copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2024-10-09 |
cis |
{: #create-alerts-by-type}
{{}} has alerts that you can configure to warn you when events occur. Use email or webhooks to receive alerts. {: shortdesc}
Alerts are available only to Enterprise plans. {: note}
For more information about each type of alert, see Types of alerts.
{: #ui-create-email-notification} {: ui}
You can create email alerts for each alert type by using the UI. For more information about creating email alerts using the console, see Configuring alert policies.
{: #cli-create-email-notification} {: cli}
You can create email alerts for each alert type by using the CLI.
{: #cli-ddos-attack-alert-cmd}
Create an alert policy for DDoS attack layer 7 by running the following command:
ibmcloud cis alert-policy ddos-attack-l7-alert-create --name NAME (--emails EMAILS | --webhooks WEBHOOKS) --enabled (true | false) [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- --name is the name of the alert policy.
- --description is the description for the alert policy.
- --emails is the email addresses for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
- --webhooks is the webhook ID that for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
--webhook webhookID1,webhookID2
- --enabled sets whether the alert policy is enabled.
- -i, --instance is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by
ibmcloud cis instance-set INSTANCE
is used. - --output specifies the output format; only JSON is supported.
{: #cli-pool-toggle-alert-cmd}
Create an alert policy for pool toggle alerts.
ibmcloud cis alert-policy pool-toggle-alert-create --name NAME (--emails EMAILS | --webhooks WEBHOOKS) --enabled (true | false) --pools POOLS --trigger-condition (enabled | disabled | either) [--include-future-pools (true | false)] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- --name is the name of the alert policy.
- --description is the description for the alert policy.
- --emails is the email addresses for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
- --webhooks is the webhook ID that for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
--webhook webhookID1,webhookID2
- --enabled sets whether the alert policy is enabled.
- --pools is the IDs of origin pool, if set to all, the all pool IDs is used.
- --trigger-condition is the condition of pool toggle status.
- --include-future-pools sets whether include the future pools.
- -i, --instance is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by
ibmcloud cis instance-set INSTANCE
is used. - --output specifies the output format; only JSON is supported.
{: #cli-waf-alert-command}
Create an alert policy about spikes in firewall events. Firewall events alerts use a z-score calculation over the last six hours and five-minute buckets of events. An alert is triggered whenever the z-score is above 3.5 (the threshold). You will not receive duplicate alerts within the same two-hour time frame.
ibmcloud cis alert-policy firewall-events-alert-create --name NAME (--emails EMAILS | --webhooks WEBHOOKS) --enabled (true | false) --domains DOMAINS [--services SERVICES] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- --name is the name of the alert policy.
- --description is the description for the alert policy.
- --emails is the email addresses for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
- --webhooks is the webhook ID that for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
--webhook webhookID1,webhookID2
- --enabled sets whether the alert policy is enabled.
- --domains are the domain IDs for the alert policy. For example,
--domains domainID1,domainID2
- --services (Advanced WAF) specifies which services the alert monitors. Valid values: "country-access-rules", "waf", "firewall-rules", "ratelimit", "securitylevel", "ip-access-rules", "browser-integrity-check", "ua-rules", "lockdowns", "iprange-access-rules", "asn-access-rules", "Managed-firewall".
- -i, --instance is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by
ibmcloud cis instance-set INSTANCE
is used. - --output specifies the output format; only JSON is supported.
{: #cli-universal-ssl-alert-cmd}
Create an alert policy for certificate events.
ibmcloud cis alert-policy certificate-alert-create --type (universal | dedicated) --name NAME (--emails EMAILS | --webhooks WEBHOOKS) --enabled (true | false) [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- --type is the type of the certificate.
- --name is the name of the alert policy.
- --description is the description for the alert policy.
- --emails is the email addresses for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
- --webhooks is the webhook ID that for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
--webhook webhookID1,webhookID2
- --enabled sets whether the alert policy is enabled.
- -i, --instance is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by
ibmcloud cis instance-set INSTANCE
is used. - --output specifies the output format; only JSON is supported.
{: #cli-lb-health-check-alert-cmd}
Create an alert policy for changes in health status for global load balancer, pools, and origins.
ibmcloud cis alert-policy glb-healthcheck-alert-create --name NAME (--emails EMAILS | --webhooks WEBHOOKS) --enabled (true | false) --pools POOLS [--include-future-pools (true | false)] [--health-status-trigger (healthy | unhealthy | either)] [--event-source-trigger (pool | origin | either)] [--description DESCRIPTION] [-i, --instance INSTANCE] [--output FORMAT]
{: pre}
- --name is the name of the alert policy.
- --description is the description for the alert policy.
- --emails is the email addresses for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
- --webhooks is the webhook ID that for dispatching an alert notification. For example,
--webhook webhookID1,webhookID2
. - --enabled sets whether the alert policy is enabled.
