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Matthias Springer edited this page May 18, 2015 · 7 revisions


  1. Get constant selector name in VM as Smalltalk symbol: add to Constants.SIMULATION_SELECTORS and a field with that name will be available in object space
  2. Build with a different GC and no JIT: python .build/ -O2 --gc=generation

Build GDB-debuggable binary

  1. Look for this line at the end of the build process: [translation:info] written: /var/folders/c_/77lk4k657w5gzk7mfckmll6c0000gn/T/usession-default-129/testing_1/testing_1.c
  2. Change Makefile and add flag -arch i386 to DEBUG_FLAGS
  3. Run make clean and make debug -j8 (8 cores)
  4. Run VM: sudo gdb --args ./rsqueak images/Squeak4.6-vmmaker.1.image


  1. Check if running on RSqueak.
	< primitive: 'isRSqueak' module: 'VMDebugging' >
	^ false
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