create service worker javascript file and manifest by webpack manifest and sw-precache, you can use with service-worker-register
- compatible sw-precache-webpack-plugin plugin functionality
- support create service worker javascript file by webpack manifest webpack-manifest-resource-plugin
- inject service worker manifest file content to global var
- create service worker manifest file
npm i service-worker-precache-webpack-plugin --save-dev
const ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin = require('service-worker-precache-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin({
cacheId: 'my-project-name',
dontCacheBustUrlsMatching: /\.\w{8}\./,
filename: 'service-worker.js',
minify: true,
navigateFallback: PUBLIC_PATH + 'index.html',
staticFileGlobsIgnorePatterns: [/\.map$/, /sw-manifest\.json$/],
more configuration sw-precache-webpack-plugin
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin({
prefix: 'sw',
strategy: [
name: 'index',
entry: 'index/index',
name: 'category',
entry: ['category/category', 'about/about'],
options: {
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /^https:\/\/category\.com\/api/,
handler: 'fastest'
manifest: 'config/manifest.json'
module.exports = {
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin({
prefix: 'sw',
strategy: 'multiple'
- compatible sw-precache-webpack-plugin configuration
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin(option);
: {String}, optional - Service worker file prefix, default:sw
. such as:
new ServiceWorkerWebpackPlugin({
prefix: 'sw',
filename: 'home.js'
The final generated file is sw-home.js
{Object}, optional - The format is webpack-manifest-resource-plugin. when create service worker by webpack manifest, you must set this config. ifconfig/manifest.json
exists, will use this manifest config. -
{String|Array} - How to create service worker file by what strategy. The value optional :single
, and Array config. default:single
single: create a service worker file by all webpack entry
multiple: create an independent service worker file for webpack each entry
array type: if the value is array, create service worker file based on the specified webpack entry
strategy: [
name: 'index',
entry: 'index/index',
name: 'category',
entry: ['category/category', 'about/about'],
options: {
runtimeCaching: [
urlPattern: /^https:\/\/category\.com\/api/,
handler: 'fastest'
the option.strategy[] array item config:
: {String} - service worker file name.entry
: {String|Array} - the webpack entry name.options
: {Object}, optional - thesw-precache-webpack-plugin
- The plugin will create service worker manifest file, solve the service worker cache problem by manifest.
// sw-manifest.js
"config": {
"localPublicPath": "/public/",
"publicPath": "/public/"
"service-worker.js": "/public/service-worker.567ddfd3.js"
- use with service-worker-register
const serviceWorkerRegister = require('service-worker-register');
// The service-worker.js name will get really url address by sw-mapping.json file