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OCaml Chess

Created for CS 3110: Functional Programming. Contributors include Anders Wikum (aew236), Henry Robbins (hwr26), Nalu Concepcion (lac327), and Andy Kim (yk765)

Game Rush

Installation Intructions

First, clone the repository with

git clone

Then, follow the additional installation instructions in

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Run make gui to play chess via a graphical user interface! The start menu offers four ways to play: single player (either as white or black), two-player, or a puzzle game called rush. If you are playing single player, you can specify an elo rating of the opposing player. In either single player or two-player, you can provide an initial FEN.

Single Player and Two-Player

When it is your turn, you can select a piece to see the possible valid moves. These moves are indicated with a small white circle. To make a move, click on one of squares which is indicated to be a valid move. Afterwards, move the mouse slighly to initiate the opponent's move (in the case of single player or rush). In the case of two-player, the board will rotate and the second player can make their move. When the game reaches a checkmate, stalemate, or draw, a popup will appear and the game window will lock. You can close the window and lauch a new game from the start menu.


In this puzzle game, you will be fed a series of chess scenarios of increasing difficulty. It is much the same as the Puzzle Rush game found on Puzzles can be of various lengths. If you make a wrong move at any point, a popup appears and you are advanced to the next puzzle. If you get three wrong, the game is over! If you finish all the puzzles with fewer than three mistakes, you win!

Command-line Interface

Run make command-line to play chess in the command line! To move a piece, type a command of the form move [piece_id] [sqaure] to [sqaure] where piece_id is in [P,R,B,N,K,Q] and square is a two-character string of the form [file][rank]. For example, move P d2 to d4 is the command to move the pawn at sqaure d2 to d4. To quit the game, type quit.

Testing and Documentation

Run make tests to run the automatic test suite. Be sure to set path at the top of to a valid path to a stockfish executable. Run make bisect to generate a code coverage report found at _coverage/index.html. Run make docs to generate both public and private documentation which can be found at _doc.public/index.html and _doc.private/index.html respectively.


If you are interested in developing OCaml Chess, here are some helpful links. First, check out the Introduction to Gtk from OCaml. Next, there are two sources of relevant documentation: the LablGTK API and the GTK+ 3 Reference Manual.

Game Assets by John Pablok


Licensed under the MIT License