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Oneweb CSS/Scss styleguide

Because I'm a little obsessive about some things…

CSS Classes, not IDs!

IDs are only used on html elements when it is completely un-avoidable (that's never the case for styling).

Don't over-specify!

Add only as many selectors as you need to do the job, no more. It's not clever and you only make life harder down the line.

Tabs to indent code

One tab (equal to 4 spaces) is used to indent / nest markup and Scss

.example {
	color: #bada55;
	font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
	font-weight: 300;
	left: 1em;

Scss is also nested with a tab, with child rules spaced, like so:

figure {
	margin: $gutter 0;

	img {
		margin-bottom: $half-gutter;

	figcaption {
		@extend .muted;

CSS Class naming conventions

Use hypens only

.large-class-name == good
.large_class_name == bad
.largeClassName   == bad
.largeclassname   == bad

CSS Commenting

Major sections

/* ==========================================================================
============================================================================= */

Major sections are always preceded by 2 spaces.

Minor sections


CSS comments

/* Look like this. I'm a comment. Don't sweat it. */


 * Multi-line commments, where verbosity forces the
 * line to wrap in order to properly contain all the
 * commenty goodness...
 * Look like this!
 * /

Uncompiled Scss comments

// Are like this. They are stripped on compile.

CSS rules are sorted alphabetically (that's the intention at least!).

This will aid quick error finding (notice the 2 left declarations).

For Example -

.example {
	color: #bada55;
	font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
	font-weight: 300;
	left: 1em;
	left: 1.5em;

CSS values are always spaced

display: inline-block;



Brace space

Braces are always spaced from the selector

.example {
	color: #bada55;


	color: #bada55;

Rule closure

Rules are always followed by a semicolon, even the last one!

.example {
	color: #bada55;
	font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
	font-weight: 300;
	left: 1em;


.example {
	color: #bada55;
	font-family: Baskerville, Georgia, serif;
	font-weight: 300;
	left: 1em


Comments are very useful for development, but always minimise the stylesheet for production.

Seriously, minimise that shit.