In order to verify the circuit, you will need a machine with tons of memory.
For reference, the one we are using is a machine with 16cores and 512Gb of RAM.
In this tutorial we will give instructions for a x1e.8xlarge aws instance. This instance has 16 cores 32 threads, 976Gb of RAM and it's important to build it with a SSD of 960Gb that we will use as swap space. The instance will use Ubuntu 20.04 and the cost of the instance is 3.336$/h.
So lets start by launching and instece. Be sure to have 1023GB of EBS and local SSD storage.
sudo apt-get install tmux
sudo mkswap -f /dev/xvdb
sudo swapon /dev/xvdb
sudo fallocate -l 400G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile
sudo sh -c 'echo "vm.max_map_count=10000000" >>/etc/sysctl.conf'
sudo sh -c 'echo 10000000 > /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count'
It's important to note that we need 2200G of memory adding RAM and swap together. That's why we use the full local disk plus a 400G file.
First install node with nvm:
curl -o- | bash
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install v14.8.0
node --version
Now compile a patched version of node. This aptch avoids activating garbage collections in memory presure situations and many threads. This is very convininet for the optimization program.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 g++ make
git clone git clone
cd node
git checkout 8beef5eeb82425b13d447b50beafb04ece7f91b1
patch -p1 <<EOL
index 0097683120..d35fd6e68d 100644
--- a/deps/v8/src/api/
+++ b/deps/v8/src/api/
@@ -7986,7 +7986,7 @@ void BigInt::ToWordsArray(int* sign_bit, int* word_count,
void Isolate::ReportExternalAllocationLimitReached() {
i::Heap* heap = reinterpret_cast<i::Isolate*>(this)->heap();
if (heap->gc_state() != i::Heap::NOT_IN_GC) return;
- heap->ReportExternalMemoryPressure();
+ // heap->ReportExternalMemoryPressure();
HeapProfiler* Isolate::GetHeapProfiler() {
diff --git a/deps/v8/src/objects/ b/deps/v8/src/objects/
index bd9f39b7d3..c7d7e58ef3 100644
--- a/deps/v8/src/objects/
+++ b/deps/v8/src/objects/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ constexpr bool kUseGuardRegions = false;
// address space limits needs to be smaller.
constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0x8000000000L; // 512 GiB
-constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0x10100000000L; // 1 TiB + 4 GiB
+constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0x40100000000L; // 4 TiB + 4 GiB
constexpr size_t kAddressSpaceLimit = 0xC0000000; // 3 GiB
make -j16
This will compile a patched version of node.
cd ~
git clone
cd circom
git checkout v0.5.38
npm install
git log
The hash of the commit should be: 467c79511da13438a129e78ee13c775580b00f23
cd ~
git clone
git checkout phase2ceremony_3
cd circuits
npm install
cd tools
node build-circuit.js create 1912 32 256 64
node build-circuit.js create 344 32 256 64
mkdir withdraw
cd withdraw
cat >withdraw.circom <<EOL
include "../../src/withdraw.circom";
component main = Withdraw(32);
The hash of the phase2ceremony_3 tag should be: 45a486464334e08bd5da948ffb2099fcf1dc7c2f
The compilation may take a while. You may want to run this step in tmux
cd ~/circuits/tools/rollup-1912-32-256-64
node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 ../../../circom/cli.js circuit-1912-32-256-64.circom -f -r -v -n "^RollupTx$|^DecodeTx$|^FeeTx$|^Sha256compression$"
cd ~/circuits/tools/rollup-344-32-256-64
node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 ../../../circom/cli.js circuit-344-32-256-64.circom -f -r -v -n "^RollupTx$|^DecodeTx$|^FeeTx$|^Sha256compression$"
cd ~/circuits/tools/withdraw
node ../../../circom/cli.js -r -v withdraw.circom
As you can see the withdraw circuit is run without -f so circom will aready optimize it.
cd ~/circuits/tools/rollup-1912-32-256-64
mv circuit-1912-32-256-64.r1cs circuit-1912-32-256-64_no.r1cs
b2sum circuit-1912-32-256-64_no.r1cs
The result should be:
2aa917dc 1bebbc86 6ba4116e 000f20dd
9c50674b 198a78e2 7c8d9250 40a855b1
afda4c27 dec34873 142adb1a 9dbb7562
6f369cff 87a543d6 b32bc6ff f7efcf5c
cd ~/circuits/tools/rollup-344-32-256-64
mv circuit-344-32-256-64.r1cs circuit-344-32-256-64_no.r1cs
b2sum circuit-344-32-256-64_no.r1cs
The result should be:
a4ed9464 e6ee72c8 08c9b066 925341a0
33083f83 d47dc621 589c747f 8e40a419
3b96018e b2ccfde0 6c878c3a cba74141
0c6f39cc 6e3e0445 cf8f344a 7e51a4a3
cd ~/circuits/tools/withdraw
b2sum withdraw.r1cs
The result should be:
848c27e0 fbd1d84b 0d5ce04f f50f2090
2b27ac00 f596b332 1df9acae 8b71ee2b
8d46cff5 ad6da39a 2d893a2e 852e2a2d
b8a49f03 fd3a1b74 11d050c0 718643d8
cd ~
git clone
cd r1csoptimize
git checkout a5b7114e25af800b419023d6ebbdb82303717b7d
npm install
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc src/cli_optimize.js ../circuits/tools/rollup-1912-32-256-64/circuit-1912-32-256-64_no.r1cs ../circuits/tools/rollup-2912-32-256-64/circuit-1912-32-256-64.r1cs
And then check the hash of the result.
