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Process Flow in Hyperledger Caliper

benchmark/simple/main.js {
// caliper process begins from main.js, networkConfig){
    // entire process flow is maintained from here

    await execAsync(networkObject.caliper.command.start){
        // start the docker containers

    blockchain = new Blockchain(absNetworkFile);
    // create a corresponding blockchain object from its adapter using the given config

    await blockchain.init(){
        // uses the blockchain object to init the blockchain{
            // create the  channel
            // add the genesis block to the channel
            // join the peers to the channel
    await blockchain.installSmartContract(){
        // uses the blockchain object to init the chaincode{
            // install the chaincode
            // create the chaincode containers
            // instantiate the chaincode into all peers

    numberOfClients = await new client.init(){
        //  get the number of clinets from the benchmark config file for performing tests
    clientArgs = await blockchain.prepareClients(numberOfClients){
        // prepare the clients according to the blockchain requirements
        // BUT method not defined in the Fabric class

    await monitor.start(){
        // starts a mechanism to monitor the resources mentioned in the benchmark config file

    let allTests = configObject.test.rounds;
    for (let test of allTests) {

        await defaultTest(test, clientArgs, (testIdx === testNum)){
            // testing begins here

            // Generate the message containig parameters like arguments, test, callback function etc

            // demo.startWatch(client) {
                // informs the monitor to watch the client

            --- // working on                       

    await monitor.stop(){
        // stop the monitoring process
    await report.generate(output){
        // generate benchmark report in html
    await execAsync(networkObject.caliper.command.end){
        // stop the docker containers
