Some of our friends have started putting together all the install instructions for Arch over on the arch wiki:
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Thanks to the Postmarket community, you can also find instructions and troubleshooting tips on their wiki:
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User @Aman9das has put together a detailed guide for installing Waydroid on Zorin OS:
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A few of the contributors to sailfishos-open have put together a resource for installing Waydroid on the OS:
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Waydroid can be installed from the official package repository.
sudo dnf install waydroid
sudo systemctl enable --now waydroid-container
After installing, launch Waydroid from the applications menu and procede with the initialization by pasting these URLs in the OTA fields:
System OTA:
Vendor OTA:
User Mederim has come up with a guide for getting Waydroid on KISS Linux:
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Waydroid can be installed from the official package repository; also check /usr/share/doc/waydroid/README.voidlinux
after installation for further instructions!
sudo xbps-install -S waydroid
For Droidian and Ubuntu Touch, skip directly to the last step
- Install pre-requisites
sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y
- Add the official repository
curl | sudo bash
If the script fails to detect your distribution, you can provide a valid option by appending -s <DISTRO>
Currently supported values are: focal, jammy, kinetic, lunar, mantic, bookworm, bullseye, sid
- Install waydroid
sudo apt install waydroid -y
Then start Waydroid from the applications menu.
NixOS community has a wiki page for WayDroid:
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To start Waydroid without systemctl, you need to follow a few simple steps
Start the container first:
sudo waydroid container start
And in a new terminal tab, start the waydroid session (without sudo):
waydroid session start
After that starts and you see "Android with user 0 is ready", it is safe to launch an app from the applications menu, or
(This can be run while Waydroid is running, or used to start it in full-screen mode)
waydroid show-full-ui
First we need to set the property while a Waydroid session is running:
waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.multi_windows true
After that, we can restart the container:
sudo systemctl restart waydroid-container
Then we are ready to launch an app, and it will start in multi-window mode
Sometimes things don't go as planned and you need to remove it all and start over. To do that, follow the steps below:
First, make sure you have stopped the session and containers:
waydroid session stop
sudo waydroid container stop
Then it is safe to remove Waydroid. For example, on debian or ubuntu:
sudo apt remove waydroid
After you removed Waydroid, reboot.
Then once logged back in, we need to do a little cleanup:
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/waydroid /home/.waydroid ~/waydroid ~/.share/waydroid ~/.local/share/applications/*aydroid* ~/.local/share/waydroid
Then you can follow the install instructions again.