- Major version for Craft 3, including new plugins, templates, fields and more! Not remotely backwards compatible.
- Add latest Boilerplate
- Switch from craft-sass to use Laravel Mix for Sass/JS compilation
- Merge in pull request from @jeffturcotte, which did all the following
- Add support for local development
- Add dotenv support
- Add editorconfig and other cleanup
- Add latest Boilerplate
- Added Better Redactor
- Added Retour, replacing Reroute for handling redirects. Retour provides more features, allows for regex in redirects, and provides a statistics widget for the dashboard.
- Removed Reroute
- Added Field Manager.
- Added Tag Manager, primarily because stock Craft doesn't seem to provide a away to delete tags.
- Added craft-kindling, and swapped out the templates included in the ZIP for some provided by Padstone.
- Added itmundi/schematic and a basic schema that includes a sections for Pages, Blog, and Team.
- Added updated
- initial release