History: You can check the history of all command for your git bash
command: git reset FILE_NAME
Set Upstream- It is variable you can set any name here. In Upstream you set the source location from where you want to PULL Repo
command: git remote add upstream https://github.com/harryanand060/git_command
Set Origin: It is variable you can set any name here. In Upstream you set the destination location to where you want to Push changes
command: git remote add origin https://github.com/harryanand060/git_command
PULL Request: Pull the Repo from github or gitlab to your local repo
command: git pull upstream (It take the changes from Master Branch)
git pull upstream DEVELOPMENT_Branch (It take change from DEVELOPMENT_Branch)
command: git add .( for all items) or (give filename one by one)
command: git commit -m MSG
command: git push https://github.com/harryanand060/git_command/folder.git BRANCH_NAME
DELETE Specific Directory From Git
command: git rm -r .idea//
command: git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME