This repository is developed for storm surge simulation of geoclaw with user-defined wind and SLP fields.
Here is an example of the simulation with uniform and constant wind field which blows from west to east (plotted by VisClaw.jl
- clawpack v5.7.1
- NetCDF4 libraries (netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran)
- install the required libraries and packages
- set the environmental variables
You can check variables by the following commands.
echo $CLAW # top directory of your clawpack
echo $PYTHONPATH # top directory of your clawpack
echo $FC # Fortran compiler
echo $NETCDF_F_ROOT # directory of your netcdf-fortran
- run a test simulation
Test simulations can be implemented by
make clobber
make storm
make data
make output
Wind and SLP should be dumped at open boundaries when the storm field covers the boundaries of simulation.
The sources on boundary condition are now being developed to adopt this dumping effect.
BSD 3-Clause
The author would like to thank Marc Kjerland Ph.D. for collaboration on the early stages of this work.
- Takuya Miyashita miyashita (at)