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Elsa Gonsiorowski, PhD edited this page May 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

This page captures the current state of each of the mpiFileUtils tools. Each tool links to its own page, which is intended to capture some of the history of its development.

Tool Current Status
dbcast released
dbz2 released 0.9.1
dchmod released
dcmp released
dcp released
dcp1 legacy
ddup released
dfilemaker experimental
dfilemaker1 legacy
dfind released
dgrep experimental
dparallel experimental
dreln released
drm released
dsh experimental
dstripe released
dsync released
dtar experimental
dwalk released


  • legacy tools not implemented on top of the common libmfu.
  • experimental tools are under development and not expected to function. USE THESE TOOLS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
  • released tools are considered production ready. The mpiFileUtils version which first included the released tool is indicated. Any issues should be reported.
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