{From the "description" section of the manifest}
{From the "cite" section of the manifest}
License: {From the "license" section of the manifest. Be as specific as possible, specifically when marked as Other.}
Category: {From the "custom.gear-builder.category" section of the manifest}
Gear Level:
- Project
- Subject
- Session
- Acquisition
- Analysis
- {Input-File}
- Name: {From "inputs.Input-File"}
- Type: {From "inputs.Input-File.base"}
- Optional: {From "inputs.Input-File.optional"}
- Classification: {Based on "inputs.Input-File.base"}
- Description: {From "inputs.Input-File.description"}
- Notes: {Any additional notes to be provided by the user}
- {Config-Option}
- Name: {From "config.Config-Option"}
- Type: {From "config.Config-Option.type"}
- Description: {From "config.Config-Option.description"}
- Default: {From "config.Config-Option.default"}
{A list of output files (if possible?)}
- {Output-File}
- Name: {From "outputs.Input-File"}
- Type: {From "outputs.Input-File.base"}
- Optional: {From "outputs.Input-File.optional"}
- Classification: {Based on "outputs.Input-File.base"}
- Description: {From "outputs.Input-File.description"}
- Notes: {Any additional notes to be provided by the user}
Any notes on metadata created by this gear
This section contains any prerequisites
A list of gears, in the order they need to be run:
- *{Gear-Name}*
- Level: {Level at which gear needs to be run}
A list of any files (OTHER than those specified by the input) that the gear will need. If possible, list as many specific files as you can:
- ____{File-Name}__*
- Origin: {Gear-Name, or Scanner, or Upload?}
- Level: {Container level the file is at}
- Classification: {Required classification(s) that the file can be}
A description of any metadata that is needed for the gear to run. If possible, list as many specific metadata objects that are required:
- *{Metadata-Key}*
- Location: {Nested Metadata Location (info.object1, age, etc)}
- Level: {Container level that metadata is at}
This section provides a more detailed description of the gear, including not just WHAT it does, but HOW it works in flywheel.
{A detailed description of how the gear works}
This section contains specifications on any input files that the gear may need
A description of the input file
A picture and description of the workflow
graph LR;
A[Input-File]:::input --> C;
C[Upload] --> D[Parent Container <br> Project, Subject, etc];
D:::container --> E((Gear));
E:::gear --> F[Analysis]:::container;
classDef container fill:#57d,color:#fff
classDef input fill:#7a9,color:#fff
classDef gear fill:#659,color:#fff
Description of workflow
- Upload file to container
- Select file as input to gear
- Geat places output in Analysis
This section is very gear dependent, and covers a detailed walkthrough of some use cases. Should include Screenshots, example files, etc.
- {A list of conditions that result in this use case}
- Possibly a list of check boxes indicating things that are absent
- and things that are present
{Description of the use case}
An overview/orientation of the logging and how to interpret it.
[For more information about how to get started contributing to that gear, checkout CONTRIBUTING.md.]