This parser is written using the Haskell parser library parsec
, because handwriting the parser became too tedious. You do not need to understand the parser code to use it in the assignment.
type ID = String
data Binding = Bind ID AST
deriving Show
data FBind = FBind ID [ID] AST
deriving (Show)
data AST =
Number Int
| Boolean Bool
| Reference ID
| Assume [Binding] AST
| Function [ID] AST
| RecFun [FBind] AST
| App [AST] -- 'app' meaning 'Application'
deriving Show
languageDef =
emptyDef { Token.identStart = letter <|> oneOf "+-*/|&~"
, Token.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "+-*/|&~"
, Token.opLetter = oneOf "+-*/&|~"
, Token.reservedNames = [ "if", "assume", "True", "False", "function"]
lexer = Token.makeTokenParser languageDef
-- specific token parsers
parens = Token.parens lexer -- parentheses
identifier = (Token.identifier lexer)
<|> (Token.operator lexer)
-- identifier
reserved = Token.reserved lexer -- reserved name
integer = Token.natural lexer -- integer
whiteSpace = Token.whiteSpace lexer -- whitespace
symbol = Token.symbol lexer ","
dot = lexer
astParser :: Parser AST
astParser = integerParser
<|> booleanTrue
<|> booleanFalse
<|> identifierParser
<|> parens astInParens
-- to parse complex AST expressions within parentheses
astInParens :: Parser AST
astInParens = assumeParser
<|> ifParser
<|> funcParser
<|> appParser
<|> recFunParser
The various parsers for the sub-components are:
integerParser :: Parser AST
integerParser = do
val <- integer
return $ Number $ fromIntegral val
booleanTrue :: Parser AST
booleanTrue = do
reserved "True"
return $ Boolean True
booleanFalse :: Parser AST
booleanFalse = do
reserved "False"
return $ Boolean False
identifierParser :: Parser AST
identifierParser = do
id <- identifier
return $ Reference id
assumeParser :: Parser AST
assumeParser = do
reserved "assume"
bindings <- parens bindListParser
expr <- astParser
return $ Assume bindings expr
bindListParser :: Parser [Binding]
bindListParser = do
bindList <- (sepBy1 (parens bindParser) dot)
return bindList
bindParser :: Parser Binding
bindParser = do
id <- identifier
expr <- astParser
return $ Bind id expr
ifParser :: Parser AST
ifParser = do
reserved "if"
cond <- astParser
thenExpr <- astParser
elseExpr <- astParser
return $ If cond thenExpr elseExpr
funcParser :: Parser AST
funcParser = do
reserved "function"
argList <- parens argParser
body <- astParser
return $ Function argList body
argParser :: Parser [ID]
argParser = do
argList <- (sepBy1 identifier dot)
return argList
appParser :: Parser AST
appParser = do
exprList <- (sepBy1 astParser whiteSpace)
return $ App exprList
-- to parse fbinds
fbindListParser :: Parser [FBind]
fbindListParser = do
fbindList <- (sepBy1 (parens fbindParser) dot)
return fbindList
fbindParser :: Parser FBind
fbindParser = do
id <- identifier
argList <- parens argParser
body <- astParser
return $ FBind id argList body
recFunParser :: Parser AST
recFunParser = do
reserved "recfun"
fbinds <- parens fbindListParser
body <- astParser
return $ RecFun fbinds body
parseString :: String -> AST
parseString str =
case parse astParser "" str of
Left e -> error $ show e
Right r -> r
module ASTParser where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token