diff --git a/src-exe/cabal-plan.hs b/src-exe/cabal-plan.hs
index a163e7c..7fb3472 100644
--- a/src-exe/cabal-plan.hs
+++ b/src-exe/cabal-plan.hs
@@ -147,13 +147,13 @@ parsePattern = either (Left . show) Right . P.runParser (patternP <* P.eof) () "
     toCompType t       = fail $ "Unknown component type: " ++ show t
 prettyPattern :: Pattern -> T.Text
-prettyPattern (Pattern pkg kind cname) = 
-    maybe "" (<> ":") pkg 
+prettyPattern (Pattern pkg kind cname) =
+    maybe "" (<> ":") pkg
     <> maybe "" ((<> ":") . prettyCompType) kind
-    <> fromMaybe "" cname 
+    <> fromMaybe "" cname
 prettyCompType :: CompType -> T.Text
-prettyCompType compType = case compType of 
+prettyCompType compType = case compType of
     CompTypeBench -> "bench"
     CompTypeExe   -> "exe"
     CompTypeLib   -> "lib"
@@ -331,18 +331,24 @@ main = do
           depId <- findUniqueUnitOrExit plan depPat
           doWhyDepends optsUseColors plan compId depId
-    findUniqueUnitOrExit :: PlanJson -> Pattern -> IO UnitId 
-    findUniqueUnitOrExit p pat = 
-        case findUnit p pat of 
+    findUniqueUnitOrExit :: PlanJson -> Pattern -> IO UnitId
+    findUniqueUnitOrExit p pat =
+        case findUnit p pat of
             [(_, uid, _)] -> pure uid
-            [] -> do 
+            [] -> do
                 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Could not find any unit with pattern: " ++ T.unpack (prettyPattern pat)
-            xs -> do
+            xs
+              | [(_, uid, _)] <- filter nonSetupUnits xs -> pure uid
+              | otherwise -> do
                 hPutStrLn stderr $ "Ambiguous target \"" ++ T.unpack (prettyPattern pat) ++ "\". Found the following targets:"
                 for_ xs $ \(t, _, _) -> hPutStrLn stderr $ "  " ++ T.unpack t
+    nonSetupUnits :: (Text, UnitId, CompName) -> Bool
+    nonSetupUnits (_, _, CompNameSetup) = False
+    nonSetupUnits _ = True
     findPlan search = do
         cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
         (searchMethod, mProjRoot) <- case search of