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Chai is optional, as node.js has assertion library by default
Visit here to check Chai Assertion library
Create any folder named test1
cd test1
npm init
Give simple description, author name etc, specify app.js as root, then accept defaults
npm install mocha chai --save-dev
Change the value of 'test' key to 'mocha' in package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"
Create app.js
Create test directory(by default mocha is gonna look for directory called test)
Create test/appTesting.js
module.exports = function(){
return "Hello coders"
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const app = require("../app")
describe("Hello App", function(){
it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")
- Finally run npm run test from test1 folder
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test
> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> Mocha
Hello App
✓ It should return 'Hello coders'
1 passing (6ms)
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$
- Now change the code of appTesting.js
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const app = require("../app")
describe("Hello App", function(){
it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")
describe("Hello App", function(){
it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
assert.equal(app(), "Hello doctors")
- Then again run like below
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test
> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> Mocha
Hello App
✓ It should return 'Hello coders'
Hello App
1) It should return 'Hello coders'
1 passing (8ms)
1 failing
1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':
AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
+ expected - actual
-Hello coders
+Hello doctors
at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! test1@1.0.0 test: `Mocha`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the test1@1.0.0 test script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! /Users/admin/.npm/_logs/2017-09-18T18_22_36_998Z-debug.log
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$
Try npm run test -s, you won't be able to see ERR messages like the above one
Better is to not do like this.
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test -s
Hello App
✓ It should return 'Hello coders'
Hello App
1) It should return 'Hello coders'
1 passing (8ms)
1 failing
1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':
AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
+ expected - actual
-Hello coders
+Hello doctors
at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$
Now again change the value of 'test' key to 'mocha || true' to get rid of adding -s switch again & again in each command
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha || true"
Then run npm run test
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$ npm run test
> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> mocha || true
Hello App
✓ It should return 'Hello coders'
Hello App
1) It should return 'Hello coders'
1 passing (8ms)
1 failing
1) Hello App It should return 'Hello coders':
AssertionError: expected 'Hello coders' to equal 'Hello doctors'
+ expected - actual
-Hello coders
+Hello doctors
at Context.<anonymous> (test/appTesting.js:15:11)
MacBook-Pro-2:test1 admin$
Almost same, Right!!!
Let's move on!!!
Now paste the below code on app.js of test1 directory(I have commented few lines)
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const app = require("../app")
describe("Hello App", function(){
it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
assert.equal(app(), "Hello coders")
// describe("Hello App", function(){
// it("It should return 'Hello coders'", function(){
// assert.equal(app(), "Hello doctors")
// })
// })
After that create a new file names arithmetic.js in the same directory and paste the following code(Also try to understand it)
var obj = {}
obj["addition"] = function(num1, num2){
return num1+num2
obj["subtraction"] = function(num1, num2){
return num1-num2
obj["multiplication"] = function(num1, num2){
return num1*num2
obj["division"] = function(num1, num2){
return num1/num2
obj["isDivisorNotZero"] = function(num1, num2){
if (num2 === 0) {
return false
return true
module.exports = obj
Now create a testing file named arithmeticTesting.js inside test1/test directory
const assert = require("chai").assert;
const obj = require("../arithmetic")
describe("Arithmetic operations:-", function(){
describe("Addition", function(){
it("addition(10, 5) equals 15", function(){
let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
assert.equal(result, 15)
it("addition(10, 5) is greater than 10", function(){
let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
assert.isAbove(result, 10)
it("addition(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
let result = obj.addition(10, 5)
assert.typeOf(result, "number")
describe("Subtraction", function(){
it("subtraction(10, 5) equals 5", function(){
let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
assert.equal(result, 5)
it("subtraction(10, 5) is less than 8", function(){
let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
assert.isBelow(result, 8)
it("subtraction(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
let result = obj.subtraction(10, 5)
assert.typeOf(result, "number")
describe("Multiplication", function(){
it("multiplication(10, 5) equals 50", function(){
let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
assert.equal(result, 50)
it("multiplication(10, 5) is less than 51", function(){
let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
assert.isBelow(result, 51)
it("multiplication(10, 5) returns a number", function(){
let result = obj.multiplication(10, 5)
assert.typeOf(result, "number")
describe("Division", function(){
it("isDivisorNotZero(10, 5) returns true", function(){
let result = obj.isDivisorNotZero(10, 5)
assert.equal(result, true)
it("divison(10, 5) equals 2", function(){
let result = obj.division(10, 5)
assert.equal(result, 2)
Finally run npm run test, you will see output something like below(Do not bother about path, it will be different in your case)
> test1@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test1
> mocha || true
Hello App
✓ It should return 'Hello coders'
Arithmetic operations:-
✓ addition(10, 5) equals 15
✓ addition(10, 5) is greater than 10
✓ addition(10, 5) returns a number
✓ subtraction(10, 5) equals 5
✓ subtraction(10, 5) is less than 8
✓ subtraction(10, 5) returns a number
✓ multiplication(10, 5) equals 50
✓ multiplication(10, 5) is less than 51
✓ multiplication(10, 5) returns a number
✓ isDivisorNotZero(10, 5) returns true
✓ divison(10, 5) equals 2
12 passing (10ms)
/* test/data-testing.js */
var assert = require("chai").assert
var expect = require("chai").expect
describe("Testing data and their types", function(){
it("number type test for 4 - done", function(){
assert.typeOf(4, "number", "4 is of type integer")
it("number type test for 4.67 - done", function(){
assert.typeOf(4.67, "number", "4.67 is of type integer")
it("object type test for {name: 'Let Us C'} - done", function(){
assert.typeOf({name: 'Let Us C'}, "object", "4 is of type integer")
it("object type test for [1, 3, 4] - done", function(){
expect([1, 3, 4])"array")
run npm run test
MacBook-Pro-2:test3-object admin$ npm run test
> test3-object@1.0.0 test /Users/admin/projects/Node/node-runtime/unittest/mocha/test3-object
> mocha
Testing data and their types
✓ number type test for 4 - done
✓ number type test for 4.67 - done
✓ object type test for {name: 'Let Us C'} - done
✓ object type test for [1, 3, 4] - done
4 passing (7ms)
var app = require("../app").sum
var app = require("../app")
var s = app.sum()
var result = sum()