All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Some basic styling.
- Export button to export current word search as an image.
- Page title and icons.
- Further improved the modification of generation options.
- Fixed words appearing more than once.
- Fixed still attempting generating a word search when the word is bigger than the width and height.
- Fixed words spelled the same forwards and backwards will not generate a word search.
- Improved the modification of generation options.
- Words may appear more than once.
- Words spelled the same forwards and backwards will not generate a word search.
- App still attempts to generate a word search if the word is bigger than the width and height.
- Initial app.
- Words may appear more than once.
- Changing the width and height of the word search may not work as expected.
- Words spelled the same forwards and backwards will not generate a word search.
- App still attempts to generate a word search if the word is bigger than the width and height.