The listings portal for Mixin Ecosystem.
Please don't submit super group bot or community bot. It's not ready to accept them.
- an icon with size of at 256x256 pixels in PNG format. Please compress your icon at tinypng to reduce the size.
- a JSON-based bot description file to describe your bot. Read the following section for the specification of the JSON file.
- fork this repo.
- create a folder named your bot's id at
directory - put you the icon and JSON file in the folder and name them as
- create a PR to submit your changes
The bot description file includes required fields and optional fields.
// required fields.
// id, client_id, url, name, text, language
"id": "Your bot ID. e.g. 70001010001",
"client_id": "your bot client_id. e.g. xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"url": "your bot's home url. e.g.",
// bot name, support mulitple languages: en, es, ja, zh, ko, de
"name": {
"en": "Your bot's name",
"ja": "Your bot's name in Japanese"
// description, up to 3 lines
"text": {
"en": ["The first line of description", "The 2nd line of description"]
// the category of your bot.
"category": "exchange",
// tags of the bot, up to 3 tags for each language
"tags": {
"en": ["Mint", "Pando"]
// default language
"language": "en",
// supported language
"languages": ["en", "ja", "zh", "de", "es"],
// optional fields.
"developer": {
"name": "the developer's name",
"url": "the url of the developer"
// website and support_url
"website": "Your bot's official website url",
"support_url": "your bot's support url",
// mtg information. omit it if your bot is not a MTG application
"mtg": {
"members": [
"threshold": 3
// mvm information. omit it if your bot is not a MVM application
"mvm": {
"contract_url": "https://..."
// if your bot has some limitation from using them, please specify here.
"limitation": ""
- fork this repo.
- add a new category at
- create a PR to submit your changes
- listing groups and communities
- listing non-bot dapps
- more languages support
- bot collections
- saving bots as favourted
- pwa & SEO
# install dependencies
$ yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev
# build for production and launch server
$ yarn build
$ yarn start
# generate static project
$ yarn generate
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout Nuxt.js docs.