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NPB in HermitCore #104

bguala opened this issue Oct 12, 2018 · 23 comments

NPB in HermitCore #104

bguala opened this issue Oct 12, 2018 · 23 comments


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bguala commented Oct 12, 2018


I need run the NAS parallel benchmarks (NPB) in HermitCore. Is possible this?.
NPBs are implement in Fortran, the build process require run a makefile, called make.def, this file contains compilation params.
make.def generates an executable based in classes of complexity (S, A, W). Exists three classes of benchmark: BT, SP and LU, they solves diferential ecuations systems. When I run the command "make benchmark class" with the class BT, for example, it generates an executable named BT-MZ.S.x. This executable, can it run in HermitCore?. Can it build with the build process of HermitCore?.
Is there some way for solve this problem?

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I already test NPB with an older version of HermitCore and it works! In make.def you have to set F77 to x86_64-hermit-gfortran and CC to x86_64-hermit-gcc. The other flags are similar to the gcc configuration, if you want to compile NPB on Linux. Please inform me, if you have any problems to build NPB.

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bguala commented Oct 13, 2018

I can't build the NPBs in HermitCore.

1) First Configuration

a) I copied the directory NPB3.3.1-MZ in libhermit/usr. NPB3.3.1-MZ has the follow structure:

NPB3.3.1-MZ-OMP = this is the version i want to test in HermitCore.

b) I included the CmakeLists.txt file in NPB3.3.1-MZ. This file contains the follow sentences:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)


c) I modified the make.def file in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1-MZ/NPB3.3-MZ-OMP/config, with the follow sentences:

F77 = x86_64-hermit-gfortran
CC = x86_64-hermit-gcc

d) I added the follow sentence in the libhermit/CmakeLists.txt file:

#Test and benchmarks
build_external(NPB3.3.1-MZ ${HERMIT_ROOT}/usr/NPB3.3.1-MZ hermit)

e) Finally, I ran the build process of HermitCore:

sudo cmake ..  => OK
sudo make       => ERROR
[80%] Performing configure step for 'NPB3.3.1-MZ'
Not searching for unused variables given on the command line
     --The CXX compiler identification is unknown
Cmake Error in CmakeLists.txt
No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found

2) Second Configuration

a) I only modified the CmakeLists.txt file in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1-MZ. Now, this file contains the follow sentences:

project(hermit-NPB Fortran)
project(hermit-NPB CXX)

b) I ran the build process:

sudo cmake .. OK
sudo make ERROR
[ 80%] Performing configure step for 'NPB3.3.1-MZ'
Not searching for unused variables given on the command line.
-- The CXX compiler identification is unknown
CMake Error at /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/cmake/HermitCore.cmake:72 (enable_language):
  No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.

CMake Error at /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/cmake/HermitCore.cmake:72 (enable_language):
  No CMAKE_Go_COMPILER could be found.

Am I forget something?

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Hm, personal I would not use NPB3.3.1-MZ. I prefer NPB3.3.1, which also supports OpenMP.

In libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/CmakeLists.txt, I would add a command to call the external tool make. As far as I know, you have to use add_custom_target. It could look like this:

   COMMAND make
   WORKING_DIRECTORY full_path to where Makefile is located

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bguala commented Oct 15, 2018

The NPB3.3.1-MZ doesn't work. Therefore, I tested NPB3.3.1 with

   COMMAND make
   WORKING_DIRECTORY /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/NPB3.3.1-OMP

in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/CmakeLists.txt, but this sentence generates the follow error message:

CMake Error at /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/cmake/HermitCore-Utils.cmake:128 (install):
  install TARGETS given target "NPB3.3.1" which is not an executable,
  library, or module.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:13 (install_local_targets)

when I run the command "sudo make". The sintax of add_custom_target is

add_custom_target(Name [ALL] [command1 [args1...]]
                  [COMMAND command2 [args2...] ...]
                  [DEPENDS depend depend depend ... ]
                  [BYPRODUCTS [files...]]
                  [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]
                  [COMMENT comment]
                  [VERBATIM] [USES_TERMINAL]
                  [SOURCES src1 [src2...]])

