donet C# Accounts
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + C, --> comentar la selección
Ctrl + K, Ctrl + D→para dar FORMATO
F2 → sobre una carpeta para cambiarle el nombre
Variables: camelCase. (Ojo con palabras reservadas)
Clases y Métodos: PascalCase
- Create mvc (Agregar->Crear un Nuevo proyecto -->wirte mvc--> second in appear)
- .csproj: Nullabble-> disable (to support null fields)
- Create Controller
- Create Model
- Create View -> Create Folder -->Razor --> Name: Create.cshtml
- DB Conection in appsettings.Development.json =
-with user and password in Managament Studio:
"Server= nameServer; Database=nameDB;User ID=userLoginManagementS;Password=yourpassword;Integrated Security=false"
-If you don't need a username and password to enter the Management Study --> (Trusted Connection):
Server=nameServer;Database=nameDB;Integrated Security=True
some results: