From 125c86621290426c17b990d912e509af2c6d039d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: gravesti Date: Thu, 18 Jul 2024 10:19:32 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 862208ea3a8c3c931f2a12661fab2d05222471e7 --- main/coverage-report/index.html | 320 ++++++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 160 insertions(+), 160 deletions(-) diff --git a/main/coverage-report/index.html b/main/coverage-report/index.html index bdadcc44..b1403180 100644 --- a/main/coverage-report/index.html +++ b/main/coverage-report/index.html @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ font-size: 11px; }

maicplus coverage - 49.44%


maicplus coverage - 54.75%

- +
@@ -20488,30 +20488,30 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    1x
  names(tte_ipd) <- toupper(names(tte_ipd))
- + 53 - ! + 1x
  names(tte_pseudo_ipd) <- toupper(names(tte_pseudo_ipd))
- + 54 - ! + 1x
  trt_var_ipd <- toupper(trt_var_ipd)
- + 55 - ! + 1x
  trt_var_agd <- toupper(trt_var_agd)
@@ -20530,9 +20530,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

  # pre check
- + 58 - ! + 1x
  if (!"maicplus_estimate_weights" %in% class(weights_object)) {
@@ -20551,9 +20551,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 61 - ! + 1x
  if (!all(c("USUBJID", "TIME", "EVENT", trt_var_ipd) %in% names(tte_ipd))) {
@@ -20572,9 +20572,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 64 - ! + 1x
  if (!all(c("TIME", "EVENT", trt_var_agd) %in% names(tte_pseudo_ipd))) {
@@ -20593,9 +20593,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 67 - ! + 1x
  km_layout <- match.arg(km_layout, choices = c("all", "by_trial", "by_arm"), several.ok = FALSE)
@@ -20614,37 +20614,37 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

  # preparing data
- + 70 - ! + 1x
  is_anchored <- !is.null(trt_common)
- + 71 - ! + 1x
  tte_ipd <- tte_ipd[tte_ipd[[trt_var_ipd]] %in% c(trt_ipd, trt_common), , drop = FALSE]
- + 72 - ! + 1x
  tte_pseudo_ipd <- tte_pseudo_ipd[tte_pseudo_ipd[[trt_var_agd]] %in% c(trt_agd, trt_common), , drop = FALSE]
- + 73 - ! + 1x
  tte_ipd$weights <- weights_object$data$weights[match(weights_object$data$USUBJID, tte_ipd$USUBJID)]
- + 74 - ! + 1x
  tte_pseudo_ipd$weights <- 1
@@ -20656,37 +20656,37 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    1x
  tte_ipd$TIME <- get_time_as(tte_ipd$TIME, as = time_scale)
- + 77 - ! + 1x
  tte_pseudo_ipd$TIME <- get_time_as(tte_pseudo_ipd$TIME, as = time_scale)
- + 78 - ! + 1x
  my_survfit <- function(data, weighted = FALSE) {
- + 79 - ! + 6x
    if (weighted) {
- + 80 - ! + 2x
      survfit(Surv(TIME, EVENT) ~ 1, data = data, conf.type = km_conf_type, weights = data$weights)
@@ -20698,9 +20698,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

    } else {
- + 82 - ! + 4x
      survfit(Surv(TIME, EVENT) ~ 1, data = data, conf.type = km_conf_type)
@@ -20726,9 +20726,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    1x
  if (!is_anchored) {
@@ -20782,58 +20782,58 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

