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File metadata and controls

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A File Integrity Monitoring Kubernetes Sidecar

This repository shows how a Kubernetes sidecar can monitor the file integrity of another container. The purpose of this project isn't to provide production quality code; it's to show that it is possible to have a sidecar perform intrusion detection for another container and to take remedial action.

Container and Pod Security

There are many mechanisms to increase the security of applications deployed in containers such as:

  • namespaces to isolate containers
  • Linux capabilities to restrict what a container can do
  • seccomp profiles to provide fine-grained access to kernel calls
  • cgroups to limit the blast radius of a denial of service attack on a container

Despite all the container security options, it may still be prudent to run file integrity monitoring (FIM)/intrusion detection software such as AIDE. However, an attacker who compromises a container might also be able to disable the FIM. This repository shows one way in which a sidecar can monitor the file integrity of another container.

The containers in a pod share the same network namespace (so they share IP addresses and network connections) and the same UTS namespace (so they have the same hostname). By default, pods do not share the same process namespace. The pod's containers obviously have distinct file systems. However, if two containers share the same process namespace it is possible to allow them access to each other's file systems via the procfs virtual file system as noted in the Kubernetes documentation. This example shows an artificially simple example of FIM using a sidecar container that shares a process namespace with an application container. The sidecar runs with greater privileges than the application container; the sidecar can access files in the application container but the application cannot read files in the sidecar container.

The Example Application

The code creates a Kubernetes pod that delivers a single HTML page with a "Hello, world!" message. The pod also contains a second (sidecar) container that checks whether the contents of the HTML page has been modified and, if so, kills the processes running in the first container and relies on the Kubernetes controlplane to start a new instance of the container. The pod's service is exposed to the outside world by a LoadBalancer.


Ideally, you'll need locally installed versions of

  • Docker
  • Minikube (or MicroK8 with the MetalLB load balancer)

If you don't have Docker or Minikube/MicroK8s installed, you can use Helm or Terraform to deploy the application to a Kubernetes cluster as described in the helm and terraform directories.

Building and running the application

If you have Docker and Minikube installed, you can build and run the application by executing

$ ./

or, for MicroK8s,


The build script starts up Minikube/MicroK8s, builds the container images for the application and sidecar, creates a pod with the two containers and creates a Kubernetes load balancer service to make the application accessible. If the build script completes successfully, you should be able to see the pod as running and that the pod contains two containers.

$ kubectl get pods
hello-server   2/2     Running   0          10s

If you're using Minikube, create a tunnel

$ minikube tunnel

You should then be able to access the hello-service via its external IP address

$ kubectl get services
NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
hello-service   LoadBalancer   80:32469/TCP   2m30s
kubernetes      ClusterIP       <none>          443/TCP        3m58s
$ curl
Hello, world!

Now, set a watch on the pods

$ kubectl get pods -w
hello-server   2/2     Running   0          5m26s

Next, in another terminal, modify the index.html page in the hello-server application container (which is in the hello-server pod)

$ kubectl exec -it hello-server -c hello-server -- bash
hellouser@hello-server:~$ echo hacked > index.html && exit

The terminal showing the pod's state should show the pod go into error and then get restarted.

$ kubectl get pods -w
hello-server   2/2     Running   0          5m26s
hello-server   1/2     Error     0          6m21s
hello-server   2/2     Running   1 (2s ago)   6m22s

Issuing an HTTP GET request should, once again, return the "Hello, world!" message since the container was restarted.

$ curl
Hello, world!

How does this work?

Accessing files via procfs

There are two tricks needed to get this to work:

To see this in action, open an ash shell to the fim container in the hello-server pod and list the processes.

$ kubectl exec -it hello-server -c fim -- ash
/ # ps aux
    1 65535     0:00 /pause
    7 1000      0:00 python -m http.server
   13 root      0:00 sleep infinity
  531 root      0:00 ash
  563 root      0:00 ps aux

The ash process, for example, is running within the fim container but the http.server process with PID 7 is running in the hello-server container. The fim container is running with the CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability and, so, it is able to read files in the hello-server container via procfs. Using the fact that the PID of a process running in the hello-server container is 7, we can access the application's index.html file by running

/ # cat /proc/7/root/home/hellouser/index.html
Hello, world!

We can try a similar experiment in the hello-server container by opening a bash shell

$ kubectl exec -it hello-server -c hello-server -- bash
hellouser@hello-server:~$ ps aux
65535          1  0.0  0.0    972     4 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 /pause
hellous+       7  0.0  0.1  19168 13512 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 python -m http.server
root          13  0.0  0.0   1316     4 ?        Ss   10:00   0:00 sleep infinity
hellous+    3138  1.0  0.0   5756  3704 pts/0    Ss   10:20   0:00 bash
hellous+    3146  0.0  0.0   9396  3008 pts/0    R+   10:20   0:00 ps aux

Process 13 is running in the fim container but, this time, we cannot access the files since the hello-server container is not running with the necessary capability to access /proc/<PID> for an arbitrary process.

hellouser@hello-server:~$ ls /proc/13/root
ls: cannot access '/proc/13/root': Permission denied

Checking file integrity as a liveness check

By default, Kubernetes polls containers for their liveness every 10 seconds. The fim container's liveness probe runs the healthz script. Thie script takes a file name and an MD5 hash value as arguments and checks that the file contents has the expected hash. If the hashes don't match, the script (with a certain amount of hackery) determines all the processes running in the monitored container and issues a SIGKILL to all the processes. Killing all the processes in that way crashes the container and Kubernetes restarts a new instance of the container.

Two observations:

  • The healthz integrity test is minimal; we should be checking entire directories not just a single file. Running AIDE in the fim container would be better than performing a simple hash of only one file.
  • While we invoke the integrity test as a liveness check, we could run our integrity testing in a loop in the fim container's main process.

Getting this Code Production-ready

There are at least two improvements that should be made to run file integrity monitoring from a sidecar:

  • Use proper intrusion detection software like AIDE or Tripwire rather than hacking some MD5 integrity checking together
  • Provide a dynamic admission controller to create the pod definitions for the monitored container. See the next subsection.

Writing a FIM admission controller

The hello_server_pod file includes a definition for the fim container including arguments that must be passed to the pod's liveness check. End users should only need to specify their own container in the pod definition and use metadata annotations to identify files and directories that should be monitored as part of intrusion detection. A FIM admission controller would parse the pod's annotations and add an appropriate FIM container specification to the pod manifest.

Looking at the code in more depth

This is not production-grade code but, if you're bored, there are more implementation details in the README files in the containers and k8s_manifests directories.