Hydronautics Gazebo simulation for SAUVC and TEKNOFEST
based on uuv_simulator for testing control algorithms
sudo ./run_sauvc.sh
Build docker image:
sudo docker build -t hydronautics/simulator:teknofest -f Dockerfile.teknofest .
Run docker container:
sudo ./run_teknofest.sh
git submodule update --init --recursive
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash catkin_make
To run the simulator, use launch file:
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch Simulation.launch
roslaunch rtabmap_ros rtabmap.launch \
rtabmap_args:="--delete_db_on_start" \
rgb_topic:=/rov_model_urdf/camera_depth/color/image_raw \
depth_topic:=/rov_model_urdf/camera_depth/depth/image_raw \
camera_info_topic:=/rov_model_urdf/camera_depth/color/ \
camera_info frame_id:=camera_depth approx_sync:=false \
UV has 5 cameras:
- 1 front camera
- 1 front depth camera
- 1 bottom camera
Cameras' topics: /rov_model_urdf/camera_bottom/image_raw /rov_model_urdf/camera_front/image_raw /rov_model_urdf/camera_depth/color/image_raw /rov_model_urdf/camera_depth/depth/image_raw
To run depth camera visualization write in terminal:
rosrun rviz rviz
UV has IMU sensor
was written to move UV. Through publishing twist messages you can control robots's planar movements and its hight. Odom message can inform you about robot's position, orientation and twist parameters.
- Depth sensor
Bad physics. Buoyancy and hydrodynamic plugins will be fixed.