A CLI for running a GraphQL query and requesting all fields
A common GraphQL question is how to easily request all fields to be returned -- something like:
query {
hero {
Here's an example of the question, and why no way to do that exists: https://www.prisma.io/forum/t/include-all-fields-of-a-type-in-a-graphql-query/352
During development and testing, however, such functionality would be useful. Imagine, for example, you have a GraphQL mutation to update a complex entity. To test that mutation, you want to grab some data, make some changes, and then call the mutation with the updated data. Even with the code completion of something like GraphiQL, this can be kind of painful to type in your query to get the entire record to update.
That's why I've created gqall
, a CLI that lets you specify the GraphQL endpoint and just the name of the query, and it will indeed return all fields. This should ease development and testing your GraphQL mutations!
$ npm install gqall
takes two parameters:
- The URL of your GraphQL endpoint
- The GraphQL query to run (just the name and the parameters -- not the fields to return!)
It then prints to standard out the results of the query, including all the fields that you didn't have to specify.
These are some working examples, thanks to FakerQL:
$ gqall https://fakerql.com/graphql "allPosts(count:1)"
"allPosts": [
"id": "cjngkb52m00ta28100t8qvier",
"title": "Table",
"body": "Et deleniti animi. Possimus natus vero quisquam omnis deleniti.",
"published": false,
"createdAt": "Tue Mar 13 2018 20:21:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)",
"author": {
"id": "cjngkb52o00tb28100b0rtxig",
"firstName": "Anabel",
"lastName": "Klocko",
"email": "Jimmie78@yahoo.com",
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/mattlat/128.jpg"
$ gqall https://fakerql.com/graphql 'User(id: "me")'
"User": {
"id": "me",
"firstName": "Jeffrey",
"lastName": "Stroman",
"email": "Alva46@hotmail.com",
"avatar": "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/salvafc/128.jpg"
You can also pass headers using the -H/--header
flag. You can pass multiples.
$ gqall -H "Authorization:Basic ..." https://example.com/graphql 'human(id: "1000")'
You can also get help by passing the -h
- How do you pronounce
?- Unless someone comes up with something better, "JEE - call"
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uses the following open source libraries -- thank you!
Copyright © 2018 Rob Warner
Licensed under the MIT License