    basic_kmplot2(kmlist, kmlist_name, ...)
- + 94 - ! + 1x
  } else if (is_anchored) {
- + 95 - ! + 1x
    all_km <- list(
- + 96 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_A = my_survfit(data = tte_ipd[tte_ipd[, trt_var_ipd] == trt_ipd, ]),
- + 97 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_B = my_survfit(data = tte_pseudo_ipd[tte_pseudo_ipd[, trt_var_agd] == trt_agd, ]),
- + 98 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_A_adj = my_survfit(data = tte_ipd[tte_ipd[, trt_var_ipd] == trt_ipd, ], weighted = TRUE),
- + 99 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_C = my_survfit(data = tte_ipd[tte_ipd[, trt_var_ipd] == trt_common, ]),
- + 100 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_C_adj = my_survfit(data = tte_ipd[tte_ipd[, trt_var_ipd] == trt_common, ], weighted = TRUE),
- + 101 - ! + 1x
      kmobj_C_agd = my_survfit(data = tte_pseudo_ipd[tte_pseudo_ipd[, trt_var_agd] == trt_common, ])
@@ -20852,44 +20852,44 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    1x
    kmlist_combined <- list()
- + 105 - ! + 1x
    if (km_layout %in% c("by_trial", "all")) {
- + 106 - ! + 1x
      kmlist_1_2 <- list(
- + 107 - ! + 1x
- + 108 - ! + 1x
          all_km[c(4, 1, 3, 5)],
- + 109 - ! + 1x
          c(trt_ipd, trt_common, paste0(trt_ipd, " (weighted)"), paste0(trt_common, " (weighted)"))
@@ -20901,9 +20901,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 111 - ! + 1x
        setNames(all_km[c(6, 2)], c(trt_common, trt_agd))
@@ -20915,23 +20915,23 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 113 - ! + 1x
      names(kmlist_1_2) <- c(
- + 114 - ! + 1x
        paste0("Kaplan-Meier Curves \n(", trt_ipd, " vs ", trt_common, ") in the IPD trial"),
- + 115 - ! + 1x
        paste0("Kaplan-Meier Curves \n(", trt_agd, " vs ", trt_common, ") in the AgD trial")
@@ -20943,9 +20943,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 117 - ! + 1x
      kmlist_combined <- c(kmlist_combined, kmlist_1_2)
@@ -20957,9 +20957,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 119 - ! + 1x
    if (km_layout %in% c("by_arm", "all")) {
@@ -21034,9 +21034,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 130 - ! + 1x
    if (km_layout == "all") {
@@ -21062,51 +21062,51 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    1x
    splots <- mapply(
- + 135 - ! + 1x
      FUN = basic_kmplot2,
- + 136 - ! + 1x
      kmlist = kmlist_combined,
- + 137 - ! + 1x
      kmlist_name = lapply(kmlist_combined, names),
- + 138 - ! + 1x
      main_title = names(kmlist_combined),
- + 139 - ! + 1x
      MoreArgs = list(...),
- + 140 - ! + 1x
@@ -21118,9 +21118,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 142 - ! + 1x
    survminer::arrange_ggsurvplots(splots, nrow = 1 + (km_layout == "all"))
@@ -21363,16 +21363,16 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    2x
  if (is.null(use_line_types)) {
- + 178 - ! + 2x
    use_line_types <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
@@ -21391,16 +21391,16 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

-                    !
+                    2x
  if (is.null(use_colors)) {
- + 182 - ! + 2x
    use_colors <- c("#5450E4", "#00857C", "#6ECEB2", "#7B68EE")
@@ -21426,156 +21426,156 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

  # Produce the Kaplan-Meier plot
- + 186 - ! + 2x
  survminer_plot <- survminer::ggsurvplot(kmlist,
- + 187 - ! + 2x
    linetype = use_line_types,
- + 188 - ! + 2x
    palette = use_colors,
- + 189 - ! + 2x
    size = 0.2,
- + 190 - ! + 2x
    combine = TRUE,
- + 191 - ! + 2x
    risk.table = show_risk_set,
- + 192 - ! + 2x
    risk.table.y.text.col = TRUE,
- + 193 - ! + 2x
    risk.table.y.text = FALSE,
- + 194 - ! + 2x = break_x_by,
- + 195 - ! + 2x
    censor = censor,
- + 196 - ! + 2x
    censor.size = 2,
- + 197 - ! + 2x
    xlab = "Time",
- + 198 - ! + 2x
    ylab = endpoint_name,
- + 199 - ! + 2x
    legend.title = "Treatment",
- + 200 - ! + 2x
    legend = c(0.85, 0.82),
- + 201 - ! + 2x
    title = paste0(main_title, "\nEndpoint: ", endpoint_name),
- + 202 - ! + 2x
    legend.labs = kmlist_name,
- + 203 - ! + 2x
    tables.theme = survminer::theme_cleantable(),
- + 204 - ! + 2x
    ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_classic(base_size = 10),
- + 205 - ! + 2x
    fontsize = 3,
- + 206 - ! + 2x = FALSE,
- + 207 - ! + 2x
    xlim = xlim
@@ -21587,9 +21587,9 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

- + 209 - ! + 2x
@@ -22398,14 +22398,14 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

35 - 14x + 16x
  factor <- match.arg(factor, several.ok = TRUE)
36 - 14x + 16x
  if (!exists("time_conversion", settings_env)) {
@@ -22433,7 +22433,7 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

40 - 14x + 16x
@@ -22524,14 +22524,14 @@

maicplus coverage - 49.44%

53 - 14x + 16x
  as <- match.arg(as)
54 - 14x + 16x
  times / get_time_conversion(as)