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178 lines (150 loc) · 6.06 KB

sinter | | github

An easy to use & fast global interning pool.

Interned strings are stored contiguously in memory, which may help with memory locality or fragmentation. Additional pages of memory for the interner are allocated as required, doubling in size with each successive page - amortising the cost of the underlying allocations.

Calling [intern] on a string that has already previously been interned is fast & lockless, though still potentially more expensive than holding onto an [IStr] you already have.

In the worst case a call to [intern] can be relatively expensive, since if the string doesn't already exist then some synchronisation with other threads is required, and the operation may also require allocating a new memory page for the pool.


Zero-cost conversion to &'static str or &'static CStr:

# use sinter::IStr;
# use ::core::ffi::CStr;
let istr = IStr::new("hello, sinter!");
let s: &'static str = istr.as_str();
let cstr: &'static CStr = istr.as_c_str();

[IStr] Derefs to &str:

# use sinter::IStr;
# use ::core::ffi::CStr;
let istr = IStr::new("hello, sinter!");
let s: &str = &*istr;

An [IStr] can be compared to another IStr extremely cheaply; under the hood [Eq] is implemented by a single pointer comparison:

# use sinter::intern;
# use ::core::ffi::CStr;
let a = intern("aaa");
let a2 = intern("aaa");
let b = intern("bbb");

assert!(a == a2);
assert!(a != b);

Or you can compare to a regular &str:

# use sinter::IStr;
assert!(IStr::new("sinter") == "sinter");

Flexible to construct:

# use sinter::{intern, IStr};
# use ::std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
let a = intern("a");
let b = IStr::new("b");
let c = IStr::from("c");
let d = IStr::from(String::from("d"));
let e: IStr = "e".into();
let f = IStr::try_from(CString::new("f").unwrap()).unwrap();
let g = IStr::try_from(CString::new("g").unwrap().as_c_str()).unwrap();
# assert_eq!(
#   [a, b, c, d, e, f, g],
#   [
#     intern("a"),
#     intern("b"),
#     intern("c"),
#     intern("d"),
#     intern("e"),
#     intern("f"),
#     intern("g"),
#   ],
# );

Find out if a given string has already been interned with [get_interned]. This will always be fast/lockless and returns the [IStr] if found:

# use sinter::{get_interned, intern};
assert!(get_interned("doesn't exist").is_none());

The [::core::ops::Deref] implementation gives you all the useful &str methods & operations, such as subslicing:

# use sinter::IStr;
let hello_world = IStr::new("hello, world!");
let world: &str = &hello_world[7..];
assert_eq!(world, "world!");

The [::core::borrow::Borrow<str>] implementation lets you create HashMaps with IStr keys, and then ergonomically lookup values with &str:

# use sinter::IStr;
# use ::std::collections::HashMap;
let mut map: HashMap<IStr, f32> = HashMap::new();
map.insert(IStr::new("e"), 2.718);
let val = map.get("e");
# assert_eq!(val, Some(&2.718));


Internally, an Interner data structure manages the pool of interned strings.

When adding a new string to the pool, the Interner acquires a lock on one half of the pool. This could be a somewhat slow operation if there is a lot of contention with other threads (although this should normally be very unlikely).

On the other hand, the Interner uses lockless concurrency primitives to enable readers (callers to intern that do not require allocating a new string, and instead can fetch an existing IStr instance) to avoid locking entirely, allowing superfluous calls to intern to still be very fast.

The concurrency scheme is as follows:

  1. We maintain a linked-list of memory pages where the strings themselves are stored. New strings are appended strictly to the tail of the last memory page, and new pages are allocated as needed. This means all existing IStrs have stable static memory locations and data.

  2. We maintain a pair of redundant hash tables mapping a string's hash to the IStr (the pointer to the string data in the memory page), facilitating fast lookup for already interned strings. The tables are atomically swapped by the writer, allowing readers to safely get new updates without locking.

    When a thread wants to inspect the "readable table" they increment an atomic counter. This counter is incremented again when the reader is finished. This allows a writer to reliably wait on lingering reads after the atomic table swap.

    If each thread's counter is even, then the writer knows they are not reading at all. If the thread's counter is odd, then the writer waits for the counter to increment at least once. Note, waiting for a single increment is sufficient and should be fairly quick (as reads are quick). After any increment the writer can be sure the reader will fetch the new table's pointer before starting a new read.

  3. When a thread terminates it calls the destructor for the LocalKey which contains a pointer to our epoch atomic-counter. In this destructor we set the value of the epoch to a special value to mark this thread as dead. Later when some other code is holding the write_lock on the interner, it checks the list of epochs to see if any threads are dead, and then frees the memory holding the atomic and removes that epoch from Interner's list.

    This solves the small memory leak that might occur if the user keeps spawning lots of temporary threads. It doesn't require that the LocalKey destructor waits until it can get the write_lock, and it avoids accumulating dangling pointers in the Interner datastructure.


This crate is licensed under any of the Apache license, Version 2.0, or the MIT license, or the Zlib license at your option.

Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any contributions you intentionally submit for inclusion in this work shall be licensed accordingly.