- --pools are the IDs of origin pool. If set to
, all the pool IDs are used. - --include-future-pools sets whether include the future pools (default "false").
- --health-status-trigger is the trigger condition to fire the notification. Valid values: "healthy", "unhealthy", "either" (default "either").
- --event-source-trigger is the event source of trigger to fire the notification. Valid values: "pool", "origin", "either" (default "either").
- -i, --instance is the instance name or ID. If not set, the context instance that is specified by
ibmcloud cis instance-set INSTANCE
is used. - --output specifies the output format; only JSON is supported.
{: #create-email-notification-api} {: api}
To create an email alert, take the following steps:
- Log in to your {{}} account.
- Get a token.
- Using that token, run one of the following commands:
{: #api-config-ddos-attack-alert-cmd}
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"dos_attack_l7","mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks":[]}}'
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - description (optional) is the description of the alert.
{: #api-config-pool-toggle-alert-cmd}
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"load_balancing_pool_enablement_alert","mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks":[]},
“filters”: {
“enabled”: [
“pool_id”: [
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - description (optional) is the description of the alert.
- filter is the list of all enablement statuses and pool IDs for the pool toggle alert.
{: #api-config-waf-alert-command}
To configure a WAF alert, use the following command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Auth-User-Token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{
"name": "WAF Alerter",
"description": "Send an email on spike in firewall events for any service",
"enabled": true,
"alert_type": "clickhouse_alert_fw_anomaly",
"mechanisms": {
"email": [
"id": ""
"filters": {
"zones": [
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- description (optional) is the description of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - filters is the list of all zones for the WAF alert.
{: #api-config-advanced-waf-command}
To configure an Advanced WAF alert, use the following command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Auth-User-Token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{
"name": "WAF Alerter",
"description": "Send an email on spike in firewall events for WAF or browser integrity check",
"enabled": true,
"alert_type": "clickhouse_alert_fw_ent_anomaly",
"mechanisms": {
"email": [
"id": ""
"filters": {
"services": [
"zones": [
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- description (optional) is the description of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - filters is the list of all services to monitor for security events and zones for the Advanced WAF alert.
You can monitor the following services:
Services | Log value |
Country IP access rules | country |
WAF | waf |
Firewall rules | firewallrules |
Rate limiting | ratelimit |
Security level | securitylevel |
IP access rules | ip |
Validation | validation |
Browser integrity check | bic |
Hot link protection | hot |
User agent block | uablock |
Zone lockdown | zonelockdown |
IP range access rules | iprange |
ASN IP access rules | asn |
Custom firewall | firewallCustom |
Managed firewall | firewallManaged |
Data loss prevention | dlp |
{: caption="Services that can be monitored by Advanced WAF alerts" caption-side="bottom"} |
{: #api-universal-ssl-alert-cmd}
To configure a Universal SSL alert, use the following command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"universal_ssl_event_type","mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks":[]}}'
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - description (optional) is the description of the alert.
{: #api-lb-health-check-alert-cmd}
To configure a load balancing health check alert, use the following command:
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"load_balancing_health_alert","mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks":[]},
“filters”: {
“event_source”: [
“new_health”: [
“pool_id”: [
{: codeblock}
- -d is the array of attributes that are required to create the alert.
- name is the name of the alert.
- enabled is the state of the alert (one of
). - alert_type is the type of the alert (one of
, orload_balancing_health_alert
). - mechanisms is at least one of
. - description (optional) is the description of the alert.
- filter is the list of all sources, pools, health status for the load balancing health alert.
{: #configuring-webhooks-api} {: api}
Creating a webhook alert is a two-step process.
Send the following request to create a webhook:
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \ -d '{"name":"Example Webhook","url":""}'
{: codeblock}
The following response is returned:
{ "result": { "id": "6d16fcab3e8044b3b59ba3716237832e" }, "success": true, "errors": [], "messages": [] }
{: screen}
Use the ID in the response that you receive to create the alert:
curl -X POST \ \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \ -d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"dos_attack_l7","mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks": [{"id": "6d16fcab3e8044b3b59ba3716237832e"}]}}'
{: codeblock}
{: #edit-notification-api} {: api}
To edit an email alert, run the following command:
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Policy","enabled":true,"alert_type":"dos_attack_l7","conditions":{},"mechanisms":{"email":[{"id":""}],"webhooks":[]}}'
{: codeblock}
The conditions field is required, even though it might be empty. {: tip}
To edit a webhook, use the following PUT
curl -X PUT \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx' \
-d '{"name":"Example Webhook","url":""}'
{: codeblock}
{: #delete-notification-api} {: api}
To delete an email alert, run the following command:
curl -X DELETE \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx'
{: codeblock}
To delete a webhook, use the following DELETE
curl -X DELETE \ \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'x-auth-user-token: Bearer xxxxxx'
{: codeblock}