b2sum ../circuits/tools/rollup-1912-32-256-64/circuit-1912-32-256-64.r1cs
this should be:
2193a191 7d937dda f01a4370 79f22f65
f2783c16 01242146 04e04e7a a4b8bcc8
d865beac 84e0a056 d6e61cb6 f49382bf
774f8989 ed56f46d 39cc1cef 0979fec7
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc src/cli_optimize.js ../circuits/tools/rollup-344-32-256-64/circuit-344-32-256-64_no.r1cs ../circuits/tools/rollup-344-32-256-64/circuit-344-32-256-64.r1cs
And then check the hash of the result.
b2sum ../circuits/tools/rollup-344-32-256-64/circuit-344-32-256-64.r1cs
this should be:
f0e6e1c5 e6809cfe 38a556aa b8fedd82
9e03bb26 39e046da 5dd155c2 6e540bc0
63e2d437 53dc069b 9f70e8a5 08ab6aba
2e515c2d b340d216 945674cd 58193291
cd ~
git clone
cd snarkjs
git checkout v0.3.59
npm install
First you will need to download the full powersOfTau file:
cd ~
Check the blake2b hash of the circuit:
b2sum powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau
The result should be:
55c77ce8 562366c9 1e7cda39 4cf7b7c1
5a06c12d 8c905e8b 36ba9cf5 e13eb37d
1a429c58 9e8eaba4 c591bc4b 88a0e282
8745a53e 170eac30 0236f5c1 a326f41a
If you are also interested in verifying the powers of tau, you can check this block post and this other
If you dont trust, the powers of tau, you can verify the powers of tau file with this command:
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc ../../../snarkjs/cli.js ptv powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau -v >verification-pot.txt
At the end of the verification-pot.txt you can see the 55 contributions. You now should match the responses showed here with the attestations of the perpetual powers of tau transcript.
You can see also the random beacon:
e586fcca f245c9a1 d7e78294 d4802018
f3001149 a71b8f10 cd997ef8 235aa372
This number is the drand round 100,000 which you can find here
The procedure was anaunced here: on august 24th, 2020 And the beacon random wos generated on august 26th, 2020
To see that it was calculated that date, You can see the genesis drand here
The unix timestamp of the drand genesis time is: 1595431050 The period is: 30 So the generation time is: 1595431050 + 100000*30 = 1598431050 If we convert this unix time in seconds to readable time, it is Wednesday, 26 August 2020 08:37:30
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc ../../../snarkjs/cli.js zkv circuit-1912-32-256-64.r1cs ../../../powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau circuit-1912-32-256-64_hez3_final.zkey -v >verification-1912.txt
The circuit hash must be:
07b5cfaa d2d4674e 095f20dd 11e516bc
e8aa1d3e 59174e10 e538504d 208bc959
5c05e470 3db00d49 212258a3 12da9230
83a819ea 56af7132 e12996f3 13882859
If you want to check an intermediary circuit, Substitute _final by the intermediary response you want.
You can check all the contributions at the end of the verification-1912.txt
file. You should check all the signatures of the transcript and see that the declared contribution hash of each particimat matches the ones here.
As far as there is a single attestatation you trust, you can considere the ceremony for this circuit safe.
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc ../../../snarkjs/cli.js zkv circuit-344-32-256-64.r1cs ../../../powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau circuit-344-32-256-64_hez3_final.zkey -v >verification-344.txt
The hash of the circuit must be:
b6b78d08 04636911 0d12afad 8c49a0e9
5c0b03ed 99f2ff8e dedf2d51 dd427750
2a9ca1b7 5417069e 174ce637 da105132
ea8b5448 21ca6ade 4df911cd 52d34550
You have to match also the contribution hashes of the participants with attestations they published.
As far as there is a single attestatation you trust, you can considere the ceremony for this circuit safe.
~/node/out/Release/node --trace-gc --trace-gc-ignore-scavenger --max-old-space-size=2048000 --initial-old-space-size=2048000 --no-global-gc-scheduling --no-incremental-marking --max-semi-space-size=1024 --initial-heap-size=2048000 --expose-gc ../../../snarkjs/cli.js zkv withdraw.r1cs ../../../powersOfTau28_hez_final.ptau withdraw_hez3_final.zkey -v >verification-withdraw.txt
The hash of the circuit must be:
26f8883b 44e999e7 dc749bac d7a914e3
4fe4602e bb18d681 39a70cd9 16c22722
2ec186f5 1dd876d1 04a403df 13433b27
7c0c69a3 3a2aca64 dc3365c0 ce74a0ec
You have to match also the contribution hashes of the participants with attestations they published.
As far as there is a single attestatation you trust, you can considere the ceremony for this circuit safe.
You can see also the random beacon of the three circuits is:
97191307 3332c517 b6c1e7e5 5c30eecb
c8f10b0f e0e39309 75ed42e4 b750f897
This number is the drand round 100,000 which you can find here
The procedure was anaunced here: on august 24th, 2020 And the beacon random wos generated on august 26th, 2020
To see that it was calculated that date, You can see the genesis drand here
The unix timestamp of the drand genesis time is: 1595431050 The period is: 30 So the generation time is: 1595431050 + 100000*30 = 1598431050 If we convert this unix time in seconds to readable time, it is Wednesday, 26 August 2020 08:37:30
If you reach this point, it would be great if you can publish a public post or at least a tweet explaining that you verified the circuits.
For any incident you find, please do not hesitate to contact us in the Hermez discord channel or in the telegram group