The two letters in the name prefixes give
- the implementation language ("C" for C/C++, "T" for TypeScript, "R" for Rust, "M" for my home-grown language) and
- the runtime technology ("N" for native, "J" for JavaScript, "W" for Web Assembly).
The native versions are available from node but not in the browser.
fftKiss and fftKiss2 are wrappers for the C and C++ implementations kissfft by Mark Borgerding. These versions support several radices, but only radix 2 and 4 are used in our tests/benchmarks because our problem sizes are powers of 2. I have added these versions to my benchmarks because
- they performed well in Chris Cannam's benchmarks and
- they support complex input as my own versions do (whereas Chris Cannam is mainly interested in real-valued input).
It would also be interesting to include a version based on FFTW. But it's not clear how much effort this would take.
fft_rust uses the Rust crate "rustfft", which supports several algorithms. We use the Radix4 algorithm, which is optimized for powers of two.
The numbered versions are FFT implementations by myself in TypeScript and C++. The versions with numbers in the forties to sixties support radix 2 and 4. All other versions use radix 2.
fft01 is the most straight-forward FFT implementation (based on the Wikipedia description of the algorithm). It is recursive, allocates memory at runtime, and invokes the sine and cosine functions when needed.
fft99 is a relatively efficient radix-2 implementation.
I attempted to refine fft01 in many small steps towards fft99 to see which steps are most relevant for performance. But until now I only reached version fft16, which is still quite different from fft99. fft98 is a step backward from fft99.
Versions with trailing letters are variations of the corresponding versions without the letters.
fft02 precomputes the cosines and sines.
fft03 avoids memory allocations and data reshuffling during the recursion for the input array. The recursive calls get descriptions of the relevant parts of the input and output arrays.
fft04 does the same for the output array.
fft05 precomputes the data shuffling, which simplifies the main recursion.
fft08 replaces the main recursion by an iteration.
An auxiliary function merge
is introduced in fft07
and removed again in fft09 to make the recursion-to-iteration
change (from fft07 to fft08) clearer.
fft13 removes the precomputation of sines because they can be looked up in the cosines table. Also cosines are only precomputed for the range from 0° to 90°. Values outside this range are mapped to this range. (Reducing table sizes might improve cache behavior at the cost of some extra instructions.)
In fft40 the radix-4 steps are implemented as two layers of radix-2 steps. fft44 is a "real" radix-4 implementation.
fft47 unrolls and simplifies the loop iterations using cosines of 0° and 90°.
fft47pointers replaces some array indexing by direct pointer arithmetics.
fft60 has two optimizations over fft47pointers:
- For a pointer
and an integer offseti
the expressionp + i
in C/C++ is actually implemented asp + i * sizeof(*p)
. fft60 "pre-multiplies" such offsets with the sizes of the referenced values and thus avoids the multiplication later. - Furthermore fft60 duplicates the code for forward and backward
transformations to avoid multiplications with the
variable (+1
) at runtime.
(It would be interesting to see how much each of the two optimizations contributes to the performance gain over fft47pointers.)
I have implemented a compiler for my own small C++ subset to create a Web-Assembly implementation using pre-multiplication (MW fft60). But actually the pre-multiplication can also be implemented with appropriate C++ classes (CW fft60 and CJ fft60.) So my language implementation turned out to be just an exercise in compiler construction and in using binaryen to create WebAssembly code. (Notice that the compiler is only a proof of concept. It is just good enough to compile my fft60 code, where I have even avoided various syntactic sugar to reduce the effort for the compiler implementation.)
CW fft60 is about as fast as MW fft60. It used to be slower before I replaced the complex multiplication from the C++ standard library, which includes some special treatment of NaN and infinity, by a simpler implementation without that treatment.