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Dedicated session

This a package with 1 purpose: automatically run the user through dedicated sessions.

the theory: dedicated session

a dedicated session consist of 3 stages:

  • dumping
  • doing
  • releasing


dumping is the process to dump all previous focuses/concerns out of the brain, in order to be able to concentrate on the upcoming doing stage. This stage ensure that every doing process through the day, or even through a larger time period like month or season, have a similar, and generally good state


doing is stage where the work are done. doing is seperated into smaller pieces called bar and rest, to maintain the level of focus through a single doing stage.


releasing is stage to round up the work and free your memory so you don’t have to think about the session after it’s done and still feel happy about it.

good state

a good state is typically decribed as:

  • calm: without anxiety, being able to take the thing at its own speed rather than a “required” speed defined by some social benchmark
  • focused: without distraction, being able to set topic and do only relevent stuff in a single session.
  • clear mind: with track, being able to track what is done, the process, input, and output information of work done, where to find reference and content of checked reference, matching principle of current situation, meaning of concept, whole/current/next step in the process/machine, .etc.
  • healthy: physically feeling well, with body in stance unlikely to cause disease/sore, motivated body emotion(you can jump off to exercie), well hydrated, .etc

in short, a good state is the state where you’re able to do things as what they are, with yourself as who you are, without “bad” influence of social/physical/mental bias due to either your social environment or personal environment(your habits and what you have done earlier today).



org-ml and org-element are used. They are both in melpa, so you can package-install them.


you can just copy and paste all codes in the repository into your init.el file.

or, you can clone this repository into your site-lisp directory, and add following into your init.el file

(require 'dedicated-session)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d s") 'dedicated-session)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d t") 'dedicated-session-see-topic)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d i") 'dedicated-session-time-statistics)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d g") 'dedicated-session-see-stage-in)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d C-c") 'dedicated-session-bar-rest-toggle)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d q") 'dedicated-session-releasing)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d l") 'dedicated-session-log)
(setq 'dedicated-session-prompt-source "path/to/your/prompt/")
(setq 'dedicated-session-journal "path/to/your/")


currently, all files are kept using org format for readability and editing utility.


where the prompt comes from. The file should included at least:

+--rest methods
|   +---drink coffee :dumping:
|   +---another rest method :dumping:doing:
|   +---picturing put things in memory on the floor :dumping:releasing:
    | 	 +---topic
    |  	 +---bar-start
    | 	 +---bar-end
    | 	 +---rest-start
    | 	 +---rest-end
    | 	 +---doing-start
    |	 +---doing-end

the tags in the rest methods are one of :dumping:doing:releasing:, signifying in which stage of the session the rest method is available.

prompts, if not set through the prompts subtree of the file, would use default values in the package.


             +---session 1
             |    +---Dumping
             |    |    +---time:start and stop
             |    |    +---method:selected from source
             |    |    +---extra log: from the log function
             |    |
             |    +---Doing
             | 	  |    +---topic
             |    |    +---bar 1
             |    |    +---rest 1
             |    |    +---bar 2
             |    |    |    +--time: start and stop
             |    |    |    +--extra log:from the log function
             | 	  |    |    +--bar summary:from the prompt
             | 	  |    |
             | 	  |    +---rest 2
             |	  |	    +--time: start and stop
             |	  |	    +--rest method:from list
             |	  |	    +--extra log:from the log function
             |	  |
             |	  +---Releasing
             |	  .    +--time: start and end
             |	  .    +--session summary: from prompt, what is done
             |	  .    |		   in this session.
             |	  .    +--rest method: from list
             |	  .    +--extra log: from the log function
             |	  .
             |	  ....[maybe]Statistics
             |		      +--length of session
             |		      +--length of bar
             |		      +--number of bars
             |		      +--rest time
             |		      +--working time
             |		      +--ratio of working/whole
             |		      +--...
             +---session 2

where the log of your choices and your notes goes to. in the future, I may modify the mech so you can write your own journal-function to log your journal into whereever you want in whatever format, like your org-roam daily page,.etc.

or, if you have hacked a function like that, you can start the…pull request something. Once I figure out how that thing work, I’ll check and may incorporate that into the package.


in short:

  1. start dedicated session by calling dedicated-session. you’ll enter dumping buffer
  2. press C-c C-c to proceed from a dumping buffer. Your first bar would start
  3. call dedicated-session-doing-bar-rest-toggle to toggle between bar and rest
    1. if you’re toggling into rest, you’ll enter rest buffer. C-c C-c to proceed to next bar. Or, you can kill buffer mannualy and toggle manualy. I may add an alias for toggle, as it’s often used only for entering rest.
    2. automatically toggle: you’ll be prompted to input a bar length. if you input nothing, bar 1’s length would be used. After you start a bar for bar-length minutes, it will automatically call toggle function.
  4. call dedicated-session-releasing if you want to quit. you’ll enter summary log buffer. finish summary. C-c C-c. you’ll enter releasing buffer. release. C-c C-c to quit.
  5. all stages are logged into a .org file you specified in dedicated-session-journal
  6. you can log anytime. the log goes into corresponding entry when you logged. log is numbered in session. the number reset after releasing.

