IPCleaner is a Windows Forms application developed for niche, in-house projects. It offers functionality to process and clean CSV files containing IP addresses and associated data.
File Selection: Users can select the desired CSV file for cleaning through a simple file dialog.
Data Cleaning: The application reads the CSV, processes the data by splitting and trimming based on specific criteria, and subsequently produces a cleaned CSV file.
Dynamic UI: Controls within the application adjust their positions based on form resizing to enhance user experience.
This application was specifically crafted for internal projects where there's a need to process CSV files with particular data patterns. It may not be suited for general purposes, but it serves as a good example of how to design a simple, yet effective, CSV processing tool using the CsvHelper library and Windows Forms in .NET.
While this application serves a specific use-case, it can be a foundation for more extensive CSV processing tasks or can be adapted to fit other data cleaning requirements.
🤖 Disclosure: This masterpiece of niche-specific code was meticulously crafted with the guidance of ChatGPT from OpenAI. If it's a little too perfect for your tastes, now you know why. Use at your own amusement and always remember: the future is now, and it's sarcastically verbose.