flexiblelambda is a Hybris platform extension capable of converting Java 8 lambdas to Flexible search queries.
It uses JaQue to parse lambda expressions and build flexible search queries of it.
For example, the following code:
LambdaFlexibleSearchService lambdaFlexibleSearchService;
public List<OrderModel> getOrdersForUserUid(String uid) {
final SerializablePredicate<OrderModel> pred = e -> e.getUser().getUid().equals(uid)
|| e.getUser().getName().equals("John");
final LambdaFlexibleSearchQuery<OrderModel> query = new LambdaFlexibleSearchQuery<>(OrderModel.class)
return lambdaFlexibleSearchService.getList(query);
will execute following flexible search query:
SELECT {this.PK} from {Order AS this
LEFT JOIN User as thisuser on {this.user}={thisuser.PK}}
WHERE ({thisuser.uid} = ?a OR {thisuser.name} = ?b)"
With value of uid and "John" as parameters, allowing you to write readable queries in a type safe way.
See LambdaFlexibleSearchTranslationServiceImplUnitTest for more examples and supported cases.