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83 lines (75 loc) · 3.11 KB

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83 lines (75 loc) · 3.11 KB
  • gmock is not supported anymore while googletest ( might be used instead

    • mkdir buld; cd build; cmake ..; make ; make install
  • Prior to compiling sample codes

    • export GMOCK_HOME=<gtest_install_prefix>
  • In each folder, adjust CMakeLists.txt from

include_directories($ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/include $ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/gtest/include)
link_directories($ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/mybuild $ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/gtest/mybuild)


  • In CMakeLists.txt, add_executable(test ${sources}) crashes with CMAKE. Adjust using a different name such as add_executable(testx ${sources})
  • The order of libraries might be important. If the compilation fails with the message of undefined reference to pthread-getspecific, then adjust CMakeLists.txt from:
target_link_libraries(testx pthread)
target_link_libraries(testx gtest)
target_link_libraries(testx gmock)


target_link_libraries(testx gtest)
target_link_libraries(testx gmock)
target_link_libraries(testx pthread)

or target_link_libraries(testx gtest gmock pthread)

  • Sample CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
include_directories($ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/include $ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/gtest/include)
link_directories($ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/lib $ENV{GMOCK_HOME}/gtest/mybuild)
set(sources    main.cpp    SoundexTest.cpp)
add_executable(test ${sources})
target_link_libraries(test gmock gtest pthread)
  • prviate vs. public functions in Class

    • Public functions can be called from other classes or routines
    • Private functions can be called within the its own class
  • Inherit class class SoundexEncoding: public testing::test

  • In gtest, TEST() vs. TEST_F()

    • TEST(TestSuiteName,TestName): TestSuiteName & TestName are for post-processing. Just dummy. No data
    • TEST_F(TestFixtureName, TestName): TestFixtureName must be defined as a class, inheriting testing::Test
    • Fixture can help to abstract code. Data structures can be defined/handled within TestFixtureName class, without declaring them in each TEST_F call. Therefore, when there are many TEST_F with similar data structure, Fixture can be beneficial in reducing code lines
  • Rule of Thumb

    • One ASSERT_THAT() per ONE TEST or TEST_F. ASSERT_THAT() yields FATAL failure - exits the TEST_F() even though there might be untested parts.
    • EXPECT_THAT() can be called multiple times. It yields NON-FATAL failure. Even after failure, TEST_F() continues to the next line.
  • for loop in c++11. Compile as g++ -std=c++11 ex.cpp

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv){
    std::string abc;
    abc = "abcde";
    for(auto letter: abc) std::cout << letter <<" "; // Iterates over abc. letter gets the each character
    std::cout << std::endl;
    return 0;
  • Initialization list: xm(mass) is not an array. xm initial value is declared as mass
class Particle {
  double xx[3], vv[3], ff[3], xm;
  Particle(): xm(mass) {
  ~Particle() {