When you want to start a dedicated session, do M-x dedicated-session or C-c d s if you bind the function to that keybinding, and you’ll enter the dumping buffer, where prompts would show.

you can follow the prompts there, and once you enter the doing stage, you can just do things as how you do them. in this stage

  • dedicated-session-doing-topic would show the topic your doing in the minibuffer.
  • dedicated-session-doing-bar-rest-toggle would be automatically called after you entered the topic.
    • when you call it during a rest, it will end the rest and start the next bar.
    • when you call it during a bar, it will end the bar and start the next rest.
    • [not implemented] automatically called after X minuites if the variable dedicated-session-doing-bar-length is non-nil and X. if the variable is nil, then the first recorded bar length would be assign to it.
  • [you don’t want to call it by yourself] dedicated-session-doing-rest-prompt would show you the rest prompt, but you may want to let it be called by the bar-rest-toggle function.
  • [not implemented] dedicated-session-doing-leave-back-toggle if you have a accidental leave, it will end the current bar/rest and not starting the next, but freeze to wait you back and call it another time, where the same type bar/rest would be created.
  • dedicated-session-releasing would end the doing session

after dedicated-session-releasing is called, you would be directed to a summary log and then the releasing buffer, where you’ll be prompt to do some rest. you can follow the prompt there, and eventually end the dedicated session by ~C-c C-c.

Through out the session, you can call dedicated-session-log to log in the corresponding part,

include screenshots here

  • State “DONE” from “TODO” [2022-05-04 Wed 18:23]










  • there’s little undo/illegal action prevent machenism, so unexpected thing would happen if you didn’t follow the instructions. Like, if you log and forget about it, the log will be write in the journal with your next finalized log(the next one you pressed C-c C-c after finishing)


information here I wrote before start coding. so it might be inaccurate. I’ll fix that later


entry point of the facility. it will:

  1. start a session(set dedicated-session-in to t)
  2. call dedicated-session-dumping after dumping finished, enter next phase like magit commit
  3. call dedicated-session-doing


(if use elscreen, could create a new screen and do that)

  1. prompt for input of value of dedicated-session-topic
  2. create entry with time and “dedicated session: ” dedicated-session-topic and the entry for dumping
  3. record the start time with dedicated-session-record-time
  4. display prompts from source in a popup buffer
  5. set dedicated-session-state to 'dumping
  6. wait until user input signifying end of dumping(C-c C-c?)
  7. call dedicated-session-record-time
  8. return to dedicated-session


  1. set dedicated-session-state to 'doing
  2. create entry of doing
  3. call dedicated-session-bar-rest-toggle

dedicated-session-doing-bar-rest-toggle &optional done?

  1. will toggle the dedicated-session-doing-state to bar/rest,
  2. find the last bar/rest. if there’s none, create one
  3. call dedicated-session-record-time,
  4. if done? is ture, meaning it’s called by dedicated-session-releasing, that the doing stage is done, so no new insert. and return.
  5. otherwise,
    1. create new rest/bar entry,
    2. call dedicated-session-record-time,
    3. if it’s a bar, message “bar no.X starting”
    4. if it’s a rest, call dedicated-session-doing--rest-prompt
    5. return


  1. start a new org buffer
  2. insert content from dedicated-session-rest-collect
  3. popup a window, and give it the buffer
  4. wait for user input to call dedicated-session-doing-bar-rest-toggle and return


  1. go to the source file
  2. filter rest methods with the dedicated-session-state as tags
  3. return the filtered rest methods


manualy called.

  1. call dedicated-session-bar-rest-toggle t, to end the last bar/rest
  2. call dedicated-session-releasing-free


  1. open a capture buffer just like magit commit
  2. prompt for summary log
  3. after recieving C-c C-c, goto the journal file buffer, create the releasing heading and save the log in journal
  4. prompt for rest with methods returned by dedicated-session-rest-collect 'releasing
  5. after recieving C-c C-c, meaning that the rest ended, set dedicated-session-state to nil
  6. message dedicated session of dedicated-session-topic ended
  7. set dedicated-session-doing-topic nil


this function log notes in the corresponding entry in the journal file

  1. display a capture buffer
  2. after recieving C-c C-c, goto journal file buffer, create an entry under the logs (if it’s not present, create one) with heading at (current time - start - time), and insert the note under that entry.


  • [ ] enable customize journal function
  • [ ] add timer feature in doing/bars
  • [ ] link behaviour in prompt buffers?