We wish to make the server wait until a player has joined before the pre-match countdown begins.
The first change is to track whether or not a player has joined yet (in the ShooterGameMode
class) and update it when a player connects.
// Source/ShooterGame/Public/Online/ShooterGameMode.h
class AShooterGameMode : public AGameMode
// ...
/** Tracks if a game has joined the server at least once */
bool bHasPlayerConnected = false;
// ...
// Source/ShooterGame/Public/Online/ShooterGameMode.cpp
void AShooterGameMode::PostLogin(APlayerController* NewPlayer)
bHasPlayerConnected = true;
// ...
Lastly, we can use this variable in the timer, to specify whether to decrement the timer, or not.
// Source/ShooterGame/Public/Online/ShooterGameMode.cpp
void AShooterGameMode::DefaultTimer()
// ...
if (MyGameState && MyGameState->RemainingTime > 0 && !MyGameState->bTimerPaused)
// If we are waiting for match to start (MatchState::WaitingToStart) and there has not yet been a connected
// player, do not decrement the counter
if (GetMatchState() == MatchState::WaitingToStart && !bHasPlayerConnected)
// ...
// ...