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501 lines (335 loc) · 9.24 KB

Mocha - testing framework

Visit official webiste

Chai - assertion library

Visit official webiste

Chai is optional, as node.js has assertion library by default

Visit here to check Chai Assertion library

How to do

  • Create any folder named test1

  • cd test1

  • npm init

	Give simple description, author name etc, specify app.js as root, then accept defaults
  • npm install mocha chai --save-dev

  • Change the value of 'test' key to 'mocha' in package.json

		"scripts": {
		    "test": "mocha"
  • Create app.js

  • Create test directory(by default mocha is gonna look for directory called test)

  • Create test/appTesting.js


module.exports = function(){
	return "Hello coders"

const assert = require("chai").assert;

const app = require("../app")

describe("Hello App", function(){
	it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
		assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")
  • Finally run npm run test from test1 folder
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test

> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> Mocha

  Hello App
     It should return 'Hello coders'

  1 passing (6ms)

MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ 
  • Now change the code of appTesting.js

const assert = require("chai").assert;

const app = require("../app")

describe("Hello App", function(){
		it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
			assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")

describe("Hello App", function(){
		it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
			assert.equal(app(), "Hello doctors")
  • Then again run like below
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test

> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> Mocha

  Hello App
     It should return 'Hello coders'

  Hello App
    1) It should return 'Hello coders'

  1 passing (8ms)
  1 failing

  1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':

      AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
      + expected - actual

      -Hello coders
      +Hello doctors
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! test1@1.0.0 test: `Mocha`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the test1@1.0.0 test script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /Users/admin/.npm/_logs/2017-09-18T18_22_36_998Z-debug.log
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$  

Try npm run test -s, you won't be able to see ERR messages like the above one

Better is to not do like this.

MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test -s

  Hello App
    ✓ It should return 'Hello coders'

  Hello App
    1) It should return 'Hello coders'

  1 passing (8ms)
  1 failing

  1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':

      AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
      + expected - actual

      -Hello coders
      +Hello doctors
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)

MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ 

Now again change the value of 'test' key to 'mocha || true' to get rid of adding -s switch again & again in each command

		"scripts": {
		    "test": "mocha || true"

Then run npm run test

MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test

> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> mocha || true

  Hello App
    ✓ It should return 'Hello coders'

  Hello App
    1) It should return 'Hello coders'

  1 passing (8ms)
  1 failing

  1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':

      AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
      + expected - actual

      -Hello coders
      +Hello doctors
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)

MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ 

Almost same, Right!!!

Let's move on!!!

Testing multiple functions

Now paste the below code on app.js of test1 directory(I have commented few lines)

const assert = require("chai").assert;

const app = require("../app")

describe("Hello App", function(){
		it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
			assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")

// describe("Hello App", function(){
// 		it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
// 			assert.equal(app(), "Hello doctors")
// 		})
// })

After that create a new file names arithmetic.js in the same directory and paste the following code(Also try to understand it)

var obj = {}

obj["addition"] = function(num1, num2){
					return num1+num2

obj["subtraction"] = function(num1, num2){
					return num1-num2

obj["multiplication"] = function(num1, num2){
					return num1*num2

obj["division"] = function(num1, num2){
					return num1/num2

obj["isDivisorNotZero"] = function(num1, num2){
	if (num2 === 0) {
		return false
	return true

module.exports = obj

Now create a testing file named arithmeticTesting.js inside test1/test directory

const assert = require("chai").assert;

const obj = require("../arithmetic")

describe("Arithmetic operations:-", function(){
	describe("Addition", function(){
		it("addition(10, 5) equals 15", function(){
			let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
			assert.equal(result, 15)

		it("addition(10, 5) is greater than 10", function(){
			let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
			assert.isAbove(result, 10)

		it("addition(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
			let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
			assert.typeOf(result, "number")

	describe("Subtraction", function(){
		it("subtraction(10, 5) equals 5", function(){
			let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
			assert.equal(result, 5)

		it("subtraction(10, 5) is less than 8", function(){
			let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
			assert.isBelow(result, 8)

		it("subtraction(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
			let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
			assert.typeOf(result, "number")

	describe("Multiplication", function(){
		it("multiplication(10, 5) equals 50", function(){
			let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
			assert.equal(result, 50)

		it("multiplication(10, 5) is less than 51", function(){
			let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
			assert.isBelow(result, 51)

		it("multiplication(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
			let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
			assert.typeOf(result, "number")

	describe("Division", function(){
		it("isDivisorNotZero(10, 5) returns true", function(){
			let result = obj.isDivisorNotZero(10, 5)
			assert.equal(result, true)

		it("divison(10, 5) equals 2", function(){
			let result = obj.division(10, 5)
			assert.equal(result, 2)

Finally run npm run test, you will see output something like below(Do not bother about path, it will be different in your case)

> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> mocha || true

  Hello App
    ✓ It should return 'Hello coders'

  Arithmetic operations:-
      ✓ addition(10, 5) equals 15
      ✓ addition(10, 5) is greater than 10
      ✓ addition(10, 5) returns a number
      ✓ subtraction(10, 5) equals 5
      ✓ subtraction(10, 5) is less than 8
      ✓ subtraction(10, 5) returns a number
      ✓ multiplication(10, 5) equals 50
      ✓ multiplication(10, 5) is less than 51
      ✓ multiplication(10, 5) returns a number
      ✓ isDivisorNotZero(10, 5) returns true
      ✓ divison(10, 5) equals 2

  12 passing (10ms)


/* test/data-testing.js */

var assert = require("chai").assert
var expect = require("chai").expect

describe("Testing data and their types", function(){
	it("number type test for 4 - done", function(){ 
		assert.typeOf(4, "number", "4 is of type integer")

	it("number type test for 4.67 - done", function(){ 
		assert.typeOf(4.67, "number", "4.67 is of type integer")

	it("object type test for {name: 'Let Us C'} - done", function(){ 
		assert.typeOf({name: 'Let Us C'}, "object", "4 is of type integer")

	it("object type test for [1, 3, 4] - done", function(){ 
		expect([1, 3, 4])"array")

run npm run test

MacBook-Pro-2:test3-object admin$ npm run test

> test3-object@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test3-object
> mocha

  Testing data and their types
    ✓ number type test for 4 - done
    ✓ number type test for 4.67 - done
    ✓ object type test for {name: 'Let Us C'} - done
    ✓ object type test for [1, 3, 4] - done

  4 passing (7ms)










	var app = require("../app").sum
	var app = require("../app")

	var s = app.sum()
	var result = sum()