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Intel® daal4py 2020 Update 3

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@PetrovKP PetrovKP released this 06 Nov 11:25

What's New in Intel® daal4py 2020 Update 3:

Introduced new daal4py functionality:

  • Conversion of trained XGBoost* and LightGBM* models into a daal4py Gradient Boosted Trees model for fast prediction
  • Support of Modin* DataFrame as an input
  • Brute Force method for k-Nearest Neighbors classification algorithm, which for datasets with more than 13 features demonstrates a better performance than the existing K-D tree method
  • k-Nearest Neighbors search for K-D tree and Brute Force methods with computation of distances to nearest neighbors and their indices

Extended existing daal4py functionality:

  • Voting methods for prediction in k-Nearest Neighbors classification and search: based on inverse-distance and uniform weighting
  • New parameters in Decision Forest classification and regression: minObservationsInSplitNode, minWeightFractionInLeafNode, minImpurityDecreaseInSplitNode, maxLeafNodes with best-first strategy and sample weights
  • Support of Support Vector Machine (SVM) decision function for Multi-class Classifier

Improved daal4py performance for the following algorithms:

  • SVM training and prediction
  • Decision Forest classification training
  • RBF and Linear kernel functions

Introduced new functionality for scikit-learn patching through daal4py:

  • Acceleration of KNeighborsClassifier scikit-learn estimator with Brute Force and K-D tree methods
  • Acceleration of RandomForestClassifier and RandomForestRegressor scikit-learn estimators
  • Sparse input support for KMeans and Support Vector Classification (SVC) scikit-learn estimators
  • Prediction of probabilities for SVC scikit-learn estimator
  • Support of ‘normalize’ parameter for Lasso and ElasticNet scikit-learn estimators

Improved performance of the following functionality for scikit-learn patching through daal4py:

  • train_test_split()
  • Support Vector Classification (SVC) fit and prediction

To install this package with conda run the following:
conda install -c intel daal4py