This doc details how to contribute to the different open-bus pipelines / stride projects.
Before contributing, follow these steps for the repository you want to contribute to:
- Fork the repository by accessing the relevant repository on GitHub and clicking the "Fork" button
- Access the forked repository and get the clone link
- Clone your forked repository locally using your favorite Git tool / your IDE.
- Using PyCharm, from the menu click on "Git" -> "Clone", and paste the clone link
- Add a remote to the main (Hasadna) repository
- Access the main repository in GitHub and get it's clone link
- Add a remote named "hasadna" with the clone link URL
- Using PyCharm, from the menu click on "Git" -> "Manage Remotes", and add this remote
- Create a new branch for your change, the branch name should describe the change you intend to do
- Using PyCharm, from the menu click on "Git" -> "New Branch"
- Pull the latest changes from the "hasadna" remote, "main" branch
- Using PyCharm, from the menu click on "Git" -> "Pull", change the remote to "hasadna" and the branch should be "main"
- Make your changes and commit whenever you want, commit messages are not important
- Push your commits often so your work will not be lost
- Using PyCharm, from the menu click on "Git" -> "Push"
If your work is not done yet, you can open a draft PR - this is useful to have other team-members look at your changes or to start preparing for the final PR.
When your work is done you can open a final PR or set your draft PR to ready for review. Before opening the final PR, pull latest changes from the main repository / main branch to prevent conflicts.
Follow these steps to open a PR:
- In GitHub - access your forked repository, and you should see a notification for the branch you pushed to
- click the button "Compare & Pull Request"
- Give a descriptive title to your PR - describing the change you did
- Write a PR description detailing why you opened it / what changes are included in it and any additional relevant information.
- Click on either "Create pull request" or "Create draft pull request"