I also tested diferent variants of this sentence such as:

add_custom_target(NPB3.3.1 make bt CLASS=S)

but, it doesn't work.

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If I understand it correctly, the application will be built but not installed. The makefile doesn't have an install rule. Maybe you should start with an empty rule to test, if this is the problem. Please add the end following lines to NPB's makefile. The last line contains only a TAB.


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bguala commented Oct 16, 2018

I added install: in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/CmakeLists.txt, but when I run sudo make I see

CMake Error at /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/cmake/HermitCore-Utils.cmake:128 (install):
  install TARGETS given target "NPB3.3.1" which is not an executable,
  library, or module.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:14 (install_local_targets)

Build NPB implies to execute make BT CLASS=S, for example. Where does this sentence include?. make BT CLASS=S saves the executable bt.S.x in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/NPB3.3.1-OMP/bin. Therefore, Should I delete the sentence install_local_targets(extra/NPB3.3.1) in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/CmakeLists.txt?.

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Hm, difficult to understand. Could send me your configuration files. I will test it on my system,

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bguala commented Oct 19, 2018

Yes, of course. These are my files:

CMakeLists.txt contains the sentence build_external.

CMakeLists.txt contains add_custom_target.

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stlankes commented Jan 7, 2019

Excuse me, I forgot this request. Do you still need support?

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bguala commented Jan 9, 2019

Yes, I do. The last thing I tried was to compile the benchmarks separately, but it did not work.

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Ok, I will do it tomorrow

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Please test the version at

It isn't fully integrated in our toolchain. But it works on our systems. Does it help?

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bguala commented Jan 28, 2019

I don't know. I'm traying...

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bguala commented Dec 1, 2019


I am traying to build NPB in HermitCore again. This time the build process begins, but it ends when performing configure step for xray.

Captura de pantalla de 2019-11-27 22-38-48

Captura de pantalla de 2019-11-27 22-39-44

The current hierarchy of project is:

HermitCore/libhermit/usr/CMakeLists.txt: this file contains the sentence:

build_external(BPB3.3-OMP ${HERMIT_ROOT}/usr/NPB3.3-OMP hermit)

HermitCore/libhermit/usr/NPB3.3-OMP/CMakeLists: this file contains the code:

project(hermit-NPB Fortran)

WORKING DIRECTORY /Desktop/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/NPB3.3-OMP


NPB3.3-OMP also contains a makefile.

What is xray for??. A simple profiler for Native Client.

Can it be resolved by removing benchamarks???.

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stlankes commented Dec 3, 2019

Hm, xray is a simple profiler. You can remove it. Comment out these lines. Does it work for you?

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bguala commented Dec 25, 2019

I commented both lines (build_external and add_dependences) in libhermit/CmakeLists.txt, but It didn't work, now I see the error message munmap_chunk() invalid pointer:

Captura de pantalla de 2019-12-04 20-09-37

I executed the command make in libhermit/usr. The folders arch and CmakeFiles are located inside the usr, they contains all .obj files linked in libhermit.a. The error message happends in libhermit/usr/CMakeFiles/hermit-bootstraps.dir

$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -P CMakeFiles/hermit-bootstrap.dir/cmake_clean_target.cmake
$(CMAKE_COMMAND) -E cmake_link_script CMakeFiles/hermit-bootstrap.dir/link.txt --verbose=$(VERBOSE)
/opt/hermit/bin/x86_64-hermit-objcopy --rename-section .bss=.kbss --rename-section .text=.ktext --rename-section .data=.kdata /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/libhermit.a
/usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix//opt/hermit/x86_64-hermit/lib
/usr/bin/cmake -E copy_if_different /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/libhermit.a /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix//opt/hermit/x86_64-hermit/lib/
/usr/bin/cmake -E make_directory /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix//opt/hermit/x86_64-hermit/include/hermit
/usr/bin/cmake -E copy_if_different /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/include/hermit/.h /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix//opt/hermit/x86_64-hermit/include/hermit/
/usr/bin/cmake -E copy_if_different /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/include/hermit/
.asm /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix//opt/hermit/x86_64-hermit/include/hermit/

However, if I try to execute the command make inside libhermit/build, the error message is different:

Captura de pantalla de 2019-12-25 18-57-53

I don't understand, why is the error message different?.

