpine.
  • 📝 For the voting app you can use the image eesprit/voting-app-vote.
  • The webapp runs on port 80 and should be exposed to the host port 8085.