This guide explains how TILDEv2 can be used as a learned sparse index
You will need to refer to the main instructions and run the
tool followed by the
Assuming you have done those steps and have a directory with the TILDEv2 index in it (/path/to/tildev2/index
) then:
Run the quantizer:
mkdir tildev2-jsonl
python3 --input_path=/path/to/tildev2/index --output_file=tildev2-jsonl/tildev2.jsonl --quantize-bits=8
You can split the jsonl file if you'd like to make indexing go faster (otherwise the threads option will not help). Please see the instructions on the Anserini page for more options.
anserini/target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection JsonVectorCollection -generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator -threads 18 -input tildev2-jsonl/ -index anserini-tildev2 -impact -optimize -pretokenized
You then convert the Anserini index to the common index file format. See the guide here.
ciff/target/appassembler/bin/ExportAnseriniLuceneIndex -index anserini-tildev2 -output tildev2.ciff -description "Anserini TILDEv2"
If you do not have a rust environment, you will need to install one. See here
git clone
cd enhanced-graph-bisection
GAIN=approx_2 cargo build --release
cd ..
enhanced-graph-bisection/target/release/create-rgb -i tildev2.ciff -o bp-tildev2.ciff -m 256 --loggap
Now we convert the reordered CIFF file to a PISA canonical index.
You can install the tool with cargo like: cargo install ciff
or you can look here for more information.
mkdir pisa-canonical
ciff2pisa --ciff-file bp-tildev2.ciff --output pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2
Assuming you have pisa cloned and built, execute the following commands.
mkdir pisa-index
# The inverted index
pisa/build/bin/compress_inverted_index --encoding block_simdbp --collection pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2 --output pisa-index/bp-tildev2.block_simdbp.idx
# The WAND data for skipping
pisa/build/bin/create_wand_data --collection pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2 --block-size 40 --scorer quantized --output pisa-index/
# Lexicons
pisa/build/bin/lexicon build pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2.documents pisa-index/bp-tildev2.doclex
pisa/build/bin/lexicon build pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2.terms pisa-index/bp-tildev2.termlex
python3 --query_path=data/queries/DL2019-queries.tsv | sed -e's/\t/ /' > DL2019-tilde.query
We also need to convert the BERT tokens to PISA index offsets; this is because PISA cannot currently parse BERT tokens :-(
awk -F" " 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=i++;next}{printf $1":"; for(i=2; i <= NF; ++i){printf " "a[$i]} print""}' pisa-canonical/bp-tildev2.terms DL2019-tilde.query > DL2019-tilde.pisa
Get a TREC run out:
pisa/build/bin/evaluate_queries -e block_simdbp -i pisa-index/bp-tildev2.block_simdbp.idx -w pisa-index/ -s quantized -k 1000 -q DL2019-tilde.pisa -a maxscore --documents pisa-index/bp-tildev2.doclex >
trec_eval -m ndcg_cut.10 -m map data/qrels/2019qrels-pass.txt
map all 0.4262
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.6527
Do some latency measurement:
pisa/build/bin/queries -e block_simdbp -i pisa-index/bp-tildev2.block_simdbp.idx -w pisa-index/ -s quantized -k 1000 -q DL2019-tilde.pisa -a maxscore
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.507] [stderr] [info] Loading index from pisa-index/bp-tildev2.block_simdbp.idx
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.856] [stderr] [info] Warming up posting lists
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.953] [stderr] [info] Performing block_simdbp queries
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.953] [stderr] [info] K: 1000
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.953] [stderr] [info] Query type: maxscore
[2022-11-21 05:55:47.953] [stderr] [info] Safe: false
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] ---- block_simdbp maxscore
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] Mean: 14005.7
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] 50% quantile: 9552
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] 90% quantile: 29059
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] 95% quantile: 42783
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] 99% quantile: 69769
[2022-11-21 05:55:56.337] [stderr] [info] Num. reruns: 0
{"type": "block_simdbp", "query": "maxscore", "avg": 14005.7, "q50": 9552, "q90": 29059, "q95": 42783, "q99": 69769}