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stlankes commented Jan 1, 2020

Do you change some other parts of the toolchain? I don't understand the error message munmap_chunk() invalid pointer.

I build everything from scratch and was able to build NPB 3.3.1 (openmp version, class C) with following config file "make.def" (see below). Does it work for you?


# Items in this file will need to be changed for each platform.

# Parallel Fortran:
# For CG, EP, FT, MG, LU, SP, BT and UA, which are in Fortran, the following 
# must be defined:
# F77        - Fortran compiler
# FFLAGS     - Fortran compilation arguments
# F_INC      - any -I arguments required for compiling Fortran 
# FLINK      - Fortran linker
# FLINKFLAGS - Fortran linker arguments
# F_LIB      - any -L and -l arguments required for linking Fortran 
# compilations are done with $(F77) $(F_INC) $(FFLAGS) or
#                            $(F77) $(FFLAGS)
# linking is done with       $(FLINK) $(F_LIB) $(FLINKFLAGS)

# This is the fortran compiler used for Fortran programs
F77 = x86_64-hermit-gfortran
# This links fortran programs; usually the same as ${F77}
FLINK	= $(F77)

# These macros are passed to the linker 
F_LIB  =

# These macros are passed to the compiler 

# Global *compile time* flags for Fortran programs
FFLAGS	= -O2 -fopenmp

# Global *link time* flags. Flags for increasing maximum executable 
# size usually go here. 
FLINKFLAGS = -O2 -fopenmp

# Parallel C:
# For IS and DC, which are in C, the following must be defined:
# CC         - C compiler 
# CFLAGS     - C compilation arguments
# C_INC      - any -I arguments required for compiling C 
# CLINK      - C linker
# CLINKFLAGS - C linker flags
# C_LIB      - any -L and -l arguments required for linking C 
# compilations are done with $(CC) $(C_INC) $(CFLAGS) or
#                            $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
# linking is done with       $(CLINK) $(C_LIB) $(CLINKFLAGS)

# This is the C compiler used for C programs
CC = x86_64-hermit-gcc
# This links C programs; usually the same as ${CC}

# These macros are passed to the linker 
C_LIB  = -lm

# These macros are passed to the compiler 

# Global *compile time* flags for C programs
# DC inspects the following flags (preceded by "-D"):
# IN_CORE - computes all views and checksums in main memory (if there is 
# enough memory)
# VIEW_FILE_OUTPUT - forces DC to write the generated views to disk
# OPTIMIZATION - turns on some nonstandard DC optimizations
# _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE - are standard compiler flags which allow to work with 
# files larger than 2GB.
CFLAGS	= -O2 -fopenmp

# Global *link time* flags. Flags for increasing maximum executable 
# size usually go here. 
CLINKFLAGS = -O2 -fopenmp

# Utilities C:
# This is the C compiler used to compile C utilities.  Flags required by 
# this compiler go here also; typically there are few flags required; hence 
# there are no separate macros provided for such flags.
UCC	= gcc

# Destination of executables, relative to subdirs of the main directory. . 
BINDIR	= ../bin

# The variable RAND controls which random number generator 
# is used. It is described in detail in README.install. 
# Use "randi8" unless there is a reason to use another one. 
# Other allowed values are "randi8_safe", "randdp" and "randdpvec"
RAND   = randi8
# The following is highly reliable but may be slow:
# RAND   = randdp

