Logistic Regression to predict the score (0 or 1) or helpfulness of amazon review i.e. text data
Build a model to predict the helpfulness of Amazon Fine Food Reviews. This will improve Amazon's selection of helpful reviews at the top of the review section and improve customer's purchasing decisions. It could also help other reviewers as a guide to writing helpful reviews.
This dataset comes from over 568,0454 Amazon Fine Food Reviews.
Variable | Description | Type of Variable
HelpfulnessNumerator | number of users who found the review helpful | continuous
HelpfulnessDenominator | number of users who indicated whether they found the review helpful or not helpful | continuous
Score | rating between 1 and 5 | categorical
Text | text of the review | text
Find the dataset here: https://www.kaggle.com/ameeamin/predicting-the-helpfulness-of-amazon-reviews/data