Releases: hoppjan/luebeck-mensa-widget
Releases · hoppjan/luebeck-mensa-widget
v0.0.9 - Hangry Hippo
What's Changed
- Fix crash in error/empty case by @hoppjan in #61
- Fix empty menu being displayed like an error by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #62
Full Changelog: v0.0.8...v0.0.9
v0.0.8 - Selecting Swallow
What's Changed
- Filter deals based on heuristics by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #54
- Allow change of location by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #58
- Make dropdown conform to options list style by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #57
- Improved widget date by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #56
Full Changelog: v0.0.7...v0.0.8
v0.0.7 - Translatable Trout
What's Changed
- Remove Clickbait in meal names by @lomenzel in #27
- Add fish 🐟 emoji if in allergens by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #52
- Make app translatable, translate to German by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #53
- Add cool badges etc. to README by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #51
Full Changelog: v0.0.6...v0.0.7
v0.0.6 - Configurable Capybara
What's Changed
- Add widget configuration options by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #39
- Fix Friday afternoon not showing the right next day menu by @Importantus & @hoppjan in #49
Full Changelog: v0.0.5...v0.0.6
v0.0.5 - Incremental Iguana
What's Changed
- Fix incompatibility to new API v2 by @Importantus, @Draculente & @hoppjan in #37
- Update dependencies by @hoppjan in #35
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
v0.0.4 - Weekend Weasel
- Use date instead of days and weeks when fetching meals from API by @Importantus in #34
- GitHub action now builds the release version by @Importantus & @hoppjan #30
v0.0.3 - Signing Squid
- Thanks to @Importantus, we now sign our releases! #30
This release is for testing purposes and does not contain any changes other than the app signature. Therefore, the unsigned app must be uninstalled before installing this version!
v0.0.3 - Progressing Panda
- 🎉 Integrated a progress indicator to give visual feedback while refreshing in the background
- ✨ Realigned error texts
- ⬆️ Updated app dependencies
- 🤖 Updated app target SDK to API 34 (Android 14)
v0.0.2 - Refreshing Rabbit
What's Changed
- Set minResize values to allow smaller resizing of widget #18 by @hoppjan in #19
- Implemented an API cache by @hoppjan in #20
- Change emojis to better reflect vegan vs vegetarian vs meat meal options by @Draculente in #23
- Add a refresh button #8 by @hoppjan in #29
New Contributors
- @Draculente made their first contribution in #23
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v0.0.2
v0.0.1 - Quick Quokka
This is a pre-release version trying to address #17 and to test #7.
What's Changed
- Add LICENSE (Apache 2.0) by @hoppjan in #2
- Update API URL Parameters to fix showing next weeks meals by @lomenzel in #3
- Create a new app icon by @hoppjan in #5
- Update README to include much more info by @Importantus in #11
- Create build and release workflow by @Importantus in #7
- Follow DarkMode preferences by @lomenzel in #12
- Make Widget resizable by @lomenzel in #16
- Change days for API to english by @Importantus in #14
- Show next day when mensa is closed by @lomenzel in #15
New Contributors
- @hoppjan made their first contribution in #2
- @lomenzel made their first contribution in #3
- @Importantus made their first contribution in #11
Full Changelog: