- Rails 5.1
- Replace dependency from rails to railties and activesupport.
- Rails 5
- Add severity_key parameter. It is The key of severity(DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR).
- flush immediately.
- Added settings: parameter to ActFluentLoggerRails::Logger.new.
- Output Object#inspect if message is not String and not Exception.
- Be able to log exceptions #15.
- Fix incompatible character encodings #13.
- Fix keynames of EVN['FLUENTD_URL']
- Enable to use EVN['FLUENTD_URL']
- Rails 4.1.0
- Add 'gem.license = "MIT"' to gemspec.
- Add log_tags feature.
- Rails 4.0.0
- Add messages_type parameter to fluent-logger.yml to specifying output messages type 'string' or 'array'. Thanks to davidrenne.