# The variable WTIME is the name of the wtime source code module in the
# common directory.  
# For most machines,       use wtime.c
# For SGI power challenge: use wtime_sgi64.c
WTIME  = wtime.c

# Enable if either Cray (not Cray-X1) or IBM: 
# (no such flag for most machines: see common/wtime.h)
# This is used by the C compiler to pass the machine name to common/wtime.h,
# where the C/Fortran binding interface format is determined

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bguala commented Jan 2, 2020

I updated the HermitCore toolchain (gcc-hermit, libhermit) and I downloaded the project from repository to start from scratch, but it didn't work. This is my current setup:

In libhermit/CMakeLists.txt I added the following sentence:

build_external(NPB3.3-OMP ${HERMIT_ROOT}/usr/NPB3.3.1 hermit)

Then, in libhermit/usr I added the folder NPB3.3.1. It contains the folder NPB3.3-OMP and the file CMakeLists.txt. This file contains:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)


project(HermitCore C Fortran)


WORKING_DIRECTORY /Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/NPB3.3-OMP/Makefile


When I run the command make in libhermit/build, I see the following error message:


There is no rule to build install target, however the file Makefile located in libhermit/usr/NPB3.3.1/NPB3.3-OMP contains the install target empty:


My config file make.def is the same as yours. The build process fails in the following sentences:

cd /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/NPB3.3-OMP-prefix/src/NPB3.3-OMP-build && /usr/bin/cmake --build /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/NPB3.3-OMP-prefix/src/NPB3.3-OMP-build --target install -- DESTDIR=/home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/local_prefix
cd /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/NPB3.3-OMP-prefix/src/NPB3.3-OMP-build && /usr/bin/cmake -E touch /home/bguala/Escritorio/HermitCore/libhermit/build/NPB3.3-OMP-prefix/src/NPB3.3-OMP-stamp/NPB3.3-OMP-install

located in build.make inside the folder libhermit/build/CMakeLists/NPB3.3-OMP.dir. I tried to use install: ../bin, but it didn't work.

Without the install_local_target(extra/npb) sentence, where build programs are saved??.

Your setup is the same???.

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bguala commented Feb 3, 2020

After doing several tests, I was able to advance the compilation of the NPB. Now, when I run the command make no errors ocur.

Built NPB

However, I don't understand where the benchmarks that were compiled were. They are not in the bin or extra folder.
I should have these benchmarks somewhere.


The CMakeLists.txt file in NPB-3.3-OMP contains the install_local_targets(extra/bin) statement, but apparently the build process ignores this order.

I need to add something in some makefile???.

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stlankes commented Feb 8, 2020

Hm, the cmake file is included in the main file like the OpenMP benchmarks (

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bguala commented Feb 10, 2020

Yes, this is my setup in the main CMakeLists:

Build External
This is my setup in CMakeLists located inside NPB3.3.1:


If I change the install_local_targets statement:

Fallo por Install

The build process fail!:

Fallo Make

I never understood where they will go to stop if the benchmarks are compiled ??. In the directory you specify install_local_targets ???. In the bin directory???, If indeed left in bin, you can run in HermitCore???:


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bguala commented Dec 8, 2020

Hi Stefan

I'm writing to ask you some questions about HermitCore behavior that I don't understand. I am executing a matrix multiplication algorithm on this platform and I am also measuring its execution time with the time command. I did several tests increasing the size of the input until at one point I observe that the execution time stabilizes at approximately 40, 24, 14, 7 y 3 seconds beyond number of threads. The result of each test is reflected in the following table:

Cfg = CPU x Number of Threads


The output in each run is correct. Please could you explain the causes of this behavior to me? Why is the execution time stable if the input size and number of threads increases? How is thread scheduling done in the library operating system? In all cases I am using a virtual machine with 1GB of memory and 4 cores, how is the distribution of threads done in the most extreme case: Is it 16 threads?.

Thank you very much in avance.


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MJChku commented Nov 4, 2021

Want to add a general question, how does openmp work in your kernel?

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