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56 lines (52 loc) · 3.07 KB

Basic command

  • ifort: Intel fortran compiler
  • icc: Intel C compiler
  • icpc: Intel C++ compiler
  • When Intel MPI is enabled
    • source <intel_install_path>/impi/2019.1.144/intel64/bin/
      • mpicc: Intel MPI with gcc
      • mpicxx: Intel MPI with g++
      • mpif77/mpif90: Intel MPI with gfortran
      • mpiicc: Intel MPI with icc
      • mpiicpc: Intel MPI with icpc
      • mpiifort: intel MPI with ifort
  • Intel MKL libraries: source <intel_install_path>/mkl/bin/ intel64
  • Intel VTune profiler: source <intel_install_path>/vtune_amplifier/
  • Intel Vectorization advisor: source <intel_install_path>/advisor/
  • Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector: source <intel_install_path>/itac_latest/bin/

Compiling option

  • -g: enabling debug mode
  • -check bounds: checks if any index violates the size of array
  • -fpe0: checks division by zero
  • -O0/-O1/-O2/-O3: no/level-1/level-2/level-3 optimization
  • -xHost: reads /proc/cpuinfo and optimizes the code using available instructions. Highly aggresive optimization
  • -no-vec/-xsse2/-xavx/-xavx2: no vectorization/vectorization using sse2/AVX vectorization/AVX2 vectorization
    • AVX2 is not supported in sc1000/Focus clusters. Check /proc/cpuinfo of every cluster
  • -xCore-AVX512/-xCOMMON-AVX512: optimization using core/common AVX512 instructions
    • AVX512 is supported in Vector/Atom cluster. However, if the code is not specifically written for AVX512, enabling AVX512 might not be encouraged
    • Don't guess. MEASURE IT.
  • -ipo: Inter-procedural optimization. Highly recommended
  • -fp-model: Adjusts floating-point model
  • -Ofast: combination of -O3 -no-prec-div -fp-model fast=2
  • -mkl: using MKL library. -mkl=parallel is default. For serial MKL library, use -mkl=sequential
  • -qopenmp/-fopenmp: enabling OpenMP
  • -parallel: enabling auto-parallelization
  • Sample optimization commands
    • ifort -O3 -xHost -fp-model fast=2 -ipo ex.f90
    • icc -xavx2 -Ofast -ipo ex.c
  • Aggressive optimization may hurt the accuracy. Do sanity check always
  • Aggressive optimization may hurt the performance
    • Again: Don't guess. MEASURE IT

Some guide for code optimization using compiler options

  • Check /proc/cpuinfo and find any vector instructions can be used: avx, avx2, avx512, ...
  • Compile the code naively using -O0 or -O1, without vectorization. Test and get results
  • Increase the level of optimization like -O2 or -O3. If you have significantly different results b/w -O1 and -O2, your code may have serious bugs
  • From -O0 to -O3, if everything works good then try vectorization and interprocedural optimization
    • Benchmark with or without -ipo/avx/avx2/xhost/fp-model fast=1,2... and find the best combination
    • Results must not yield significant differences like less than 0.1 % after 1000 steps in total energy (or main result) when compared to -O0 or -O1 naively compiled ones
    • Again: Don't guess. MEASURE IT
  • Performance gain less than 30% would be errorneous or trivial
  • In order to find average wall time, repeat 5-10 times of run

Using preprocessor for icpc

  • icpc -E somesource.cpp > test.i
  • This may show what header files are missing