This is an MVVM android app that inspires live Hanchor it fetches data using Retrofit from Hanchor REST API HANCHOR REST and caches it locally using Room persistence library.
- JetPack
- Clean Architecture with MVVM
- Dagger Hilt
- Retrofit2 (HTTP Methods with MultipartBody.Part)
- Flow
- DataStore
- Fragments
- Navigation Component
- Firebase Cloud Messaging
To build this project, you require:
- Android Studio Chipmunk
- Gradle 7.0.4
- Firebase Cloud Messaging - Implemented for Quotes and LifeHacks (Later to be changed to retrieve via API)
- SplashScreen - Implemented
- Onboarding - Implemented
- Login/Registration/Forgot Password - Implemented
- Dashboard/Welcome screen - Implemented
- HomePage - Implemented
- Bottom Navigation - Implemented
- Count your blessings (Gratitude) - Implemented
- Post image using MultipartBody.Part - Implemented
- Plan your day (Todo) Implemented with reminders.
- Affirmations - Implemented
- Profile and Settings Menu in BottomNav - Implemented to add extra touch
- Happiness Island - Not yet implemented (UI ready)
- Dark Theme - Not yet implemented
- Shimmer Effect - Not yet implemented
Ikechi Ucheagwu